Played it up to midturn.
- GS has accepted our offer and set to bureaucracy, now has 81 gnp vs our 95, we've got +4 more commerce in Beijing
- GS founded Taoism
- Warrior nears Tassagrad, chuk moved to intercept
- Beijing set to aqueduct, citizen set away from mine to sea
- Xian set to courthouse
- Hong Kong set to courthouse
- Dongjing set to library (any other ideas? seemed to me as the next best thing)
- Safanople set to more food-centered production for sooner growth
- settler moved east
- missionary moved east
- missionary from safanople moved out
- both archers moved east (one out of Dongjing towards sea)
- worker near Safanople set to produce a cottage (I guess we'll need a mine too)
- worker near Xin Guangzhou set to chop silk forest
- worker near former Banana territory set to build farm north of Mhasa
- chuk in the north moved north for better fogbusting
- chuks in south moved north, forward chuck encounters barb archer
- scout moved a bit south to see more of barb city, didn't risk moving it adjacent
- research set to 100%
To decide:
- should we promote the forward chuck for more chances vs archer?
- GS has accepted our offer and set to bureaucracy, now has 81 gnp vs our 95, we've got +4 more commerce in Beijing
- GS founded Taoism
- Warrior nears Tassagrad, chuk moved to intercept
- Beijing set to aqueduct, citizen set away from mine to sea
- Xian set to courthouse
- Hong Kong set to courthouse
- Dongjing set to library (any other ideas? seemed to me as the next best thing)
- Safanople set to more food-centered production for sooner growth
- settler moved east
- missionary moved east
- missionary from safanople moved out
- both archers moved east (one out of Dongjing towards sea)
- worker near Safanople set to produce a cottage (I guess we'll need a mine too)
- worker near Xin Guangzhou set to chop silk forest
- worker near former Banana territory set to build farm north of Mhasa
- chuk in the north moved north for better fogbusting
- chuks in south moved north, forward chuck encounters barb archer
- scout moved a bit south to see more of barb city, didn't risk moving it adjacent
- research set to 100%
To decide:
- should we promote the forward chuck for more chances vs archer?
