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Vox Diplomacy

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  • Good.

    If AC really wants to broker some kind of surrender or something then maybe we can revisit it. I think that on reflection AC will come around to our and Vox's way of thinking though. The kneejerk reaction is to not kick people out of the game... but I think after it drags out like this the merge would be bitter and awkward.


    • It still feels too gamey to me. I understand people don't like the idea of a team being destroyed so early, but thems the breaks.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • I also second the idea that we want to avoid "gamey" actions like this. I wasn't there, but just reading through the transcripts of the PTWDG and what Glory of War and ND did leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not that I think this would be on the equivalent level, but it's still moving in that direction.

        If Vox are destroyed, that's the way it runs. Who knows what might happen? Maybe Vox get gifted IW and find a source next to their capital, or get a really really lucky roll of the dice, or we have huge barb explosion somewhere, or AC and Nana stab us in the back ....Vox might survive. But they rolled the dice, and they need to accept that them being obliterated is now the most likely outcome.


        • About the PTWDG, the situation was that either team could basically annihilate the other in a turn, or well cripple them beyond repair at least, whoever would strike first would win.
          No way for a clean fight, which was one of the main reasaon we let it end like it did if i remember.
          Hopefully that won't be an issue this time.
          Proud member of the PNY Brigade
          Also a proud member of the The Glory Of War team on PtW-DG

          A.D 300, after 5h of playing DonHomer said: "looks like civ2 could be a good way to kill time if i can get the hang of it :P"


          • Not really a diplomatic message, but Jon Miller (Vox) posted the following upon receiving the save:

            Originally posted by Jon Miller
            hmm, not what I expected

            can we ahve it a bit longer also?



            • In reaction to our 3rd skirm moving onto the cow tile, I assume...

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • Possibly also to the Axe showing up in Winestrom, I'm thinking.


                • TBH he is probably having difficulty finding a way out of this hole and doesn't realize that there isn't one.

                  All he can really do is put an archer on the forest hill north of The Voice, place another archer in The Voice, and pull the warrior back or maybe use it as a sentry somewhere.
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • Beckham: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Attacked The Voice and lost, Donegeal 2.6/3.0
                    Zidane: 4/4, 0/2 Exp Attacked The Voice and lost, Donegeal 1.8/3.0
                    Materazzi: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Attacked The Voice and lost, Donegeal ?/3.0
                    Someone please forward these results to Vox with an appropriate wrapper.


                    • Received from Donegeal. He sent this AM.
                      ME STRONG! YOU WEAK!!!

                      Wow. That Archer is a damn tough nut to crack sitting in all that culture, isn't it? We though you might attack, but I am sure that next time, you guys won't attack when it's on just a chance of victory...

                      Anyway, the point of this PM is not to gloat, but to ask for a battle report.

                      Thanks you.

                      Donegeal, Super-Archer of Vox.

                      A bit annoyed, and at work feeling a bit rushed (I signed into Poly to spend a break and got 3 PMs in 2 minutes) I replied...
                      Battle report should be in the log file of the save. It will give you a blow by blow report. As for a conventional report...

                      Begin log/
                      3 skirms attacked, 3 skirms died.
                      /end log

                      Got home from work, wanted to post the exchange and saw HM's report. Sent this just now.
                      Oops. It seems HM posted this with an expectation that I would forward it. Sorry.

