I've got a little request... if possible, I'd like to get at least one volunteer.
I was thinking on how we're going to speed up debate, and how we're going to play turn one. I'd like as many of us as possible to get access to a playable map while we play our first turn. Even if we've got a basic approach we want to follow, it will be important to play out the first 10-30 turns on a couple of scenarios to see which one to start on.
The first turn is problematic, after this we've got plenty of time to set something like this up. It can also decide the early game on us, especially seeing we're toying with an early religion idea.
So, what I'd like to see is that at least one map builder is available when we get our turn, which, from the first screenshots posted, makes an exact copy of our land, in a scenario with 6 AI civs on 1-tile islands. Mimic as much of the situation as you can (leaders, difficulty, etc.).
Ideally, this gets updated during turn 1.
I'd like to see us having the following flow on turn 1:
1. turn arrives.
2. turnplayer opens, and posts screenshots before moving anything
3. test scenario starts to be built
4. discussion on options will of course be hot right about now. It should end in a list of scenarios we want to try
5. the moment we can, we decide where to build our city (i hope on the starting spot!), put it down, and post screenshots. The test can be used to get an idea of good situations
6. update the test with additional scouting. Now, we've got a basic city simulator, which will be enough until we either discover resources, or build another city. Sure, it will be worst case, but assuming we don't get lucky with huts or resources, we can play out the game quite a bit from here.
7. Start to run the scenarios we listed earlier, and make it like a little competetion who of our members can find the best way of getting to our goals. Each scenario a mini AU, if you like.
8. fairly early, we should see results, and especially have some idea on what to start in our city (build order, tech choice, citizen allocation).
9. wrap up and send the save onwards
10. keep the AU-mini games going, and decide on what's next.
We can start with building such a list of need-to-try scenarios, e.g. a Buddhism-first, a hinduism first, a Stonehenge beeline, a rush, a writing beeline.
My hope is, this test environment can continue to be updated when we discover new terrain. And so, the AU-type games can continue too.
Now, you might ask, why don't I do this myself? Well, apart from being lazy
, I also don't enjoy fidling around with maps in scenariobuilders. I'm hoping someone here wants to do this, and is expected to be available when the first turn arrives (well, this is GS, on important turns the whole team seems to present, no matter which rl things there might be
I was thinking on how we're going to speed up debate, and how we're going to play turn one. I'd like as many of us as possible to get access to a playable map while we play our first turn. Even if we've got a basic approach we want to follow, it will be important to play out the first 10-30 turns on a couple of scenarios to see which one to start on.
The first turn is problematic, after this we've got plenty of time to set something like this up. It can also decide the early game on us, especially seeing we're toying with an early religion idea.
So, what I'd like to see is that at least one map builder is available when we get our turn, which, from the first screenshots posted, makes an exact copy of our land, in a scenario with 6 AI civs on 1-tile islands. Mimic as much of the situation as you can (leaders, difficulty, etc.).
Ideally, this gets updated during turn 1.
I'd like to see us having the following flow on turn 1:
1. turn arrives.
2. turnplayer opens, and posts screenshots before moving anything
3. test scenario starts to be built
4. discussion on options will of course be hot right about now. It should end in a list of scenarios we want to try
5. the moment we can, we decide where to build our city (i hope on the starting spot!), put it down, and post screenshots. The test can be used to get an idea of good situations
6. update the test with additional scouting. Now, we've got a basic city simulator, which will be enough until we either discover resources, or build another city. Sure, it will be worst case, but assuming we don't get lucky with huts or resources, we can play out the game quite a bit from here.
7. Start to run the scenarios we listed earlier, and make it like a little competetion who of our members can find the best way of getting to our goals. Each scenario a mini AU, if you like.
8. fairly early, we should see results, and especially have some idea on what to start in our city (build order, tech choice, citizen allocation).
9. wrap up and send the save onwards
10. keep the AU-mini games going, and decide on what's next.
We can start with building such a list of need-to-try scenarios, e.g. a Buddhism-first, a hinduism first, a Stonehenge beeline, a rush, a writing beeline.
My hope is, this test environment can continue to be updated when we discover new terrain. And so, the AU-type games can continue too.
Now, you might ask, why don't I do this myself? Well, apart from being lazy
