Sorry I need to refuse the bet (as tempting as it is to make my side of the bet being eating cardboard
You see what I'm concerned about is the risk of Vox employing a strategy which makes axe rush harmful. My estimate of Vox behaivour goes something like this:
30% of being defensive/passive and dying slowly.
20% chance of being insanely aggressive to die as quickly as possible, but with some impact.
50% of being indecisive and/or doing something stupid.
In other words, I'm not making any bets on what Vox will do. That's precisely what I'm NOT doing. I'm planning for contigencies and finding the most robust strategies, ones which Vox are unable to "sabotage". We don't want our success to rely on Vox doing, or not doing, something.
Since I'm not betting that anything will happen, just saying what could happen, I can't really make a bet. In fact I'm quite unwilling to make any bet. Vox are in a very poor position, every strategy for them ends in defeat. To chose a losing strategy, they may as well roll a dice.
Also, just for the record, I don't believe that Vox will literally hole up. That would be too boring. But it's quite posible to do things without losing units. For example they could secure tiles with archer pairs, they have a wide expanse of friendly culture where they have perfect vision of our units - they can send their archers out on picnics, or to "dance" with out units, pulling them back into The Voice when things get too hot.
Also, in order to have a credible chance to break/contain a choke of 4 skirmishers, they need to have ~6 archers. So if we send in 4 skirmishers, we should expect them to train about that many archers, if they wish to do something about us. Then they can whip some extra archers at the last minute when things starting looking dire. Thus we can reasonably expect that they'll be able to cram 8-10 archers into The Voice even if it's not their intention to die as slowly as possible.
Anyway it's good we've got the opinions of more GS'ers.
I will at very least entertain DeepO's idea.
Again here, the problem is we would have sunk nearly 800h into axes
. Units which are near-useless beyond thier ability to take The Voice. We'd be better off spending the commerce on research and the hammers on cities and then a smaller number of catapults. The catapults will not only win more cleanly, they'll also be more future-proof. Also we get to KEEP a lot more of the investment, since catapults have such fantastic odds vs archers.
I think a profitable axe rush has to be a small axe rush. Sure, if Vox decide to suicide 6 archers, then we could probably consider quickly pumping out 8 axes and going in for the kill. Altough even then I'm not sure it wouldn't be better to just wait for the pults, especially considering the RNG.
The more I look at the situation, the more it makes sense to get as many floodplain cottages in operation as quickly as possible. Having that huge commerce base lets us rapidly expand all over our landmass while still being able to keep up in research. There are so many nice city sites out there that we want to found ASAP.
Oh before I forget:
This is increased by taking cities and losing cities.
It is also increased every time a unit dies in hostile culture.
What this means is we only accrue warweariness if Vox kill our chokers. If they'd rather a staring contest then there wont be any warweariness at all. Also I'd imagine we'd need to actually lose in excess of 10-15 skirmishers to have 1 WW in a size 6 city.

You see what I'm concerned about is the risk of Vox employing a strategy which makes axe rush harmful. My estimate of Vox behaivour goes something like this:
30% of being defensive/passive and dying slowly.
20% chance of being insanely aggressive to die as quickly as possible, but with some impact.
50% of being indecisive and/or doing something stupid.
In other words, I'm not making any bets on what Vox will do. That's precisely what I'm NOT doing. I'm planning for contigencies and finding the most robust strategies, ones which Vox are unable to "sabotage". We don't want our success to rely on Vox doing, or not doing, something.
Since I'm not betting that anything will happen, just saying what could happen, I can't really make a bet. In fact I'm quite unwilling to make any bet. Vox are in a very poor position, every strategy for them ends in defeat. To chose a losing strategy, they may as well roll a dice.
Also, just for the record, I don't believe that Vox will literally hole up. That would be too boring. But it's quite posible to do things without losing units. For example they could secure tiles with archer pairs, they have a wide expanse of friendly culture where they have perfect vision of our units - they can send their archers out on picnics, or to "dance" with out units, pulling them back into The Voice when things get too hot.
Also, in order to have a credible chance to break/contain a choke of 4 skirmishers, they need to have ~6 archers. So if we send in 4 skirmishers, we should expect them to train about that many archers, if they wish to do something about us. Then they can whip some extra archers at the last minute when things starting looking dire. Thus we can reasonably expect that they'll be able to cram 8-10 archers into The Voice even if it's not their intention to die as slowly as possible.
Anyway it's good we've got the opinions of more GS'ers.
I will at very least entertain DeepO's idea.
If I've got a good feel for the math, that should put us at 8 skirms, 17 axes or something close... it might be even more with chops. What amount of archers are Vox going to have in 45 turns? 14 with whipping as crazy? that's 795h vs 350h, or 2.3x. We should win it, although RNG is always a factor. And we might even improve on that result. Roads towards the front will decrease the 10-turn lag we're facing now.

I think a profitable axe rush has to be a small axe rush. Sure, if Vox decide to suicide 6 archers, then we could probably consider quickly pumping out 8 axes and going in for the kill. Altough even then I'm not sure it wouldn't be better to just wait for the pults, especially considering the RNG.
The more I look at the situation, the more it makes sense to get as many floodplain cottages in operation as quickly as possible. Having that huge commerce base lets us rapidly expand all over our landmass while still being able to keep up in research. There are so many nice city sites out there that we want to found ASAP.
Oh before I forget:
This is increased by taking cities and losing cities.
It is also increased every time a unit dies in hostile culture.
What this means is we only accrue warweariness if Vox kill our chokers. If they'd rather a staring contest then there wont be any warweariness at all. Also I'd imagine we'd need to actually lose in excess of 10-15 skirmishers to have 1 WW in a size 6 city.