                      Beckham: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Attacked The Voice and lost, Donegeal 2.6/3.0
                      Zidane: 4/4, 0/2 Exp Attacked The Voice and lost, Donegeal 1.8/3.0
                      Materazzi: 4/4, 0/2 Exp. Attacked The Voice and lost, Donegeal ?/3.0
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                      • Jon Miller noticed me on the gmail account and struck up a chat:
                        Jon: Donegeal wants to try for peace again... who should he communicate with?
                        also, who is this?
                        me: Oh, hi, HM here.
                        Jon: (personally I think we are just boned in 10 turns)
                        me: All our diplomats and diplomats in training disappeared - more Vox kidnapping was suspected... [nose wink]
                        Jon: lol
                        well, should I tell him to send it to you if he wants?
                        me: I still dutifully post all messages sent to the team address in the appropriate Diplo threads in the GS Forum - it's just that no one has stepped up to respond.
                        I have been avoiding getting into Diplo myself, but it looks unavoidable..
                        Jon: the offer which Donegeal would like to offer you is:
                        Right of Passage
                        Setting of Research
                        Setting of Military Strength
                        Use of any and all resources
                        Allotment of UN vote (when it becomes relevant)
                        ... not everyone has chimed in yet on our forums thouh
                        me: I'll post that this the offer is under deliberation and ask for thoughts then
                        Jon: I expect emperor, and maybe 1-2 others to chime in on our furms
                        I and Donegeal are the most active ont he forums, while emperor is the most active turn player
                        me: personally, I have to wonder if/why Vox wants to get into another vassal arrangement
                        Jon: My current vote is against it... that is why I said it is under discussion
                        if others want to though, I will back away and let them do it
                        me: The map pretty much set this up, IMHO, there were very little that could prevent it - if I was vetting the map, I would have done something about it
                        Jon: yeah... I agree
                        I wonder how AC and the other continent is... I wonder if things were left so that things would settle before the end game
                        If I had known you were nearby, we would have played very differently
                        me: hadn't though of that - maybe they thought it would make for a quicker game, as these go so long anyways
                        of course
                        and the religion/river complication just sealed our fates
                        Jon: yeah
                        and your early UU helped decide it
                        me: Likely doesn't need saying, but there was nothing playing into our decisions from the past, for the record, and we hope that there's no bitterness over there
                        Jon: (although I acknowlede that I, and most(all?) of my team aren't as good of players as you)
                        me: yeah, of course (Skirm)
                        Jon: I don't think that there is
                        Sent at 4:52 PM on Monday
                        me: Well, hey, I'm the one who let the throng have their way on the failed early attack - my own conservative side would have done differently.
                        Jon: I think you didn't really have a chane
                        but it helped us a lot, we wouldn't have had the bit of a chance we did if you didn't do it
                        me: our stat boys varied on the numbers, but put the odds around 50/50, give or take 5% depending on who was talking
                        and there were some that were for it, even at only 40% - just for the shot of early resolution
                        Jon: yeah... I think you had 30%ish, from my numbers, you uys had a similar chance when you first came up to our capital
                        Sent at 4:56 PM on Monday
                        me: Prob. would have still gone at 30%, just not as many if the 1st didn't fluke out
                        anyways, our Hockey thugs should fare much better [nose smile]
                        Jon: lol, they are nice
                        me: Big upgrade over Soccer thugs
                        Jon: yeah, your soccer thugs didn't accomplish much
                        me: pretty effective choke
                        if not attack
                        Sent at 4:59 PM on Monday
                        Jon: oh, IT houht soccer thugs were warriors
                        me: oh, no, warriors were old-game names and other simple ones, skirms were soccer, axes are hockey
                        can't tell you what's next [smile]
                        Sent at 5:01 PM on Monday
                        Jon: I expect cats
                        and then I expect to die, no matter what we try to do
                        Sent at 5:03 PM on Monday
                        me: I'll post the (developing) offer in the forum - ok if I just put the whole chat?
                        Sent at 5:06 PM on Monday
                        Jon: sure
                        but I expect Donegeal will send you something more formally
                        me: Noted, this will just prime us for it and get everyone thinking.
                        Sent at 5:09 PM on Monday
                        Jon: often the forum lags behind the turn player
                        so it is important
                        me: yes
                        a possible aspect to include would be a point-of-no-return
                        Jon: ?
                        Sent at 5:13 PM on Monday
                        me: like if GS does wish to talk, would there be a point beyond which Vox wouldn't any longer (e.g. We've taken out a city)
                        Jon: I expect that Donegeal would still be interested in talking
                        and once more, if people wish to do this thing, I will back out, and they will (but I won't be involved, like I have been)
                        I mean, I expect we could even gift you the city as part of the deal
                        Sent at 5:16 PM on Monday
                        Jon: I guess we need to have our poll answered before that could be decided
                        Sent at 5:17 PM on Monday
                        Jon: this was something Donegeal posted this morning
                        Sent at 5:20 PM on Monday
                        me: understood - you're just advising us sooner rather than later - appreciated
                        Jon: diplo can be slow
                        me: or even non-existent, as has been the case for us lately
                        Jon: I tihnk you guys did well with AC
                        me: that got off to a good start when we had people in the role
                        Jon: well, with emperor we are playing faster
                        me: I think they're waiting for responses from us on at least two things right now...
                        Jon: while I think you will win, they are a strong team... you had better be careful with them
                        me: personally, I think 'Nana needed to assert themselves more, or AC wouldn't have felt the freedom to do 3 (!) wonders
                        Jon: lol, yeah
                        I expect itwould have helped us out also
                        me: just imagine if GS and AC were both in the south, and Vox were up north - oh, what a difference!
                        Jon: I wouldn't expect there would be any issue with us survivng then
                        me: no, you'd be ready to romp over 'Nana by now, and AC and GS would be in a war of attrition
                        Jon: a strong possibility
                        I wonder how the other continent is going thouh
                        me: I really have not idea - closed lips over there
                        *no idea
                        Jon: I knwo nothing from them.. except that Sarantium is trong
                        me: a little can be gleaned from the stats, but not much
                        Jon: yeah.. I really wonder about Blood Horde
                        they were strong in Civ3.. but I konw how weak they were here
                        because they were weaker then us for most of the time
                        me: I haven't been in the intersite games, so I have even less info
                        Jon: I haven't either
                        but I do know that there was bad blood between people in the game they palyed (wasn't intersite)
                        it cause in issue for Vox earlier, before (and after) Beta left to form Sarantium
                        me: huh
                        Jon: they have stronger issues between them then Vox and GS
                        really, the teams that were competitors in previous games seemed to be placed to be competitors early in this one
                        me: You're a Canuck iirc, right?
                        Jon: mope
                        me: oh
                        Oh, was thinking of Beta
                        Jon: would like to be, I think
                        I have I am Canadian in my sig
                        me: oh, that could be it too [smile]
                        Jon: just at heart ;}
                        me: Was thinking a Canadian Demogame team might be cool.
                        Jon: yeah.. then there wouldn't be lanuae issues like with the german team could have an aussie and brit team also
                        me: could include anyone who can pull off an "eh?" w/o sounding silly [smile]
                        Jon: woot
                        me: well, work is calling - nice chatting with you
                        I'll pass the info along
                        Jon: yeah.. just thought I would pass along Donegeal's plan proposal


                        • Jon is an official Canadian as voted by the 1st Apolyton Parliament of Canada under PM Zylka with all party agreement. It was unanimous.

                          I think his citizenship was the only issue dealt with before it devolved into a lot of spam. It was a lot like the real thing in Ottawa.
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • Donegal wanted to chat. It got interesting.
                            Got time to talk?
                            hi. what about?
                            It's plain to see you guys got us beat
                            has been for some time
                            We wish to talk terms for our surrender.
                            i am listening
                            Are you logging?
                            should i be?
                            Cool... I don't know how to use this very well
                            anyway... here are some terms
                            'Save As'
                            go ahead
                            We want to keep the Voice.
                            We also want to be able to build 2-3 more cities...
                            But we understand your concern about us attacking you, so we are willing to let you keep any number of units in all/any territory we have without us entering your
                            As I stated about the AC/Banana war, tech might become an issue for you and AC... we will let you deterime our tech path
                            we will let you determine our milatary strength size and units.
                            We over our UN votes if needed.
                            i have one question.
                            why would anyone on GS accept this?
                            Mainly the tech situation.
                            like I said, a two tech continent would fall behind tech wise to a three or 4 civ second continent
                            you think the other 4 will successfully cooperate for a long period of time?
                            no... but 3 might
                            3 is a very unstable number, especially when there are mercs and hordes over there.
                            this side could have been peaceful... were it not for a combination of circumstances... there is no way the other side is going to keep it together
                            speaking of which... why did you guys attack?
                            and if they do. oh well
                            speaking of which... why did you guys attack?

