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Turn 109, 150BC

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  • Turn 109, 150BC

    Turn 110, 150BC


    Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Fort (EotS)

    Schumacher: 4/4 Attack The Voice ?
    Nash: Fort (Taz)
    Neville: 4/4 2/2 Fort (Taz)
    Liverpool: 4/4 2/2 Exp. City Garrision I. Fort (Wines)
    Skirmisher V: 4/4 Fort (Taz)
    Skirmisher VI: 4/4 move ?

    Axemen - attack The Voice after Catapults

    Catapults - attack the Voice
    Cat V:
    Cat IV:
    Cat VI:
    Cat VII:

    The Voice 0% cultural defence

    Spear I: attack The Voice?
    Spear III: Fort (Wines)
    Spear IV: Fort (Wines)
    Spear V: Fort (Taz)
    Spear VI: Move 9-9 to EotS

    Clarke: Move ?

    Worker I: Road?
    Worker II: cottage (4 turns)
    Worker III: Move 8-7-8

    Confucian Missionary: Spread Confuciansim to Taz


    Science 70%

    Current (?/turn): Philosophy (?/500) (21 turns)

    Treasury 30%

    Current 43g (-1 g/turn)


    Eye of the Storm (Size 6)
    WF: 1, 44, 74, 7, 78, 9 (same)
    Growth (3/turn): 6/32 (9 turns)
    Production (9/turn): Spearman (2 turns)

    Winestrom (Size 5) (poprush - 32 turns)
    WF: 4, 7, 1, 2, ? (growth)
    Growth (?/turn): 2/28 (? turns)
    Production (3/turn): Catapult (11 turns)
    In Queue: Obelisk (4/30), Library (3/90)

    Taz City (Size 3) (poprush - 37 turns)
    WF: 14, 1, 3 (same)
    Growth (5/turn): 22/26 (1 turns)
    Production (1/turn): Catapult (35 turns)

    In-game diplomacy

    Distant events
    Last edited by Godel; November 7, 2007, 19:00.

  • #2
    This is the turn when we attack The Voice. I took these screenshots at the end of 175BC.

    Unless I am advised otherwise, I intend to sent all cats in first, followed by the axes (I'll try to leave the CR1 Axe for a 94% battle, to work up to a 10 exp unit for HE), and then the skirmisher and spearman.

    If people would like, I can post some mid-battle reports (please let me know ) If the RNG gods turn against us, I will report back and ask for more advice while playing the save.

    (If anyone has any concerns about attacking the Voice this turn, please speak up NOW - don't wait until the save arrives.)


    • #3
      Any reports you feel like giving us, would be great. May the rng be our friend.


      • #4
        I just arrived at work and cannot open the save for another 12 hours. If someone feels like posting a screenshot (particularly of the Voxian HAs and chariot, if they are still alive) it will speed things up a bit.


        • #5

          There are two barb axemen, 2 Vox HAs and one Vox chariot to contend with.

          If we attack now, we'll capture the city next turn, but we will have plenty on our hands holding it after that.

          I'll play the save about 9 hours from now.


          • #6
            Question: do I attack with the Spearman? Or save him for city defence one we have capture the Voice? I probably favour the latter option, though it depends how the battles play out and what the odds are.


            • #7
              OK. Sent the cats in. We lost six out of seven. One battle was lost at 63% odds but the other battles we lost had odds less than 42%.

              Here is the current situation:

              Unpromoted axes now have odds of 85%.

              (Does anyone know how to copy the combat log to paste here?)


              • #8
                I sent the axes and skirm in. We won all eight battles.

                We have one spearman left who could go in at 84% odds, but our troops will be very vulnerable to those HAs in a couple turns. Here is the damage:

                I'm not going to send the spearman in. If you think I should, post in the forum asap, before I finish playing the save.


                • #9
                  Changed my mind and sent the spearman in. He won. There are only 4 archers left in The Voice now and we have 10 wounded troops on their doorstep. The only problem is we have 2HAs, 1 chariot and 1 axeman to deal with at The Voice in 2 turns. I have started sending reinforcements down and whipped another cat in wines (we'll get 29 hammers overflow).


                  • #10
                    Turn 110, 150BC


                    Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Fort (EotS)

                    Schumacher: 0.8/4 2/2 Exp. Attack and defeated archer
                    Nash: 4/4 Move from Taz to Hub
                    Neville: 4/4 2/2 Move from Taz to Hub
                    Liverpool: 4/4 2/2 Exp. City Garrision I. Fort (Wines)
                    Skirmisher V: 4/4 Fort (Taz)
                    Skirmisher VI: 4/4 Move from Hub to Wines

                    Axemen - attack The Voice after Catapults. All axes destroy an archer
                    Brashear: 1.4/5 2/2 exp.
                    Domi: 3.2/5 2/2 exp.
                    Redick: 3.2/5 2/2 exp.
                    Laraque: 0.3/5 4/5 exp.
                    McTavish: 1.5/5 2/2 exp.
                    Pronger: 0.5/5 2/2 exp.
                    Stevens: 4.4/5 2/2 exp.

