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Turn 64, 1480 BC

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  • Turn 64, 1480 BC

    Turn 64, 1480 BC


    Grog: 2/2, 1/2 Exp. Forted (Choke)
    Spinebreaker: 2/2 8/10 Exp (W2). EDIT: Move 4 (so that can go 7-? next turn)
    Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Forted (EotS)

    Zidane: 4/4, 0/2 Exp Forted (Choke)
    Materazzi: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Forted (Choke)
    Beckham: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. EDIT: Move 6, (heading 3 next turn to choke the tile 4-1 of The Voice)
    Cantona: 4/4 0/2 Exp. Fort (Winestrom)

    Worker I: Completed Cottage. EDIT: Move 8 and start cottage on this floodplain
    Worker II: Farm (2 turns) (1 turn of Road done on this tile)

    Current (19/turn +5): Writing complete? EDIT: New tech is Mathematics.
    Polytheism 134/143


    Eye of the Storm (Size 5)
    WF: same (1, 44, 7, 8, 9)
    Growth (-/turn): 0/30
    Production (12/turn): Settler (53/100) (4 turns)

    Winestrom (Size 1)
    WF: same (4)
    Growth (3/turn): 12/22
    Production (1/turn): Skirmisher (5/25) (20 turns)
    Last edited by Mudhut; January 16, 2007, 17:09.

  • #2
    Hot Mustard is still away, I guess. But Banana have the save so we need to get ready.

    Arrian: can you play again?

    Tech: Writing should complete, next choice should be alphabet (leading to construction). This is pretty much 100% decided, iirc.

    Beckham: I'm not sure which tile he is on, so don't know where he should be moving to in order to continue the choke!

    Worker 1: Will continue cottaging, yes? He should finish this turn, so can't move him until next turn (I think)

    Spinebreaker: Can anyone post a screenie so that we can see which way he should continue his explorations?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mudhut
      Hot Mustard is still away, I guess. But Banana have the save so we need to get ready.
      Heh heh. I got back on the weekend, as planned. I wanted to see if anyone was going to create the next turn thread. Props to Mudhut!

      Beckham is headed to 4-1 of The Voice. No proscribed route other than taking most defensible tiles.

      Spinebreaker is checking out Yang's hinterland.

      You look to have things underhand, Mudhut - want to play the turn when it comes?

      Don't worry - I'm not resigning - I just would like to see involved members play an occasional turn. How about this - if an active member demonstrates that they're following what we're doing, I don't see why they shouldn't play the occasional turn. I hope this wouldn't be breaking some Gathering Storm tradition. Aside from my occasional work trips, I am almost always available, so I can do any necessary hand-holding. Thoughts?


      • #4
        Am happy to play, but I can be a bit unreliable cause I don't have internet at home (only at office).

        Although apparently I have the tech order mixed up! Where is Goedel when you need him... what tech are we meant to be doing next?


        • #5
          Mathematics is the next tech for the Construction beeline. I am under the impression that one of the other teams would research Alphabet as we are tied up with Vox.


          • #6
            Sweet. Maths it is then. I always seem to get confused between writing and alphabet and all that...

            Oh, and apologies for misspelling Godel. Feel free to call me Muedhut


            • #7
              Is Vox going to try breaking the choke? Is Grog's glorious day here?

              4 for Spinebreaker? Then next turn he'll be able to make use of his Woody promotion.

              Worker I has completed our first cottage - yea! Road this tile, or move (6 or 8) and start another cottage immediately?


              • #8
                For the worker, move 8 and build cottage. That way he wont have to backtrack to get to any floodplains.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mudhut
                  Am happy to play, but I can be a bit unreliable cause I don't have internet at home (only at office).
                  Which means you have CIV on your office computer?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Randolph

                    Which means you have CIV on your office computer?
                    Which means I work from a laptop, that is both home and office computer.... and don't mind doing a quick Civ turn over lunch


                    • #11
                      Re: Grog - I am OK with us leaving him where he is to die gloriously on the battlefield. We could run, but the odds are we will take one of their two units down with us. And I think that trade is OK for us.

                      Does anyone want to advocate running 9 with him?


                      • #12
                        don't get bluffed into running with Vox. If they want the forest, they'll have to fight over it. And yes, probably they are going to lose a unit on it...

                        As to being active and playing turns: I'm sorry I haven't been more active (new girlfriend, and 2 far holidays in 2 months will do that to you). If you need to have someone play turns, I'm sure there will be candidates. There is no problem in switching players, but one should keep the master plan at hand, otherwise we risk to all try to get our own things in without properly knowing what others do. This is why our past, most succesful periods have always been with single players: there are multiple ways of reaching the goal, as long as you pick one and stick with it.



                        • #13
                          The problem with running with the odds, is that you normally get screwed over. I can't prove it, because the most emphasis is always placed on the most negative parts of a game (Lucky anyone?). Playing it safe only goes so far, you always have to take a risk. I'm not saying that this is it, I'm just saying that we have to be mindful that there will be parts of this game when we have to go out on a limb. What I am saying is this, or rather, to quote a source that is not the original, "The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives." - Theseus. Kill Vox, and do it in style. How you decide to do that (or not) is up to you.

                          PS. Has anyone seen Theseus recently? Or heard, for that matter? (seeing how Arrian did this to us, last game...)
                          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                          • #14
                            Re: Turn 64, 1480 BC

                            Turn 64, 1480BC


                            Grog: 2/2, 1/2 Exp. Forted (Choke)
                            Spinebreaker: 2/2 8/10 Exp (W2). Moved 4 (so that can go 7-? next turn)
                            Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Forted (EotS)

                            Zidane: 4/4, 0/2 Exp Forted (Choke)
                            Materazzi: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Forted (Choke)
                            Beckham: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Moved 6 (heading 3 next turn to choke the tile 4-1 of The Voice)
                            Cantona: 4/4 0/2 Exp. Fort (Winestrom)

                            Worker I: Cottage complete, Moved 8 and started cottage (5 turns)
                            Worker II: Farm (2 turns) (1 turn of Road done on this tile)

                            Current (21/turn +?): Writing complete, started Mathematics (0/357) (14 turns)
                            Polytheism 134/143


                            Eye of the Storm (Size 5)
                            WF: 1, 7, 44, 47, 78 - changed to work next cottaged FP
                            Growth (-/turn): 0/30
                            Production (12/turn): Settler (53/100) (4 turns)

                            Winestrom (Size 1)
                            WF: same (4)
                            Growth (3/turn): 15/22 (3 turns)
                            Production (1/turn): Skirmisher (5/25) (20 turns)

                            Note: Was waiting for Mudhut to play, but then we passed 24hrs, and given that we just made everyone wait last turn, thought we should get it out.


                            • #15

                              I should be around the next time the turn comes around. I will check in here and, if I'm willing & able to play the turn, I will specifically say so. Now that I've installed the demogame mod and figured out how to access our gmail account and all that, I'm less hesitant to play a turn.

                              I have not heard from Theseus for some time. As far as I know he's fine - just devoting his time to RL. Sometimes you gotta


                              Grog is set up to die a glorious death in two games simultaneously This one and a PBEM I'm playing with UnO, E_T and conmcb25. Sweet!

                              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

