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Turn 66 - 1400 BC

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  • Turn 66 - 1400 BC

    The North: Sarantium's chariot/settler

    <img src=>

    The south, along with lined and signed generic plan for the troops.

    <img src=>

    Axe in 2 from Sierra, and the chop should all overrun, making a second axe in another 2 a second chop should be timed to wait till AFTER that second axe.

    Settler in 4 from AB

    Worker going to need orders, and I'm at a loss. Cottage for AB? Mine the Hill? Perhaps even chop assist the boat???
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    The plan looks pretty good, we do need to stick to defensible terrain as much as possible; and while we only get the copper pillageable in that area, we can at least hope to cut/prevent any trade connection between the Horde capital and their home city. If we can accomplish that, we force them to build horses in their less developed, barracksless second city.

    Worker: Cottage probably isn't needed immediately, but wouldn't be bad to invest in while the worker is "free." However, if we could get some military freed up to escort a worker towards Foxtrot, we could use a FS-Foxtrot road for troop movement (two more tiles of road, on the corn and the forested hill W of the ruins, should do it). If we begin this roading soon, it should be finished around the time Foxtrot is re-settled, enabling us to pasture those horses.


    • #3
      Worker: Chop out a spear or 2? All these horses are making me paranoid... Home defenses seem a little thin.


      • #4
        We can change FS to a spear after that axe and it'll be out in 4 turns or so.

        FS, as I stated, has no use for another chop immediately, we should time the next chop to end in about 5 turns or so, enough time for rush to finish and road before starting a new chop.

        AB needs to focus on preparing to poprush the forge, and chopping units further delays it's more usefull growth. I could see possibly chopping a boat there to get the clams going quicker, but not more military units. I really don't know how usefull a cottage would be for a little while. We could divert the axe in FS as worker escort to pre-road around foxtrot starting next turn. FS will have an axe for sentry duty when we hit end turn anyway.

        As for the horses.

        HBR is some time off yet, and axes are fine for the immediate future against Chariots in CIV (thankfully this is not Warlords). It is true our home defense is mostly smoke, mirrors, and plain bravado in reference to Sarantium. However, that is going to change swiftly. We'll have 3 military units out in the next 6 turns from a barracks. At least one, maybe 2 of those should be a spear, yes.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #5
          So, moves for this specific turn?

          I suggest the southern stack form up - the axe/spear moving 4 since they'd beat the axe if they go straight for the hill; also gets them out of Horde sight. The other axe can move 2 to meet them, and they can move to the hill together.

          The unnamed worker: it could move to the corn to road, but that would take it next to FoW we can't see, and it would be out of moves and unable to retreat once it gets there. The axe can't move fast enough. So, I propose we go for roading the jungle instead. It's a more direct route anyhow and will allow the axe in FS to protect the worker from the first turn. The corn is on the river so it doesn't even need a road, strictly speaking. So, unnamed worker 2-2-2, FS axe 2-2 would be my proposal there.

          The axe in the east sees the new Sarantium city (at the agreed upon location, yay) and it should retreat back 7 to resume its FoW dispersion.

          I think that's all the immediate business for this turn. I agree that a spear would be a good build after FS' current axe. As for AB's next build, another settler wouldn't be a bad idea... we can't start developing that eastern city (except for roads) until we get culture down on those tiles, and the sooner we establish the city, the sooner it starts developing itself (and its culture, which will be important in a border city).

          Originally posted by inamirrordarkly
          How long before AB's borders expand and bring the iron within our cultural boundries?
          61 turns by my calculation. Less, of course, if culture is built during that time.


          • #6
            Sounds good. Although it doesn't make much difference if the southern units gather now or on the forest/hill to the southwest as UnO suggested. Let's just keep them moving.


            • #7
              Playing the turn.


              • #8
                Edited for correct year


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kloreep
                  Edited for correct year

