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    Turn is in, have no time to do it though

    I think GS is getting the picture and its about time to start the war.

    We need to answer sarantium, but its not that urgent

    no unexpected things happened

  • #2
    I can do it in 3 - 4 hours, but I'll probably have some questions... (ie: research / production plans / worker tasks)
    no sig


    • #3

      => Chopping a forest near nanjing gave us 30 hammers for the caravel over there. Our second caravel will be ready in 2 turns now.

      => The barb-city has grown to pop 2. One of our chucks/maces should walk by and capture it. Currently it's guarded by 2 warriors.

      The rest will be for this evening...
      no sig


      • #4
        Some screenshots :

        Our caravel near sarantium

        An attack plan...

        So, some explanations here...

        Turn 0 is when the galley leaves Xin Guangzhou. It follows The Light Red lines. After 9 turns we can unload. I added route to turn 11, but I don't think those 2 extra naval turns are worth it.

        The Blue lines and numbers give possible supply lines for troops that want to board the galley. The numbers are calculated with the idea the units end their turn by boarding the galley, before the galley moves that turn.

        The Dark Red lines and numbers give our ground attack lines.
        • The numbering for the attack on the main GS cities continues after the unloading on their shores.
        • The numbering for the attack on their northern city is calculated for the case where the same unit from Xian or Tassagrad takes a complete land-based route instead of the galley.

        Also on the screenshot are the locations of different military units on their way to GS:
        • C = Chokonu's
        • M = Maceman
        • S = Spearman
        • A = Archer
        • W = Warrior

        I have this image completely layered, so I will try to update current positions every turn.
        Important: the units in our mainland are not included here, because I have not moved them yet.
        no sig


        • #5
          Lets not leave our units in others borders at the end of turn.
          If I was them I'd be quite dissatisfied with such a move.
          We'll have to send them apologies for this.

          I'll see the turn 2moro morning.
          -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
          -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


          • #6
            Also, I propose a different build in Being. Last turn we started the Hanging Gardens :

            I vote for HG, since we can then get more out of lightbulbed GM and it will also help to do some extra whips.
            HG should be done in 6 turns.
            So the benefits are:
            => Getting more out of GM due to higher population. This won't make a really big difference. 10 cities * (+1 pop/city) * (+2 beakers/pop) ==> 20 extra beakers. So, it would be 1110 instead of 1090 beakers. A really, really small advantage (we do +214 beakers/turn running 100% research)
            => Getting more whips : we almost never have to wait for the population growth, but for the 10-turn angryness to go over.

            So, I propose to immediately change to another galley. It will take 3 turns to build and 2 turns to sail towards our other galley. That means, if we start with our first galley (with chuck+mace) right now, we get a second galley (with 2 maces) 5 turns behind it.

            If you compare the naval and land paths after 11 turns, we get naval troops 6 tiles further south, which translates in +/- 6 turns less time lost in transport.

            Another thing, if we start moving the first galley now (ie: before end turn), we are already on position 1 at the end of this turn. Now take the mace on spot 7 as reference, this is the back of our initial 5-unit attack force. When the naval units reach position 11 (ie: ready to attack GS' third city), our initial attack force will be on the same vertical line. So, these two forces will be able to attack perfectly synchronised together (if everything moves without problems). If we do have holdups, and we are fighting a harder war over one of GS' cities, the naval troops will effectively land behind enemy lines. Also, we will pass the northern GS city 1-2 turns after we should capture it if we have no real resistance. So, GS won't see our galley passing by and will have no warning about a possible sneak attack in their mainland.
            If, however, it turns out their northern city is harder garrisoned than expected, we can unload there and help our land-based attack force. After that we sail back for more reinforcements. This is a pretty solid plan-B.

            Please give your ideas...
            no sig


            • #7
              Here I have a revised version. I corrected a mistake where I added a turn for unloading, which is unnecessary (a unit can unload to a land tile after the galley used up all its movements in the same turn).

              I also changed the reference for the turn-counting for our attack force on GS' northern city. Now the numbers are based on our plan-B. If our first 5 units (4 chucks + 1 mace) have troubles capturing it, we have extra units arriving 3 turns later from 2 sides : 3 from over land (2 chucks + 1 mace) and 2 from over sea (1 chuck + 1 mace).

              So, we can be on their doorstep in 3 turns with 5 units or in 6 turns with 10 units if necessary. This should really be enough for whatever forces GS has at that city :-).

              no sig


              • #8
                Midturn attached...

                Just press endturn if you agree to quickly build a galley in Being first, change it back to hanging gardens if you don't agree...

                I also set the economy slider back to full research. We will have paper in 3 turns. We have 535 gold now and run at -76/turn. We still need to do 2 upgrades from archer=>chuck.

                Another thing, currently Xian and Tassagrad are building a maceman to board the galley Being is building. After these units though, I think it might be good to invest in some domestic police units. Various cities already have citizens complaining for military protection, as we have almost 0 military in our core lands now.
                Attached Files
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                • #9
                  So the benefits are:
                  => Getting more out of GM due to higher population. This won't make a really big difference. 10 cities * (+1 pop/city) * (+2 beakers/pop) ==> 20 extra beakers. So, it would be 1110 instead of 1090 beakers. A really, really small advantage (we do +214 beakers/turn running 100% research)
                  => Getting more whips : we almost never have to wait for the population growth, but for the 10-turn angryness to go over.
                  You forgot more production / gold in most of the cities.

                  What will we use that second galley for?
                  Invading GS core?
                  Do you think 4 units will be enough for that?
                  GS Will have 4 turns alert minimum, so Im not sure that will work.

                  This needs more evaluation / discussion.

                  Did you DOW the GS and move first two chucks in then?
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by binTravkin
                    What will we use that second galley for?
                    Invading GS core?
                    Do you think 4 units will be enough for that?
                    GS Will have 4 turns alert minimum, so Im not sure that will work.
                    We will have 4 units + all units leftover from the raids on the northern cities.
                    If we don't build galleys to transport our troops down south, it will take much longer before they arrive... Even if we just drop them off on the shores of the northern city, we gain 4 turns.

                    Originally posted by binTravkin
                    This needs more evaluation / discussion.
                    Probably, but how long can we hold the turn over this issue ?

                    Originally posted by binTravkin
                    Did you DOW the GS and move first two chucks in then?
                    No, the positions in the screenshot are end-turn positions. The first 2 chucks were able to move forward without entering GS' culture, so I didn't declare war yet.
                    no sig


                    • #11
                      Ok, finished it up.
                      Attached Files
                      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

