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  • Hi

    What's this forum about? Its obviously a game, but I'm not really clear on the specifics.
    Last edited by AmericanCitizen; September 5, 2006, 00:50.

  • #2
    This is a Play By E-mail Game of Civ4. Each of the 7 teams playes one of the 7 Civilizations. The teams each have Private Forums so that they can discuss and plan their moves and diplomacy, for the playing of each turn, when they receive it for the previous turnplayer and then send it off to the next turnplayer.

    It is a long term game, because of the speed of turnplay is relatively slow, in comparison to your normal PBEM games. In the normal games, you just have one person playing each civ and they are the only ones who make whatever decisions need to be made, during their turnplay. In comparison to an Internet MP game, this moves at a snail's pace.

    BUT, the slower speed does allow for a very interesting game.

    Also, there is a game, where several Civ Internet sites are competeing against each other. The Apolyton team signup thread(s) are in this forum. In that game, there are 14 teams, that are currently playing a 2 game "tournament", where the first game is split with 7 teams playing an elimination round, in 2 different games that are going at the same time. The "survivors" then play in the final round. That will likely take much longer to fully complete.

    But access to both can be found here.

    Come and see me at WePlayCiv
    Worship the Comic here!
    Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


    • #3
      It sounds kind of interesting. Can someone without much experience at all join? (I'm really green: Up until a few days ago, I didn't know what a specialist was)


      • #4
        Anyone is welcome to join. (In the DG, anyway; each team is free to set up its own requirements for membership if it wishes.)


        • #5
          Alright, do I join? Who do I join? What do I do after I join?


          • #6
            There are a few ways you can do it.

            Search around for a while and find the team you like.
            Then, click on their team name (at the top of the page).
            Underneath the team name in black, there will be something like (X members)more. Click on more, and you will come to the sign-up thread for that team. Then, just post there, or PM the leader of the team.


            • #7
              It's easier to find the sign-up threads here:
              C4DG Team List (one of the stickies)

              Your choice of team will be kind of a gamble though, as we are still not allowed to post publically about in-game stuff. The real difference between teams can only be seen by the moderators of this game (snoopy and aeson), who have access to all teams..

              Teams will be very different in terms of:
              => how organized/structured they are (ie: real elections and responsible persons <----> everybody just posts whatever they want)
              => how many active people there are (ie: all 20 members really live for the game <----> one of them plays the game as a single player game and doesn't get any replies to his screenshots/reports in the private forum)
              => how much roleplaying is there (ie: some teams might be talking more about non-game related things, like discussions about which bar in their capital has the best beer <-----> some teams might talk almost only about the in-game strategy)
              => gamestyle (ie: some will go for a peacefull civ <-----> some will go for a warmonger)

              These things make the biggest difference when choosing a team, but you don't know how it will be before you join.

              Maybe you could PM your preferences to Snoopy, and he could propose a team, but I doubt if he would that.
              Last edited by PJayTycy; September 6, 2006, 13:34.
              no sig


              • #8
                A potentially active new member here...would the teams like to give a statement to convince me to join them?


                • #9
                  Join Sarantium!

                  It's... Uh... Exciting?


                  • #10
                    So far, I'm inclined to agree.
                    Anyone else?


                    • #11
                      Team Mercenary may or may not be for you.

                      We are here primarily to play the role of mercenaries, sell units and services to the other teams, and remain neutral to all. If that leads to winning, great, but we're about perfecting the mercenary concept primarily.

                      Pricing thread will answer a lot of "how will that work" questions:

                      Our team thread gives an overall feel for the team as well as Q&A from other teams:

                      Another likely difference from other teams: our team is organized via anarchy:

                      "Classic" organization consists of a designated turnplayer or two, dsignated diplomats to each team, etc, where the rest of the team provides input on how to move the next turn via a turnthread or what to say to a team in a diplomacy thread.

                      In Team Merc, we do not designate a turnplayer, anyone who wants to can. This is typically the first person who can get to it. We only have 2 basic "rules":

                      You post in the turnthread if you are going to play, to prevent duplicate saves being sent.

                      You follow the move discussions to the best of your ability.

                      We firmly believe we are all adult enough to follow those and use basic judgement of what might need to be discussed as a team. ("oh, look, 30 troops are on our border this turn...maybe I should stop play and bring this up to the team")

                      Similarly, diplomacy is handled by whoever wants to do it. Just post your correspondances in the appropriate place and stick to the merc philosophy.

                      So, from an organizational standpoint, you will be as active in team Merc as you want to be.
                      Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 7, 2006, 09:30.
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #12
                        you still didn't join any group ?
                        no sig


                        • #13
                          He must have disappeared..........
                          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

