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Turn 31, 2800BC

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  • #16
    Mating habits of the Voxarian Warrior

    I'm trying to figure out what the Vox warrior will do and how best to counter it.

    Make sure I have the projected timeline right, I'm sort of new to the PBEM thing and getting the order of events right.

    Next Turn:

    (Vox): Vox move the warrior to Red1, in order to "threaten" EotS, they spy our worker doing something to the sheep with his pickaxe.
    (GS): We note there's a Voxarian warrior across the river. EotS is configured to complete the skirmisher, we hit end turn and it pops out - our skirmisher completes BEFORE the vox warrior even gets a shot at EotS - we don't get to MOVE it, but it's there in the city preventing Vox from ever actually taking that 0.67% potshot. Am I right here?

    2 turns ahead:
    (Vox): Vox note a rather large and menacing skirmisher has appeared inside EotS and wisely decide to run away rather than fight at 1 : 7,091,087 odds! They move to Red2, in order to get away from the skirmisher and close to the sheep.
    (GS): We note that the Voxarian Warrior is about to do something unmentionable to our worker, our skirmisher can move to Blue2, our worker either moves 2 under the skirmisher, or 1 onto the floodplain and builds a road for a turn.

    3 turns ahead
    (Vox): Vox are saddened to see that the worker hasn't hung around to play, they could make a move on the sheep, but the Skirmisher would get the oppurtunity to.. skirmish them. So they move to Red3, onto the desert hill.
    (GS): We move our skirmisher and worker onto the sheep.

    4 turns ahead
    (Vox): Vox need to keep running - if they move 4 the skirmisher can immediately kill them, if they move 7 (onto the corner hill on the coast) our skirmisher can move to Blue4 and trap them - I don't think Vox knows the shape of the cost so they might well make this move in an attempt to escape to the north-west and draw our skirmisher as far away from The Voice as possible. If they move 8 instead, they can't be trapped.
    (GS): We don't want the warrior to head west - it would lead our skirmisher even further from The Voice. So we move our skirmisher 7 (to blue4) so we can kill the warrior on any nearby hill tile. Blue4 is also an AMBUSH point - if Vox escapes to the north but then ever tries to move back into the hills, the skirmisher can kill them without prior warning.

    Even further ahead:
    Either the Vox warrior gets trapped on the coastal corner and is killed or it is forced to retreat into the foggy north (or return to The Voice). I believe it's not in our best interest to pursue them, they'll keep running to the ends of the earth or until killed by a barbarian. Instead we should keep the skirmisher at the ambush point where it can protect the worker - chasing the warrior only moves us further from The Voice anyway.
    I expect that our 2nd skirmisher will be ready before the Vox warrior threat has passed so that's the one which will probably get to choke.

    Important Conclusions:
    1) Vox don't get a potshot at EotS.
    2) Our worker will be disrupted - if Vox makes the right moves they'll be able to sacrifice their warrior to kill him (sarifice, because the skirmisher will get them next turn), Vox will surely take make this sacrifice so we need to move the worker.
    3) Vox don't know the lay of the land and there's a good chance their warrior will get trapped and executed by our skirmisher, this is the clean solution. Also possible is them escaping into the foggy north (we can ambush them if they return). It's not possible for them to get past the skirmisher into the west. Worst case is losing the skirmisher in a fight - we have ~98% odds vs warrior on hill so it's not at all likely.

    Should Vox move in a different direction after seeing the skirmisher this stuff wont apply, of course, I think they'll want to disrupt our worker though, unless they really want to be nice in the hope of getting a friendly alliance.
    Last edited by Blake; August 5, 2006, 12:43.


    • #17
      Could we not move Thug out onto the sheep before the voxian warrior can get there? Or would it be wiser to make sure that even if Vox beat the 1:7,000,000 odds hey still won't take out EotS?
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • #18
        Protect the worker with Thug?

        Only problem with that is their warrior has a ~25% shot at killing Thug and capturing our worker. If they win we are crippled. They will take the shot. So what if they win?
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #19
          *shrug* Which is why I personaly think it's a bad idea; I was trying to prompt someone else into thinking and saying "Why not try and move Thug out and use him to help trap the Voxian warrior later, or at worst keep tabs on him?"
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


          • #20
            In other words, I would indeed agree that moving the worker under the Skirmisher is a wise precaution, if Blakes plan does in fact work with regard to Game Mechanics
            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


            • #21
              We will have to pull the worker back. Once the skirm is complete, we may be able to kill their warrior and send the worker back out.

              I don't want to take a ~25% chance of being crippled.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #22
                Indeed, it's a simple gamble.

                They have a 25% chance of destroying 75 hammers: expected damage = 18.75 hammers. That's more than a warrior costs. This move is profitable for them to make.

                Anyway if we want a 25% odds battle the safer bet for us is to attack the Vox warrior across the river with Thug, we could end their attack right there (they might however just steer clear of EotS and move onto the other desert hill).

                What I think though is that once we put the pressure heavily on Vox they'll just enter die slowly mode, which isn't really to either of our teams benefit. So I think it doesn't hurt to play chase the warrior for a few turns, it's a relatively harmless activity which leaves Vox feeling slightly less hopeless and gives GS time to think about what we want to do with Vox - it doesn't really escalate the war and diplomatically that's a good thing.

                Since it seems that Vox are only now starting on Bronze Working we should still have time to get a skirmisher there and shut down their copper before they connect it. Remember they still need to train a worker and do something about Grog so they wont be able to max commerce to get BW asap - or they can, but they wont have the worker out to connect it.


                • #23
                  I agree. I want to see where the copper is before I make my mind up about Donegal's overture.
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

