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Turn 93, 575 BC

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  • #16
    I would be fine with flanking for the chariots.

    Also, the lone chariot next FS needs to move close to Port Lima, IMO. I feel uncomfortable leaving that access point into our lands wide open.


    • #17
      I noticed that unit names may contain no more than 25 charcters before they get chopped off. So:

      Target Practice (Sarantium)


      Target Practice (Sarantiu

      EDIT: Am off to bed now. The turn is ready to be sent onwards, barring the few issues I brought up. If no one gets to it by morning, then I will complete the turn, following any instructions that are left here.


      • #18
        Well, we did allow for abbreviations. (Sar) Or could remove the name back to the default as well.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #19
          I think that it should be very clear the units are following Sarantium's orders. (Sar) just leaves to much room for doubt. Perhaps simplify the names, but leave something to differentiate one from another ,so that Sarantium can provide us with moves more easily.


          • #20
            One last comment before bedtime. We are still not researching anything.


            • #21
              What are the turns on everything.

              Assuming everyone lives up to their bargains, there's little we can research at present. If not, we need to beeline construction.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #22
                I think (Sar) should be fine. If we want to make it clear (Hired-Sar) and chop off as much of the unit name as needed, I guess.

                IIRC we can run a -10 gpt deficit at least at 100% research. And Chariots upgrade direct to Horse Archers, right? So I think we can afford to run up the treasury while we wait to see if the others follow through on their deals.

                Re: promos, Combat I does seem like a no-brainer for the axes and spears. Flanking sounds good for the Chariots.


                • #23
                  Playing turn.


                  • #24
                    Sarantium's units moved 3, and renamed to indicate they are hired. It seems there is an amassment of Sarantium's troops inside Horde territory.

                    Horde's units all ready in Foxtrot.

                    Rush moved onto Foxtrot plains/hill. Bolt set to mine jungle/gem tile (takes 8 turns). Jaw set to mine the Lima plains/hill tile he was standing on.

                    Since there was no feedback on the workboat I moved it closer to Sarantium in case we want to enter their territory next turn for a peek.

                    Onto 550BC.

