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turn 39 : 2480 BC

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  • turn 39 : 2480 BC

    I moved the scout, no danger seen.

    I have to leave for the weekend in about 5 minutes, so can't really check on other things, so I post the midturn here for somebody else to double-check our working tiles in the city, the worker etc...
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  • #2
    changed nothing
    ah and settler will both be finished in 1 turn,

    currently we have as new goals:
    tech: iron working
    civic: change to slavery
    building: whipping a forge

    i'm not used to whipping, so i might need a little aid to get the most out of it


    • #3
      First hold the whip firmly

      Second use it as part of the arm so you get the whole effect.

      This way our slaves fear pain and work harder.
      You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
      There is a reason for everything.


      • #4
        There will be one turn of anarchy and then some turns until we stockpile the needed amount of hammers before you can whip.
        Also - we should consider boosting the production by a chop.
        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


        • #5
          also, our worker has finished the mine. He should probably start building a road somewhere. I don't think we can shave off a turn for settler movement, so it doesn't really matter where the road is started.
          no sig


          • #6
            didn't do foreign intelligence for this (previous) turn yet:

            Gathering Storm grew from 3 to 4 pop
            Mercenaries grew from 1 to 2 pop (finally)
            no sig


            • #7
              Due to an error in the foreign intelligence for the previous turn, there's a change here too:

              Gathering Storm grew from 3 to 4 pop
              Mercenaries settled their second city (the first in the game), they now have a 2-pop and a 1-pop city.
              no sig


              • #8
                which explains their slow growth I guess.


                • #9
                  Yeah, I guess mercs were using settler first or something close to it..
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                  • #10
                    which perhaps means they were stuck in tundra to start?


                    • #11
                      PJay has pointed out they have growed very fast, i would count on a very foodrich place, and they expected to benefit more from a worker-settler first strategy ...

                      I don't think snoopy would have alowed a game with one of them being in tundra, just like none of the civs started next to the sea.



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                      So, finally, the foreign intelligence update for the latest turn:

                      => We went from 9 to 10 tech points due to animal husbandry discovery
                      => Sarantium went from 7 to 8 tech points
                      => Gathering Storm went from 5 to 6 tech points
                      => The merc's capital grew from 2 to 3 pop (24 food in 2 turns time!)

                      The mercs clearly have used their big food-bonusses to build a worker and settler immediately (they stayed on 1 pop for a very long time). Now they have a crop yield of atleast 12 (someone out there has a crop yield of +16, if we work the rice, we have +13 max)


