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City naming conventions.

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  • #31
    Ok, my vote is as follows.

    6 - Fort Sierra (I like the idea of continuing with the convention as long as we are not giving away our city count.)

    5 - Gibbet Cove (a cove can be on a river so this can work, plus the gibbet can be a warning to other civs to watch their step)

    4 - Raven's Nest (feel like this should be on a hill)

    3 - Cuckoo's Nest (maybe wait to discover flight for this one)

    2 - Sierra Base (too similar to Alpha Base)

    1 - Fort Bravo

    0 - Camp Bravo

    EDIT: Changed numbering to number of votes instead of rank.


    • #32
      My list, from most preferable at top to least at bottom. (W/ number of votes. #1 spot = 6 votes, #2=5, etc.)

      6 - Fort Sierra
      5 - Raven's Nest
      4 - Gibbet Cove
      3 - Cuckoo's Nest
      2 - Sierra Base
      1 - Fort Bravo
      0 - Camp Bravo


      • #33
        I vote:
        Raven's Nest
        Gibbet Cove
        Sierra Base
        Fort Sierra
        Cuckoo's Nest
        Fort Bravo
        Camp Bravo


        • #34
          I think this is the current tally. I believe we have a tie at the moment, so hopefully more people will vote...

          Camp Bravo 0
          Fort Bravo 3
          Raven's Nest 15
          Cuckoo's Nest 8
          Gibbet Cove 14
          Fort Sierra 15
          Sierra Base 8


          • #35
            Actually, there's no tie. With Raven's Nest and Fort Sierra having the same tally by the current vote, we discard all votes for other candidates, re-value the votes already cast from zero to one instead of zero to six, and decide that Fort Sierra beats Raven's Nest by a tally of two (polarnomad and Kloreep) to one (me). Recording all our preferences results in our ability to hold an "instant runoff": we know from the rankings submtted already that Fort Sierra would beat Raven's Nest in a one-on-one vote.

            The beauty of the Borda count is that it perfectly preserves the results of any one-on-one matchup: if A would beat B head-to-head, it will beat B in a Borda count. No other weighting of preferences (e.g., a double vote for your top pick or a zero vote for everyone except your top pick) does so for all possible voter preferences.


            • #36
              6 - Fort Bravo
              5 - Fort Sierra
              4 - Raven's Nest
              3 - Cukoo's Nest
              2 - Camp Bravo
              1 - Sierra Base
              0 - Gibblet Cove


              • #37
                Cool, that would have worked out then.


                Camp Bravo 2
                Fort Bravo 9
                Raven's Nest 19
                Cuckoo's Nest 11
                Gibbet Cove 14
                Fort Sierra 20
                Sierra Base 9


                • #38
                  Mmmmm. Gibblets.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by inamirrordarkly

                    0 - Gibblet Cove
                    Um, yeah... That would be GIBBET! As in to hang someone from!


                    • #40
                      Whatever, I still give it zero.


                      • #41
                        That is your prerogative. My intention was not to influence your vote.


                        • #42
                          I know. After looking at that post it may have come off as somewhat short tempered. I did not intend it that way.


                          • #43
                            Ok. No worries.


                            • #44

                              Thoughts on city #3's name?


                              • #45
                                Since the third city will probably be placed in order to secure the horses, and given the phonetic alphabet thing we have going on, why not 'Foxtrot Stable'?
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