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3240 Bc

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  • 3240 Bc

    A yellow (the bunch) warrior is 4 steps from our capital, our warrior needs 5 to get built ...

    Scout: since north-northwest has a bear on it, it will be north east - north east, found ocean and wheat

    Worker: started cottage on flood plain

    Since the diplo will need to start i dont send the save on, also we should confirm the warrior hasn't to be builded faster!

    i have to work now so

    1. u discuss what has to be done, and send the save afterwards
    2. if nothing is proposed tonight i just send on the save and let them take initiative
    Attached Files

  • #2
    too close for comfort
    Attached Files


    • #3
      the other side?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        It hurts, but i'd not take the chance. They will probably head for the hill NE NE of the city and they can see everything from there.
        Diplomacy-wise, i'd like to let them take initiative, but that's just because i'm lazy.

        Can we get the warrior in 3 via plains forests?
        If we only get the warrior in 4 turns, they might decide to enter our territory on turn 3, and we would have to draw back the worker. With a 3 turn build, they will see the warrior when they have the option to move down from that hill.

        (The new terrain looks good for a unit pumping city, but i don't want to draw off attention from more pressing matters)


        • #5
          Have they seen our border yet? Can you see the border when it covers a square you can't see yet?

          If not they might go to the hill SE first.

          Aren't scouts just as good at defending as warriors? They just can't attack.


          • #6
            What about a message like this:

            "The people of Alpha centauri welcome u, and offer a treaty of peace. If u come closer to our lands, diplomacy will be harder"

            just brainstorming

            come on people, ideas IDEAS!


            • #7
              Nah, let them take the diplo-innitative.

              When we send a message, it will be obvious we are a little nervous.

              About the time to build our warrior: remember if we grow, we can use 2 citizens to work forests.
              So, I assume we are now hauling in 2 hammers / turn, with 5 turns left to complete the warrior, that means we need 9 or 10 hammers for completion...
              Working the forest gives us +4 hammers instead of +2. We can have the warrior in 3 turns then instead of in 5 turns.
              However, if we keep working the +5 food tile, we'll get +2 hammers for 2 turns and grow a pop. If we then switch both citizens to forests, we'll have +6 hammers that one turn and finish the worker in 3 turns too. (not tested in-game, so please double-check if this would indeed work that way)

              So, warrior is read at the same turn, but we have 2 pop instead of 1 pop.

              When they move onto the hill, they'll see an empty city, but the next turn, before they can move again, they'll see our warrior .

              I'll update the foreign intelligence datalinks later (I see some scores have changed)
              no sig


              • #8
                okay tested it and u are right, i did no changes and passed it on


                • #9
                  Unfortunately, if they feel like being jerks, they can invade anyway and raze our improvements. We'd have, at best, a 50-50 shot at killing their warrior, and if we fail we lose, so we couldn't take the chance.
                  "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                  -BBC news


                  • #10
                    Maybe the barbarian we triggered earlier will come to our rescue?


                    • #11
                      foreign intelligence datalinks updated:

                      happened in 3240 BC :
                      Mercs : +1 tech
                      Horde : +1 tech
                      Sarantium : +1 tech

                      Current standings:

                      65 Sarantium (2 pop, 5 tech)
                      64 Vox (3 pop, 4 tech)
                      64 Horde (3 pop, 4 tech)
                      59 Alpha Centauri (1 pop, 5 tech)
                      58 Banana (2 pop, 4 tech)
                      57 Gathering Storm (3 pop, 3 tech)
                      52 Mercs (1 pop, 4 tech)
                      Last edited by PJayTycy; June 13, 2006, 05:06.
                      no sig


                      • #12
                        Banana has sent the turn on and didn't contact us...

                        next turn scout moves:

                        I also put the position of the bear there. If the bear moves east, we'll see him (on A, B or C). In the other case, we'll have to assume the worst (he moved south, towards D).

                        four possible scout moves:
                        A = NE-NE (forest) : always possible, we'll see the nothern sea (maybe fish-resources), but in tundra we might encounter barbs.
                        B = E - SE (hill) : always possible, we'll see if the Bananas moved to the hill on the way to our city or not.
                        C = SW-SW (forest) : back where we came from. Dangerous if bear is on C or D (so only do it if we see the bear on A or B)
                        D = NW-W (no def) : we'll see the nothern sea (maybe fish-resources). Dangerous if bear didn't move or moved to A or B. If we assume the bear did move, we can do this if we don't see him on A or B. If, after moving one tile, we see he didn't move, we can still turn back to our current spot.

                        My preference order:
                        B (E-SE)
                        A (NE-NE)
                        D (NW-W) if bear is not on A or B
                        C (SW-SW) if bear is on A or B
                        no sig


                        • #13
                          I believe animals and "loose" barbarians (not defending something) always use all of their movement points. If that's so, then the bear could have remained in place only if it killed something in an adjacent tile that was stacked with other units, which is rather unlikely.
                          "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                          -BBC news


                          • #14
                            I also like B, its a good vantage point, gets us well away from the Bear (Ever seen the Colber report thouse Bears are #1 on the Threatdown).

                            I suspect the land mass ends just past the bear so I think we should be following an Eastward trend parreleling the course of our valient Warrior or Pandora as I call him. We could keep on that eastward trend untill we find the Ocean again or hit the Egyption City (they cant be too far away if they reached us with a warrior this quick)
                            Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


                            • #15
                              i'd rather end on forest, but hill is okay too