                            we told you we would
                            you went ahead and moved the unit
                            we kept our side of the deal...
                            what deal?
                            we agreed to keep al our military units away...
                            sorry... my little one is making some noise...

                            we meant your scout
                            and we moved a warior to demonstrate our intentions
                            there's also the matter that you were not open and upfront with us from the get go.

                            trying to hide contact was a msitake
                            that was to try to keep you off balance if you attacked... we knew we were close and if you attacked a few turns could have been very valuable... so if you thought we were a different direction, all the better...
                            ok. you asked why we attacked. i've told you
                            ok... so what would it take to keep us in the game?
                            i don't know that is possible.
                            i am listening out of courtesy, and curious to see if you could come with something creative. keeping the Voice is anti-creative
                            one of the major reasons for war is the real estate situation. caps too close
                            Yes, but there is no way my team would agree to anything that involved giving up the Voice...
                            well then. i assume we are done?
                            oh... well we can just not build c....
                            oops... I for got to mention that we would give you any resourse that we have upon request...
                            early war has costs. one of the benefits of winning it is having a second civ start (hich tends to be very 'rich')
                            yeah... except we started very poorly...
                            we did... we all hit ourselves on the head now for building on a flood plain...
                            if there are unseen resources, all the better, and more reason to finish this, aside from the culture power in our first ring...
                            face it, done, we we screwed by the map rng.
                            behaviour at contact didn;t help a bad situation
                            Hmmm... Vox and GS will always be connected...
                            it is seeming so
                            So you really don't think peace is possible if we keep the voice?
                            but i can assure you, this is based on this game. not the last
                            So you really don't think peace is possible if we keep the voice?

                            i can't speak for GS, but what would you say if you were in our position?
                            Given your position... no, I don't really think it's possible...
                            so why ask?
                            look at the map... we built a city directly on a horse... we are desparate.
                            it's just a game, done. don't worry about it too much. some decisions were made early and they didn't work out. there'll be more games.
                            Oh I know... I'm just saying that our team is desparate to stay alive in this game... that is why I am making this plea for peace.
                            ok. i will post it. just don;t invest too much in the answer. ok?
                            All we have right now is hope...
                            to be honest, i doubt you'll get an official answer to what has been discussed. it is unconnected from the reality of the possible, imo
                            Also... if you do choose to eliminate us, I ask that you be kind in the aftermath, and in the actions of doing so...
                            there are 6 active members of Vox, and they will flee to other teams...
                            Oh... BTW, I hope that no one on GS was upset by my stories... I wrote most of them a long time ago...
                            i don't think anyone is, but you have to be careful when attaching forum personalities to fiction... iow, it's bad idea
                            about 'fleeing' i think the only problem would be joinging teams with no contact.
                            Yeah... In the originals, I had just random names... i edited in some GS names hoping for some of you to play along... I did it just for fun
                            sorry if it upset anyone.
                            doing it without permission is a recipe for flame wars.
                            thankfully nobody much cared
                            Yeah... going to other teams... something outside of the game GS should think about...
                            what's to think about?
                            If all 6 of us flee to AC, that is a big number of active players who will now have an inside influence of AC...
                            (Personally, I'm leaning to join you guys actually)
                            so, you are saying that members of vox would combine to perpetuate the war beyond it's conclusion in game?

                            i would be very disappointed in such behaviour
                            i'd also doubt AC would accept twits like that
                            No... not beyond this game... but in this game... Vox will be eliminated, but will still live on in 'culture" as influence on AC.
                            yeah. right.
                            now you're annoying me, done.
                            Please don't think that anything is going beyond this game. Not in any way shape or form is this going beyond the game...
                            well. i'll tell you what. if you persist in wanting to push this... novel line of negotiation... you, and the rest of vox can go to hell as far as i am concerned.

