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300 Bc

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  • 300 Bc

    We have monarchy

    There is a barbarian city south of splitesville, located well between resources. Unfortunatly, it is not on the water, which probably means it should be razed. It will give us cash and experiance The chuks near splitsville should rally and move on the city

    Granery built in hong kong, scout in Xian, forge in mhasa
    if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

    ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''

  • #2

    The settler is on the hill, lighthouse is being built in hong kong and a worker in xian


    What to do with the 5 chukonu
    The worker north of xian, on wheat needs orders

    Attached Files
    if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

    ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


    • #3
      if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

      ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


      • #4
        if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

        ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


        • #5
          The worker headed for the wine and is now on the road south of xian, 2 chukonu went and pillaged a mine(+5) and pasture(+8) near splitsvile, the medic chukonu is healing and the two chukonu on the jungle\hill have moved into into its tile. I also left the science rate at 100% on orders from the chairman even though 80% would complete currency and save money, though i had to be threatened at chukonu-point to do so....
          if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

          ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


          • #6
            We need to decide how to promote the medic chuck.
            Options are:
            - combat II
            - drill I
            - shock
            - cover
            - medic II
            - march

            I vote for combat II, because it doesn't obsolete and doesn't have any immunity working against it.
            -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
            -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


            • #7
              Shock could be good if GS has alot of axes or we fear macemen hordes in the future.
              Cover....well it protects against other crossbows. Not a good choice
              March could be usefull in the big picture, for future campaigns
              Drill I leads to Drill II and decimates people, but units like knights are immune
              Medic II is only great when paired with March

              Combat II is the most versatile, will always work, always be relevant.
              if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

              ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


              • #8
                Later we should estimate what production the barb city is capable of, if it can make units at a good clip we could train a number of units up an additional rank. In particular one of our chukonus with the medic is low on experience, this unit should spearhead any attack
                if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                • #9
                  Could somebody post the skype chatlog? Somehow I only received the part from "[17:02:30] Kataphraktoi : ok ill post then" onwards...
                  no sig


