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3960 : tech choice

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  • #16
    i voted bronze working but that was sort of a spur of the moment decision... after testplaying it i think the wheel/pottery is better. you'll have to believe me that i'm one of the BW voters, but if you do, i change my vote, so it's 6 vs 3

    3960BC: founded, starting: the wheel (8 turns), worker (12 turns)
    3640BC: the wheel finished, starting pottery (9 turns) (worker 4 turns)
    3480BC: worker finished (starting farm), warrior started (8 turns) starting to grow (8 turns), 5 turns to pottery
    3320BC: farm finished. growth in 2 turns, warrior in 4, pottery in 1
    3280BC: pottery finished, writing or bronze working started (BW: chance of founding 2nd city near bronze, writing: start

    library right after settler. with all this food, an early academy seems like a good option)
    3240BC: cottage started, capital grows to 2. warrior in 1 turn (working rice and plains/forest)
    3200BC: warrior ready, starting settler (13 turns), relocate forest worker to flood plains.
    writing/BW in 10 turns, settler in 13.
    3080BC: cottage ready. still 7 turns to tech. start 2nd cottage
    2880BC: cottage ready. -> work cottage rather than rice: settler 6 turns, 15 beakers pt (writing 1 turn)
    -> work rice: settler 5 turns 13 beakers pt (writing/BW 2 turns). would be my choice
    build 1 road, then mines
    2800BC: BW/writing developed. start the other one
    2680BC: settler built. start library/warrior relocate rice worker to cottage. growth in 5. first cottage grows

    regarding BW vs. writing, i think BW first is better. will get writing by about teh time the capital grows to 3 and can work a mine.


    • #17
      for comparison, form the "turn 1" thread:
      Originally posted by PJayTycy
      I rebuilt the tiles in the world builder. Below is a transcript of possible first actions. I went for bronze working and chopping a settler, although I could try again with pottery as first goal and building cottages after the farm.

      3960 : city founded
      Worker (12 turns) Bronze working (15 turns)
      3520 : worker finished, start warrior to grow, build farm on rice
      Warrior (8 turns) Bronze working (2 turns)
      3440 : bronze working researched, b-line to pottery
      Warrior (6 turns) The wheel (8 turns)
      3360 : farm finished, move to forest to chop
      Warrior (4 turns) The wheel (6 turns)
      3280 : city grows to size 2
      Warrior (1 turns) The wheel (4 turns)
      3240 : warrior ready, start settler
      Settler (13 turns) The wheel (2 turns)
      3280 : forest chop finished : +20 hammers, start road to next city location or mine a hill (until pottery is researched)
      Settler (9 turns) The wheel (1 turn)
      2840 : settler born, start warrior (to guard 2nd city), move worker to floodplains to start cottages
      Warrior (4 turns) Pottery (1 turn)


      • #18
        I was thinking of rushing a settler but you guys are probably right, change my vote to The Wheel too.


        • #19
          SebP, could you please post the simulator you use for testing?
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #20
            ah, yes. the, err, simulator. fancy name for a savegame with just the most important tiles (city radius) copied

            here it is
            Attached Files


            • #21
              All grand things have humble beginnings.

              Thanks, downloaded!
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

