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About the technology trade

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  • About the technology trade

    GS has let us know that they won't have masonry nor polytheism by the time we finished alphabet. We counted on that to get the pyramids and monotheism. What actions should we undertake
    Nothing, we get the techs when they are ready, and we hope thats early ennuf
    We threaten them until they change minds
    We promise them to give Monotheism for free if they give masonry and poly priority
    We research them ourself and negiotate a new tech deal from scratch
    We trade with vox for Polytheism and research masonry ourself

  • #2
    I'd go negotiating the option 3, mentioning to them that if that fails, we'd be defaulting to option 4 (which isn't really good for both sides) - researching poly(?) and masonry ourselves (as of aiming for Monotheism).
    If they get to know we didn't research Poly in the end, we can always tell that we changed our plans.
    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


    • #3
      With the power boost they'll get from their war techs I don't think number 1 is an option. I can't see them bowing to 2, simply because they know we can't travel that far before they get their war techs.

      suggest 3, but opening negotiations with 4 might be a good idea. I'm a harsh negotiator I guess, but we can still trade with bananas so we don't lose too much if they call our bluff.


      • #4
        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
        There is a reason for everything.


        • #5

          Alphabet in 4 turns
          Great Engineer in 10 turns
          GS offered polytheism and masonry for trade in 16 turns
          We want masonry in time for the GE to build pyramids and to research monotheism to found a religion.
          We want polytheism to research monotheism to found a religion.
          Research time masonry = 3 turns
          Research time polytheism = 4 turns
          Research time monotheism = 6 turns

          => utopia (= GS trades us everything the moment we are done with Alphabet)
          masonry in 4 turns (6 turns before GE)
          polytheism in 4 turns
          pyramids in 10 turns
          monotheism in 10 turns
          if pyramids already built, use GE for machinery
          100% filled research schedule

          => nightmare (= Waiting on GS to trade to us as they proposed)
          masonry in 16 turns (6 turns after GE)
          polytheism in 16 turns
          pyramids in 16 turns
          monotheism in 20 turns
          if pyramids already built, use GE for machinery
          12 turns of non-research, to be used for ?

          => research masonry ourselves, ask GS to finish off polytheism before continuing maths (atleast within next 7 turns)
          masonry in 7 turns (3 turns before GE birth)
          polytheism in 4-7 turns
          pyramids in 10 turns
          monotheism in 13 turns

          This last option gives us 3 turns delay on our religion; but gives us the pyramids after GE birth. I think it is realistic to ask GS to give us polytheism in 7 turns and forget about masonry. Also, this really makes our "we want to shoot for a religion" realistic. We offer them to halve the deal research points they owe us if they accept the deal (= gift of 65 research points).
          no sig


          • #6
            btw; option 3 is impossible. GS said they need 7 or 8 turns after Maths to research Masonry and Polytheism. They can not possibly finish them on time for our utopia option, even if they switch immediately.
            I still voted option 3, because I think it's closest to getting them to finish polytheism and reseach masonry ourselves.
            no sig


            • #7
              What is your opinion about trading with Vox? they have polytheism already. Do u think its to risky since the GS asked for no forms of trade?


              • #8
                Okay, let's ask them for Poly and tell we're going for Masonry ourselves.

                Trading with Vox isn't really the best thing to do atm I think, GS will find that out.
                Unless Vox actually gifts us that tech
                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

