Sooner or later, we will get religion, either by it spreading in from someone or founding one ourselves.
Of course, it's always better to have a religion founded by oneself, thus I've made a little review about the religions that haven't been claimed yet.
Requires Polytheism AND Masonry
Technically the closest religion for us, it's also the closest to most others and one that is appealing to both those who have a religion already and those who dont, due to Organized Religion civic with it's nice building production boost.
Interested civs:
All, with probably less interest for Mercs and Horde.
Probability to acquire:
2 out of 5
Requires Writing AND (Priesthood OR Currency)
Second closest tech to us technically, it is probably the least acquirable due to our lack of prerequisites and the fact it gives courthouses and opens up path to much more advanced techs - Philosophy and CS.
Caste System civic might also be useful to at least two of the civs.
Interested civs:
All, especially those who have marble
Probability to acquire:
1 out of 5
Requires Meditation AND (Drama OR Code of Laws)
Not too far away on the techchart but probably a pain to research by ordinary means, I expect this religion to pop up right after Confucianism, especially if Confucianism has been founded by any of the philosophical civs.
As of now, it seems Sarantium is the most likely team to acquire both Confucianism and Taoism - they need the techs that contain these religions the most (unless they dont think Caste System should be used for megafast GP farming) and they are the closest technically, having Meditation.
Interested civs:
Someone else having marble (as of trying to get GA by Taj Mahal)
Probability to acquire:
1 out of 5
For whomever owns Monotheism this shouldn't be a problem, but I expect the civ having founded Judaism will have little interest in it, if only having extra great prophet which is unlikely having so little philosophical civs around.
Theology has some military application, in form of Theocracy, and can be used to prevent unneeded religion spread, so I expect it will be of some value to Horde.
It also has some value as the prereq to Divine right, but as the latter is rather expensive I dont expect anyone to go this path earlier than acquiring say Gunpowder.
If Theology is not researched until after CS and Philosophy is done, someone might try and get it to follow the Liberalism b-line.
Interested civs:
The one which get Monotheism first
Probability to acquire 4 out of 5
Requires Theology AND Monarchy
Useful mostly for passing Philosophy on the way to Taj Mahal/Military Tradition/Constitution+Democracy.
Interested civs:
Vox - military tradition is a top tech for them (Cossacks)
Probability to acquire:
2 out of 5
Religion acquiral plan A:
You see that the highest probability Im listing to the Christianity and I think with good reason.
The easiest way for us to do so will be researching Music right after Drama or Literature and using the GA for popping Theology.
I think this route is feasible, because by the time Drama appears, the civs which will have it will use it for popping Philosophy with a GS (I expect at least one civ to b-line in such a way) and wont have the immediate resources for such a heavy undertaking as Music.
We also have the highest research speed as of now and with addition of Library at Beijing will be the best at it for quite some time in future, so once we've got Polytheism(Im expecting someone to trade it) and researched Literature, or traded for Drama (cheap tech, people should be trading it willingly), we can get Music quickly.
That will also get us ahead in Liberalism/Gunpowder b-line.
Masonry (gonna research)
Polytheism (trade)
Monotheism (trade)
Writing (researching)
Alphabet (trade)
Literature OR Drama (trade or research)
Music (research and to be first at it)
Plan B:
Get the religion of Mercs and embrace it.
As long as we're friendly with them, their constitution disallows passing sensitive data about their 'clients'
Contact, trade route and open borders with Mercs
Of course, it's always better to have a religion founded by oneself, thus I've made a little review about the religions that haven't been claimed yet.
Requires Polytheism AND Masonry
Technically the closest religion for us, it's also the closest to most others and one that is appealing to both those who have a religion already and those who dont, due to Organized Religion civic with it's nice building production boost.
Interested civs:
All, with probably less interest for Mercs and Horde.
Probability to acquire:
2 out of 5
Requires Writing AND (Priesthood OR Currency)
Second closest tech to us technically, it is probably the least acquirable due to our lack of prerequisites and the fact it gives courthouses and opens up path to much more advanced techs - Philosophy and CS.
Caste System civic might also be useful to at least two of the civs.
Interested civs:
All, especially those who have marble

Probability to acquire:
1 out of 5
Requires Meditation AND (Drama OR Code of Laws)
Not too far away on the techchart but probably a pain to research by ordinary means, I expect this religion to pop up right after Confucianism, especially if Confucianism has been founded by any of the philosophical civs.
As of now, it seems Sarantium is the most likely team to acquire both Confucianism and Taoism - they need the techs that contain these religions the most (unless they dont think Caste System should be used for megafast GP farming) and they are the closest technically, having Meditation.
Interested civs:
Someone else having marble (as of trying to get GA by Taj Mahal)
Probability to acquire:
1 out of 5
For whomever owns Monotheism this shouldn't be a problem, but I expect the civ having founded Judaism will have little interest in it, if only having extra great prophet which is unlikely having so little philosophical civs around.
Theology has some military application, in form of Theocracy, and can be used to prevent unneeded religion spread, so I expect it will be of some value to Horde.
It also has some value as the prereq to Divine right, but as the latter is rather expensive I dont expect anyone to go this path earlier than acquiring say Gunpowder.
If Theology is not researched until after CS and Philosophy is done, someone might try and get it to follow the Liberalism b-line.
Interested civs:
The one which get Monotheism first
Probability to acquire 4 out of 5
Requires Theology AND Monarchy
Useful mostly for passing Philosophy on the way to Taj Mahal/Military Tradition/Constitution+Democracy.
Interested civs:
Vox - military tradition is a top tech for them (Cossacks)
Probability to acquire:
2 out of 5
Religion acquiral plan A:
You see that the highest probability Im listing to the Christianity and I think with good reason.
The easiest way for us to do so will be researching Music right after Drama or Literature and using the GA for popping Theology.
I think this route is feasible, because by the time Drama appears, the civs which will have it will use it for popping Philosophy with a GS (I expect at least one civ to b-line in such a way) and wont have the immediate resources for such a heavy undertaking as Music.
We also have the highest research speed as of now and with addition of Library at Beijing will be the best at it for quite some time in future, so once we've got Polytheism(Im expecting someone to trade it) and researched Literature, or traded for Drama (cheap tech, people should be trading it willingly), we can get Music quickly.
That will also get us ahead in Liberalism/Gunpowder b-line.

Masonry (gonna research)
Polytheism (trade)
Monotheism (trade)
Writing (researching)
Alphabet (trade)
Literature OR Drama (trade or research)
Music (research and to be first at it)
Plan B:
Get the religion of Mercs and embrace it.
As long as we're friendly with them, their constitution disallows passing sensitive data about their 'clients'

Contact, trade route and open borders with Mercs