                    Catapults - attack the Voice
                    Pfeiffer: 2.2/5 3/2 Exp. Destroyed archer.
                    Halle: dead
                    Newmar: dead
                    Cat V: dead
                    Cat IV: dead
                    Cat VI: dead
                    Cat VII: dead

                    The Voice 0% cultural defence

                    Spear I: 0.8/4 2/2 exp. Attack and destroy archer.
                    Spear III: Fort (Wines)
                    Spear IV: Fort (Wines)
                    Spear V: Move 9-9 to EotS
                    Spear VI: Move from Taz to Hub

                    Clarke: Fort

                    Worker I: Road.
                    Worker II: cottage (4 turns)
                    Worker III: Move 8-8

                    Confucian Missionary: Spread Confuciansim to Taz.


                    Science 80%

                    Current (?/turn): Philosophy (124/500) (18 turns)

                    Treasury 20%

                    Current 42g (0 g/turn)


                    Eye of the Storm (Size 6)
                    WF: 1, 44, 74, 7, 78, 9 (same)
                    Growth (3/turn): 6/32 (9 turns)
                    Production (9/turn): Spearman (2 turns)

                    Winestrom (Size 3) (poprush - 42 turns)
                    WF: 2, 4, 7 (poprush)
                    Growth (6/turn): 16/26 (2 turns)
                    Production (1/turn): Catapult (1 turns)
                    In Queue: Obelisk (4/30), Library (3/90)

                    Taz City (Size 3) (poprush - 37 turns)
                    WF: 14, 1, 3 (same)
                    Growth (5/turn): 22/26 (1 turns)
                    Production (1/turn): Catapult (35 turns)

                    In-game diplomacy

                    Distant events


                    • #11
                      looking more or less ok, Godel

                      spear: I think it's a good call. Most of the archers present in the Voice are going to promote next turn, as you probably hit them with a cat and gave them 1 XP extra (and with a barracks they would be at 4 already). So any archer already destroyed is one less hassle right now.

                      next turn, it depends a little on the precise odds on those archers to see whether you would better sacrifice the cat before going in with city attack I axes. Try to keep the spear last, if you can: with a city defend I promotion that's going to proof a bit of a challenge to those HAs if they decide to attack the Voice.

                      Further, I'd suggest to get 2 cats to deal with Vox' last city: the one you rushed, and either the healed cat from the Voice, or a new one. if possible, I wouldn't poprush in wines or taz anymore, though. It's going to impact growth of these cities for too long. Better let them build up pop to the max asap, then start on settlers / workers while waiting for the unhappiness to fade.

                      Also, don't leave Taz without hopes of defense, these horsies might turn around soon. I'm not so certain they'll come to the Voice: it will be taken from them, and the barb axe is in their way. They might decide we need to deal with the axe, and move off for the moment.



                      • #12
                        How many cities do Vox have, 2? or is there another hidden somewhere?



                        • #13
                          Thanks DeepO. Nice to hear from someone

                          I believe Vox have 2 cities, but I'll check next time I load the game.

                          I think you are right about attacking with the spearman. In the end that is why I also did it.

                          I was thinking of poprushing one more catapult in Taz. We have already invested hammers in a cat there. We have more happiness now from religion and the overflow can go into a skirm (military police) or temple while growing and hitting the happy cap.

                          I actually think that our lone spear at The Voice will do little to defend against the HAs. The leading HA is combat III while our spear will be combat 1 and strength 2. The other HA is combat II.

                          Anyway, once The Voice is captured, our troop mobility there will double, even if it exchanges hands a couple of times, making it easy to bring reinforcements or launch a second attack if need be. And Vox will only have one city producing troops rather than two, as well as being at war with AC.


                          • #14
                            yeah, sorry to be so silent... I'm completely overwhelmed irl, very little time to even lurk around here. And it doesn't seem to end anytime soon.

                            Taz poprushing: maybe. The few hammers invested is not the biggest of deals, the unhappiness is. This is going to stay with us for a very long time. How much unhappiness is being gathered already? Taz and wines can grow quickly, ideally they would be poprush cities at size 6 (or a little higher). But for that, the unhappiness needs to fade in between poprushing. Already, we're looking at 40 turns of growing and building settlers/workers before we're stable again. That's a long time...

                            Also, my guess is that we're going to lose 1 happiness soon enough. The best defense for the voice is... to forego our Confucianism. Without it, the Voice will be at 20% culture in 2 turns as it is a holy city. It doesn't matter whether we run without state religion or with Hinduism, but it can't be Confucianism. How long ago did you switch?

                            of course, first of all the revolt needs to be quelled, and the full 20% will not be reached immediately as the defenses need to 'rebuild'. But that 20% is plenty to hold the city against HA with very little resources.

                            spear: correct me if wrong, but isn't city defense also a possibility for spears? or was it just city attack? a city defense skirm forted in a city is also a great HA repellent, so I wouldn't worry too much for the moment.

                            As to the Voice: for sure they will be building chariots if they can (not sure what version or patch we're playing here, initially HAs obsoleted chariots), defense has little merit. They might have a sizeable force already.

                            Also: Vox might use a ruse to plant a city somewhere distant from us. Declaring war is a strange decision, unless they would hope to block our trade in any way. But we're not getting foreign trade yet, are we?



                            • #15

                              Nice work! Sorry I didn't drop by earlier. I had really hoped to hang around long enough to play this turn, but RL intervenes...

                              Something that can't be missed - Donegal is dead!

