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Skills, Hopes and Responsibilities

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  • #16
    Okay, time to let you in on my deepest/darkest secrets?

    Q1: First time CIV player, playing on Noble and winning (50%). Being a soldier (retired as of 1 Jan) I will follow orders and do whatever I am told as best I can. That said, I have also worked in "diplomacy" (who of you hasn't negotiated with narcotic- and power-high teenagers armed with AK's manning a road block to get aid through?). Would that be called "pointy stick" research? I have an interest in all the other facets too, so...

    Q2: I want to have fun and learn how the better players (which seems to be all of you) think about how to play the game so that I can improve my games! I have no non-negotiable demands, but I would prefer not to be shot at (I got enough of that at work). I will engage in debate and go wholeheartedly and without later recrimination with the consensus - living with challenges you cannot change is part of life, no matter how much we moan & groan about it. This is my first demo game and I am still trying to figure out completely how it works, so I will have naive questions and comments (probably often). I have a thickish skin, so my feelings don't get hurt. I am living with my girl, who doesn't usually mind me playing games (provided it's quietly). Which brings me to my next point, are there any ladies on our team? I am assuming that Enigma is not (mainly because "he" reminds me of myself when I was a snotty teenager - a few years in the army can mellow one). All the rest seem to be men?

    Q3: Failure rates from RL? Most of the people I shot at never complained much. On the other hand, I never wandered up to do market research, I was usually too busy with other things at the time (like lying my hole whimpering). I don't like error, but no plan ever survives first contact. Flexibility and quick thinking are my good traits. My job at the moment inolves similar "pointy stick" operations, and since unfortunately people don't post their plans on the guerrilla websites, my time is not really my own. What is AFK? With planning, I should only be gone about 1 (max 2) week/month. I am trying to complete my PhD, and this takes up some time. I pledge to try to give due warning (Can we create a thread just for this, so we all know?). I will not find a replacement - as a military team we should be able to function when our people get temporarily wounded. I have no medical problems, I am fit, strong and healthy (if you don't count recurring malaria and the long-term effects of broken bones and wounds). If get killed in my work, you can kick me out, no hard feelings.
    Have guns. Will travel. +27123150425


    • #17
      Originally posted by troglodyte

      (who of you hasn't negotiated with narcotic- and power-high teenagers armed with AK's manning a road block to get aid through?)
      Um, can't say I've ever had to get involved in said "diplomacy."

      *counts his lucky stars*

      Originally posted by troglodyte

      This is my first demo game and I am still trying to figure out completely how it works, so I will have naive questions and comments (probably often).
      That makes two of us!

      Originally posted by troglodyte

      Which brings me to my next point, are there any ladies on our team?
      Don't believe so... unfortunately.

      Originally posted by troglodyte

      I am assuming that Enigma is not (mainly because "he" reminds me of myself when I was a snotty teenager - a few years in the army can mellow one).
      Enlist E_N into the Army! Brilliant idea! That oughta calm the pesky twit down a notch or two!

      Originally posted by troglodyte

      Q3: Failure rates from RL? Most of the people I shot at never complained much. On the other hand, I never wandered up to do market research, I was usually too busy with other things at the time (like lying my hole whimpering). I don't like error, but no plan ever survives first contact. Flexibility and quick thinking are my good traits. My job at the moment inolves similar "pointy stick" operations, and since unfortunately people don't post their plans on the guerrilla websites, my time is not really my own.
      *wonders if we haven't attracted a RL mercenary*

      Originally posted by troglodyte

      What is AFK?
      Away From Keyboard

      Originally posted by troglodyte

      I have no medical problems, I am fit, strong and healthy (if you don't count recurring malaria and the long-term effects of broken bones and wounds). If get killed in my work, you can kick me out, no hard feelings.
      Great to have you on OUR side!


      • #18
        *wonders if we haven't attracted a RL mercenary*
        Technically, just an "Advisor" now.

        It pays better than being a grunt, and you don't have to get up as early.

        Do you know why military operations start at 04:00? Because if the attack fails you haven't wasted the entire day.
        Have guns. Will travel. +27123150425


        • #19
          Originally posted by troglodyte

          Do you know why military operations start at 04:00? Because if the attack fails you haven't wasted the entire day.


          • #20
            Originally posted by troglodyte
            All the rest seem to be men?
            So far as I know.

            Civ doesn't seem to attract many women, much less the more involved variants of it like DGs.

            Originally posted by troglodyte
            I pledge to try to give due warning (Can we create a thread just for this, so we all know?). I will not find a replacement - as a military team we should be able to function when our people get temporarily wounded.
            No prob. There are really only a few positions that need immediate replacements anyway, primarily that of turnplayer; mostly everyone just pitches in brainpower, and that isn't vital to continued functioning.

            Originally posted by troglodyte
            Do you know why military operations start at 04:00? Because if the attack fails you haven't wasted the entire day.


            • #21
              My wife likes to keep track of how it's going, and plays a little, but won't get into posting much.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #22
                Some very long posts in here...

                I'll be brief.

                I have far too much demogame experience for my own good. I probably have a reputation because of it. Problem is, that rep is different for different people.

                Civ IV is relatively new to me, as I've only had it for a little over a month, so most of the builderish stuff will initially fall on other people until I'm up to speed.

                I have a life. Some days I won't check in at Poly. But PMs send me an email and I check email often so that works to get a hold of me.

                I know this concept well. I was a part of the original Merc Team over on MZO. I adore this quasi-roleplaying concept for too many reasons. The reason I like it the most is that it allows us the joy of endless conflict without the burdon of broken loyalties, betrayal, antagonism, and bitterness.

                In any event, I plan to act as a Mercenary Sales Rep/Fixer/Black Ops/Problem Solver for a teams. I believe that teams should have 1 person they contact for all of their problems. I also wouldn't mind overseeing the whole division of foreign affairs and profiteering, but that job may be the best gig on the team, so I don't mind sharing.

                Also, I might add, I'm a lawyer. I've done my share of contract writing and negotiations. Both in-game and out-of-game.

                Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                • #23
                  Perfect, with the law on our side we can't lose!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Togas
                    I'm a lawyer.
                    Law is like warfare without the ammo-shortages, right?
                    Have guns. Will travel. +27123150425


                    • #25
                      Re: Skills, Hopes and Responsibilities

                      [QUOTE] Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
                      1. Skill and Interests
                      What areas of the Democracy Game are you interested in doing or are good at doing?

                      I'm not sure. This is my first demo game so I want to get the feel more before I jump into any role. I think I'll just hang out and give advice on anything I feel interested in responding to. Jack of all trades I guess.

                      I'm just interested in the mercenary concept and I'd like to see it succeed and prove to be an interesting variation on the game that will hopefully enhance everyone's enjoyment of it. I hope to learn a bit more about Demo games and see if its something that will retain my interest or grow excrutiatingly boring after a week or two (like the one PBEM game I've played). If it does I'll probably just lurk and pop in and out occasionally with some word of advice.

                      Generally I don't see myself too involved with all the micromanagement details of whether to move our warrior NW or NE, or which tile to work in the city. So I'll do what I can with general strategy, but leave the micromanagement to the rest of you.

                      Hopefully I can contribute in a real way, but if not I'll be here to provide moral support for the rest of you.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #26
                        Welcome Ozzy!
                        Have guns. Will travel. +27123150425

