The Merc Heartland
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Turn 93, 575 BC
So, Sarantium's stack will have their first move (for Sarantium) on Turn 94. Better advise them of this and make sure they're ready to issue their first order that turn. The Peace Treaty with the Horde is already ready to be cancelled.
Horde stack will be all together next turn; all but two of the units for the stack are currently inside Foxtrot, and one of the two outside is on the Gems tile, already farther out than the rest. Due to the sluggishness of Jack in joining the party from the west though, the farthest they could travel next turn is the horse tile by Foxtrot, but they will be together next turn. (They might as well wait inside Foxtrot though, since turn after that they can take the road out AND hit the jungle all in one turn.) Where does the Horde want them delivered? Where does the contract's turn clock start ticking?
Our new worker, Jaws, is now just west of Port Lima. Recommend he put a mine there as his first action for the Mercs.
Rush has finished his farm and can move on. I'd say have him move 3 and farm; FS may sometimes want a Grassland farm in order to grow faster. Alternatively, he could go mine the plains hill by Foxtrot.
Bolt's done roading the Gems tile and should mine.
Weren't we going to switch Port Lima to a settler? (& poprush it ) Whoops, I think I should have done that before. Oh well, let's do it now. Having anything over 2 pop isn't doing much for us in Lima, and even with the mine it'll only have 3 improved tiles to work.
AB will soon complete its Granary, we'll need to decide on another build. Personally I think it should finish up the Chariot it was building; it'll need police soon and we're too short on units to spare one of the ones being produced by the Barracks cities.
FS and Foxtrot complete their builds, Axe & Chariot respectively, soon. What to build?
I'm thinking another Chariot would be good in Foxtrot. It's going to overflow its build by 1 hammer, just enough to reduce the cost of the next Chariot to 24 hammers, which is just low enough for Foxtrot to build it in just 3 turns. More than anything I think we need to get some numbers back up in our homland right now.
In Fort Sierra, I was thinking an Archer actually wouldn't be a bad thing to produce. It would be cheap, finishing in 2 turns, and we could station it on the hill 2 of Port Lima to discourage a revenge attack by Sarantium. We could also use a Spearman to defend against Sarantine Chariots, though; all Spearmen are currently assigned to contracted stacks. :/ Heck, we'll only have 1 axeman around the homeland as well.
That Sarantium stack moves 3 next turn, and gets tagged (or not) based on that other thread.
I'll inform Sarantium.
The Horde stack needs to be in place on turn 95, so needs to move into the jungle next turn as well, to be on the border turn 95.
This time next week, I'll lay odds we're called all kinds of names in the public forum.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Isn't Lima supposed to be popping something?
Yes...but I never specified WHAT in my domestic plan.
Let's dual pop a settler out of there, it'll have mines to work once it grows back.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
That Sarantium stack moves 3 next turn, and gets tagged (or not) based on that other thread.
I'll inform Sarantium.
The Horde stack needs to be in place on turn 95, so needs to move into the jungle next turn as well, to be on the border turn 95.
Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
This time next week, I'll lay odds we're called all kinds of names in the public forum.
I just hope they play along. It could be a public relations disaster if Horde & Sarantium unite to cancel their contracts.
Sorry, the screen wasn't coming up from home. Thought the scout was 1 tile off the border. The stack needs to move onto the scout ON turn 94, and be labelled as hired. We cancell the open borders and declare war to cross on turn 95.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
"Pin Cushion" (Sarantium)
Or, according to the public thread:
"Spearman (or whatever)" (Sarantium)
Basically, they see a team name, they know it's hired. I don't think it's a problem in Civ IV with unit names. At the time I originally wrote that, it was on the heals of Civ III where you could rename workers to "Invention" and the receiving person would think they were getting a tech. Those issues have been solved in CIV.
I'll be sending them a PM to let them know as well after we play.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Out of the units the Horde wants to hire, 1 axe needs promotion (combat I?), 1 spear needs promo (combat I?), and 4 chariots need promos (combat or flanking).
EDIT: I would perhaps have Rush chop the jungle on the grass/hill next to Foxtrot so that he may then mine it later.
Also, workboat needs to move. Are we to sail him through Sarantium in the middle of a war, or head around the continent counter-clockwise?
Let's debate that, they don't move out till next turn.
I think combat 1 is a nobrainer on the spear and axe, but the chariots...I often use flanking promoted chariots as pseudo-cats.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby