This is not intended for discussion, only team votes. Please post your team vote here only once the team has agreed on that vote.
Please select between:
0. Open Now
1. Open by a tech discovered by one team
2. Open by a tech discovered by all teams
3. Open by contact made from one continent to another
4. Open by contact made by all teams
Additionally, please post as part of your vote which tech you prefer, if 1 or 2 is chosen, even if you do not vote 1 or 2. It can be different techs for each selection.
If there is no majority vote, I will consider votes for less stringent options to be votes for the least stringent option that would gain a majority vote. Or have a runoff if there appears to be only two selections
chose a number that you like best
Vote Stats
WA #3
DO #3
Fed -abstain
Please select between:
0. Open Now
1. Open by a tech discovered by one team
2. Open by a tech discovered by all teams
3. Open by contact made from one continent to another
4. Open by contact made by all teams
Additionally, please post as part of your vote which tech you prefer, if 1 or 2 is chosen, even if you do not vote 1 or 2. It can be different techs for each selection.
If there is no majority vote, I will consider votes for less stringent options to be votes for the least stringent option that would gain a majority vote. Or have a runoff if there appears to be only two selections
chose a number that you like best
Vote Stats
WA #3
DO #3
Fed -abstain