                            i doubt very much AC would accpet many such worm-tongues, but i'll urge GS to take our chances and try to find novel ways of making vox's destruction as humiliating and painful as possible
                            Hmmm... wow.
                            yes. wow
                            Where is this hostile aggression coming from?
                            i am very disappointed, done
                            In what?
                            your attempted bull**** to extort life for your team
                            you are losing a war. deal with it like a man. stop squirming
                            Nye, now your being an ass
                            i am not that ass in this chat
                            10... 9...8...7....6...5...4..3...2..1...
                            there... all better.
                            put yourself in my place. how do you take these empty threats, but threats none the less?
                            the idea that Vox could take over AC is funny though.
                            Threats? They are not threats... they are facts... In this game, there will be animosity that we were eliminate... and that animosity will follow where we go... its a fact of human nature NYE. I just want to make sure you guys think about all the possible ramifications of elimianting us. We are going to go somewhere.
                            if you are accepted.
                            I never said we'd take over... I just said that our players would become members of another team and they'd get there with a natural distain for GS.
                            yes. you are attempting to use your continued existance as a forum poster to snivel your way out of a losing situation.

                            i am polishing my black ball
                            No.. what goes on in forums (I guess I'm talking about OTF and such) has no bearing on the game and vise versa. What I'm saying is a large influx of Vox refugees would want to join other teams... and they'd carry influence with them.
                            you're snivelling and coniving.

                            'large influx of Vox'?

                            oh, and you've pissed me off
                            does jon miller know yopu are doing this?
                            Sure... 6 Voxians... how many active AC members are there? How many Active GS members are ther? 6 is a large number when dealing with these terms...
                            oh. now you're going to take over GS?
                            listen, done. quit while your behind.
                            isn;t it obvious this is not being productive?
                            NYE... please don't get upset... I'm not trying to piss you off... hell all I'm really trying to do is ask you not to change the name of The Voice when you take it... please settle down.
                            that is not what you asked
                            that is the first time the name of a city has come up
                            lets just both take a step back and count to 10...
                            i am not irrational, done. i am angry and disappointed at you behaviour in this chat
                            please settle... When i first started to mention this... I asked you to do this is a ... oh damn.. a nice manor... something like that... That was me leading up to asking about not changing the name of the Voice.
                            i am angry at the attempt to influence us with behaviour after elimination

                            i am disappointed that you would do this.
                            ... I am not trying to stop you from taking us out. I am talking about the manor in which you do it...
                            ok... I started this in trying to preserve VOx, but you made it clear that that wasn't possible if we were to keep the Voice...
                            gs has never dissed an opponent. i am not sure why you are concerned
                            NYE... is there anyone else who i can talk to on GS? I am getting the impression that what I'm trying to say isn't being translated very well.
                            no one else. i am listening
                            if we are past the threats of affecting relations with another team, go ahead and ask what you want to ask
                            But you have already said you are pissed. I will talk but please try to settle down.
                            i am angry with your behaviour in this chat.

                            i am still listening. make your case or state your requests
                            and if you ask me to settle down one more time, we can do our talking another time, or never would be a better time
                            You have missinterpreted what I am saying. That is why you are upset with my behaviour. Have I ever upset you in chat before? Why would that happen now? You know from years of experience with me that I am not like the impression that you seem to have take from what I have said. Some type of misscommunication /misinteruptation must have taken place.
                            you quite clearly threatened gs with your behaviour after elimination.

                            that is not a good way to open the topic of being treated with respect.

                            if you can understand that, go on. if you want to continue to discuss the preceding, let's not bother
                            Ok... before we go on, please remember that after Vox is eliminated, GS is where I was planing on going.
                            so you have said
                            Here is the way I am meaning things... and this might take a while to type, so please be patient...
                            Now this is where I am coming... just me... or my bloodline...(like in the story). I go to GS I will rp the part of a prisoner (sorta like beta did in the original) while my non-rp votes on matters will have as little bias concerning Vox as possible, it is impossible to say that there will not be some left over Vox influence. as an example, lets say the Voice is the last city taken and I join...
                            your team before the end turn button. There will be a vote as to wether to keep or destroy the voice (yes I know that there is no reason to destroy it, this is just an example), I will vote to keep it around. That would be the influence left over from Vox.
                            now I cannot speak for other members, but I can see some type in Vox influence left over in ways similar to that.
                            Please tell me that I am making more sence to you... I sure hope so...
                            i don't see the point. the scenario you describe is unpossible
                            Yes I know... it is just an example... not a very likely one I''l admit...
                            so what does this have to do with the next 10 turns? try to find another example
                            All I was saying is that there will be left over 'Vox Culture' no matter where the Voxian go.
                            i don't know how concerned i should be.

