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Turn 105 - 275 BC

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  • #16
    I requested an in-game cease fire back then. It seems to have by-passed the cooling off period. But I will take a look at the actual saves.

    EDIT: sigh... I need to replace the old dll in order to open the old saves... can't be bothered right now. In any case, Slade is correct. No peace treaty. I guess I should be slapped upside the head with a rotten blowfish.


    • #17

      Workers in AB begin new cottage. Workers complete road to EC.

      Great Engineer ready in FS next turn.

      I forted the southern Spear, but moved the southern axe 8 just to stop that saratine stack from getting too close to Foxtrot. I also promoted him to combat I.

      Gave the EC archer City Defender promo, which incidentally unforted him.

      Chariot in Lima moved 7.

      Production in FS switched to Spear (2 turns). New horse archer in FS moves to Foxtrot. Foxtrot chariot upgraded to horse archer.

      Since we lost all those units Ocala, our treasury has more money to put to research. I have increased the research rate to 80% which gets us Poly one turn earlier at only -4G/turn. Treasury stands at 263G.


      • #18
        Originally posted by polarnomad
        I requested an in-game cease fire back then. It seems to have by-passed the cooling off period. But I will take a look at the actual saves.

        EDIT: sigh... I need to replace the old dll in order to open the old saves... can't be bothered right now. In any case, Slade is correct. No peace treaty. I guess I should be slapped upside the head with a rotten blowfish.

        Don't sweat it. As I always keep saying, this is a beta version of the team. We learn from it, and move on.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #19
          Didnt play the turn last night, the game was freezing cold, i was tired, and went to bed.

          Wow, if changing the DLL removed the peace treaty, that seems to open up alot possible abuse depending how easy it is to edit that.

          Gave the EC archer City Defender promo, which incidentally unforted him
          You dont mean he lost the 15% fort bonus?
          A ship at sea is its own world. To be the captain of a ship is to be the unquestioned ruler of that world and requires all of the leadership skills of a prince or minister.

          Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing, sooner than war


          • #20
            Originally posted by Slade Wilson

            You dont mean he lost the 15% fort bonus?
            T'would appear so.

