As most have gathered, Vox and Stormia have decided that the two teams CANNOT live on the same contenient... again.
It seems that history has repeated itself (to a degree) and we are at war and have been for thousands of years (around turn 20ish or something).
Vox approached the borders of Stormia with a non military unit and dialogue between our two teams were initiated. During this dialogue, GS started right in with demands that we keep our units away from their borders. Not a problem. We had no intention of sending any military their way and told them so. In fact, we did nothing but extol how as a team working together so early we would be able to accomplish so much more than fighting. The very next turn, GS attacked and killed our non-military unit without provocation and without warning. Since then there has been little to no communication from them (and absolutely none initiated by them) and they have been out to destroy Vox.
With Stormian Skimishers around LONG before copper, the best unit that we could muster against them were Archers. Needless to say, GS has had the upper hand since (despite enourmous victories on our part).
So after these thousands of years, and thousands dead, we at Vox (ok... just me really), want to ask one question of you publicly: Why?
(Victory at the Voice thread coming soon!)
(All in RP guys... I'm not mad about anything.)
It seems that history has repeated itself (to a degree) and we are at war and have been for thousands of years (around turn 20ish or something).
Vox approached the borders of Stormia with a non military unit and dialogue between our two teams were initiated. During this dialogue, GS started right in with demands that we keep our units away from their borders. Not a problem. We had no intention of sending any military their way and told them so. In fact, we did nothing but extol how as a team working together so early we would be able to accomplish so much more than fighting. The very next turn, GS attacked and killed our non-military unit without provocation and without warning. Since then there has been little to no communication from them (and absolutely none initiated by them) and they have been out to destroy Vox.
With Stormian Skimishers around LONG before copper, the best unit that we could muster against them were Archers. Needless to say, GS has had the upper hand since (despite enourmous victories on our part).
So after these thousands of years, and thousands dead, we at Vox (ok... just me really), want to ask one question of you publicly: Why?
(Victory at the Voice thread coming soon!)
(All in RP guys... I'm not mad about anything.)