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Turn 42 - 2360 BC

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  • Turn 42 - 2360 BC

    Scout moved 4 - 4. Next move for scout: 1 - 4 to coastal hill.

    Worker set to road. AB citizen switched from forest tile to oasis.

  • #2
    Hm... Just noticed the note we forted the axe.

    I'ld like the axe moved 6-6-6 over the next few turns. Removes fog and gives 100% protection from barbs in AB, gets us closer to Sierra, and let's the horde know we aint ****ing around.

    3 turns to Sierra border expansion?
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      You want the axe to move 6-6-6 to the eastern hill? Don't you mean 3-3-3 towards the Horde scout and onto the hill to the southeast?

      FS border expansion in 3, yes.


      • #4
        Yeah, I mean 3's there. finger slipped on the 10-key pad.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #5
          Save is here, will play.


          • #6
            Bear spotted east of Fort Sierra. Shouldn't present a danger to anything but the axe heading SE, which should be able to handle it all right, though we may want to try to get it on to a hill.

            -Scout moves 1, spots Lion (3 of the coastal hill we were going to move to), retreats back 7
            -Axeman activated, moved 3