                            these things seldom go the way you think they might
                            ok... well here... this is what I want for Vox:
                            I want the Voice, the Horse City and space for two more cities (along the East coast would be best for both teams).
                            We let you determine our tech path and troop makeup and size.
                            We let you have any resourse in our lands you want.
                            We let you roam free and we stay out of GS (unless you ask for us).
                            We offer up any UN votes.
                            If that is not possible, we ask that you leave the name of the Voice alone in conquest.
                            the last point is the only likely one
                            as i said, we do not normally try to diss opponents
                            Well I tell you, if we are not going to stay in this game as Vox, it is by far my most important one.
                            as for vox staying in the game with the voice... i can tell you right now, right here, less likely that the Yankees winnign the Super Bowl.
                            Jeter takes the snap...
                            i would have tought they would put a pitcher at qb
                            ok... so I can tell you that Vox will not accept peace without us keeping the Voice...
                            (I am not a BB fan... I just wnet with whatever Yankee name that came to my head..)
                            So... bloddy fight in the Voice it is...
                            er bloody...
                            the Yankees would pay Thiesman 20 million to come back for the one game
                            and the Voice will run in blood
                            you still pissed, or can I :beer: ya?
                            a word to the wise... i don;t know any team that would react positively to the above
                            it's waaay gamey
                            and threatening
                            if there is any lingering fear about what i was trying to do or say that might have effected your personal opinion of me, please PM me and we can disscuss things very openly... as I have always been with you.
                            and,,, just offended my sense of honour

                            there! i said the H word...

                            Honour, honour,, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour, honour

                            I am now damned.
                            I was wondering who was going to say it first...
                            nasty *****...
                            nasty ***** wasn't it. we laughed though
                            Ok... well have fun in the bloody mess of the Voice... and clean up your forum, cause I plan on coming over...
                            if we have to hide our rude jokes about vox we'll have to delete the whole thing. not much to see i'm afraid.
                            Bah... the Vox jokes are fine... just the personal stuff about me...
                            i should ask snoopy if we get to capture your forum if we eliminat you.
                            actually that is very interesting....
                            actually, it is.
                            look into it if you want... seeing as I have nothing to gain by it, the onus is on you.
                            should have to be agreed before hand by the teams, no matter how much snoopy wants to expand his powers...
                            Anyway... I'm on my own tonight with two little girls under the age of 2. Moring is going to be so much fun...
                            and actually, the site admins would kill it once they realised the potential tinder for flames
                            how are your kids?
                            I was kinda think not the entire team, but one or two people to poke there heads around.
                            Well, the little one, 5 moths old, is teething and wakes up frequently... the older one, 21 months, sleeps through.
                            sorry. my connection dropped.

                            is there anything else?
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • I am unsure what to do with this chat. I've reread it, and I was not out of place in my reaction.

                              The threats about what happens after are not to be ignored.

                              Do we treat the whole team with the taint of Grimer? That is harsh.

                              We could discuss this with AC in advance, and cut off every member of Vox from 'survival', but is that fair?
                              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                              • Originally posted by notyoueither
                                I am unsure what to do with this chat. I've reread it, and I was not out of place in my reaction.

                                The threats about what happens after are not to be ignored.

                                Do we treat the whole team with the taint of Grimer? That is harsh.

                                We could discuss this with AC in advance, and cut off every member of Vox from 'survival', but is that fair?
                                Wow, NYE. I have to disagree with the bolded part above. As I read that through from Vox's PoV, it seemed you were just itching for something to get your back up about from the beginning, and once you had it, you wouldn't listen to anything.

                                Not that I think we should accept peace, not rename the city, or do anything differently - I just don't see what Don did to deserve the attitude.