                  • #10
                    part 1

                    [4:30:53 AM] Weedy says: turn's in
                    [4:31:09 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ok I'm here
                    [4:31:25 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: no one else seems to be though
                    [4:31:28 AM] Weedy says: I won't be opening it atm now, tho, coz at work
                    [4:31:35 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: k
                    [4:31:38 AM] Weedy says: in ~8hours or so
                    [4:32:00 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ok I'll try to be their
                    [7:24:56 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ill be here with my brillaint accurate and indepth analysis assist
                    [7:25:50 AM] Weedy says: ok, you could start with opening the turn and checking whether GS has traded monarchy :>
                    [7:26:16 AM] Kataphraktoi says: im loading some other pbem atm wil check in a min
                    [7:26:30 AM] Weedy says: ok, no prob
                    [7:38:36 AM] Kataphraktoi says: the bc 300 sav?
                    [7:44:21 AM] Kataphraktoi says: our trade to them? they now have monarchy i believe
                    [7:44:53 AM] Kataphraktoi says: woah a barb city
                    [7:45:10 AM] Kataphraktoi says: south of splitsville
                    [7:45:21 AM] Kataphraktoi says: the chuks should head there and take\raze it
                    [7:47:02 AM] Kataphraktoi says: sent you a pic, i assume you cant load sav
                    [7:50:09 AM] Weedy says: where did you send it?
                    [7:50:17 AM] Weedy says: (sorry, was afk)
                    [7:50:39 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i cancel, assumed you were working on something else
                    [7:50:48 AM] Kataphraktoi says: canceled
                    [7:51:05 AM] Weedy says: now, the trade
                    [7:51:12 AM] Weedy says: they have monarchy, that's true, but do we have it
                    [7:51:16 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yes
                    [7:51:17 AM] Weedy says: ?
                    [7:51:31 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i wasnt sure what you were reffering to when you asked :P
                    [7:51:33 AM] Weedy says: really? cool!
                    [7:52:24 AM] Weedy says: ok, then post in the thread that you opened the turn and that GS has traded with us + the barb city stuff + anything else you see (like checking the event log and top5 city screen)
                    [7:52:43 AM] Kataphraktoi says: k
                    [7:52:45 AM] Weedy says: nice barb city
                    [7:52:50 AM] Weedy says: if only it was near sea
                    [7:52:56 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i know
                    [7:53:03 AM] Weedy says: but the extra experience + cash will be worth it
                    [7:53:26 AM] Weedy says: oh, we have 505 score already? cool!
                    [7:53:59 AM] Weedy says: post this screenie in the thread too
                    [7:55:12 AM] Weedy says: that just means we will need to move that chuck south, but I guess it's not much of a problem
                    [7:55:42 AM] Kataphraktoi says: where we sending the chuks otherwise?
                    [7:55:53 AM] Weedy says: healing
                    [7:56:08 AM] Weedy says: but I guess you saw the city without moving the chuk, did you?
                    [7:56:14 AM] Weedy says: the border
                    [7:56:32 AM] Kataphraktoi says: you can see the border asis, but i also moved the chuk to see if there was more
                    [7:56:51 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i see no reason for you not to load the sav later and move elsewise
                    [7:58:07 AM] Weedy says: so we now have one free worker in the north
                    [7:58:09 AM] Weedy says: he could now get the wines
                    [7:58:16 AM] Weedy says: near Xian
                    [7:59:53 AM] Weedy says: Also, we then have Currency(572) and Calendar(500) - techs we are willing to trade to GS. I guess CoL vs Currency would be okay (though costs don't much exactly) and Construction for Calendar after it. I don't remember Construction's cost though
                    [7:59:59 AM] Weedy says: something around 500 I think
                    [8:00:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: an even 500 in the tech screen
                    [8:01:42 AM] Weedy says: nice
                    [8:01:48 AM] Weedy says: so a 1072 vs 1000 tech deal
                    [9:02:20 AM] Weedy says: they should be okay with it, though the 1000 part gives more benefit at
                    [9:02:25 AM] Weedy says: *atm
                    [9:02:44 AM] Kataphraktoi says: geeze exact beaker cost, i rarely measure it out :P
                    [9:03:07 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i dont think 72 beakers will make anyone complain
                    [9:03:41 AM] Weedy says: yup
                    [9:03:51 AM] Weedy says: it's in their favour anyway
                    [9:03:57 AM] Kataphraktoi says: that worker is standing on a grass river tile, is it cottaging?
                    [9:04:03 AM] Kataphraktoi says: not doing anything atm
                    [9:04:51 AM] Kataphraktoi says: might not need wine asap, only the capitol is near happy limit
                    [9:05:30 AM] Weedy says: wait, where?
                    [9:05:34 AM] Weedy says: near which city
                    [9:05:56 AM] Kataphraktoi says: southeast of mhasa
                    [9:06:01 AM] Weedy says: it just chopped
                    [9:06:08 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ah k
                    [9:06:08 AM] Weedy says: should be moving to Bananapolis to help there
                    [9:06:32 AM] Kataphraktoi says: cottages will be great in that riverbed sometime
                    [9:06:36 AM] Weedy says: well, wine not asap, but the northern worker won't have much to do atm anyway and it will take some 8 turns to make it
                    [9:06:40 AM] Weedy says: yup
                    [9:06:51 AM] Weedy says: Bananapolis has some of that too
                    [9:07:11 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we can cottage one of the silks too
                    [9:07:42 AM] Kataphraktoi says: our continent looks juicy and big
                    [9:07:45 AM] Weedy says: we'll have Calendar soon, if we go it next, so it will be beter
                    [9:07:51 AM] Weedy says:
                    [9:08:00 AM] Weedy says: I'd say it's a bit low on food though
                    [9:08:03 AM] Weedy says: in the central areas
                    [9:08:06 AM] Weedy says: including Bananaland
                    [9:08:25 AM] Weedy says: Mercs must be having more of it seeing their growth pattern
                    [9:08:39 AM] Weedy says: and GS definitely has more having fps covering all the place
                    [9:09:09 AM] Weedy says: let's hope nice resources like oil, coal, aluminium and uranium show up later
                    [9:09:12 AM] Kataphraktoi says: add granery and grass is ok
                    [9:09:17 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its a odd spot for banana
                    [9:09:21 AM] Kataphraktoi says: not a great capitol
                    [9:09:23 AM] Weedy says: indeed
                    [9:09:32 AM] Kataphraktoi says: did snoopy make this map or generate it btw?
                    [9:09:33 AM] Weedy says: I'd say a very poor one
                    [9:09:49 AM] Weedy says: it was generated but he said he looked at the balance and adjusted a little
                    [9:10:05 AM] Weedy says: Vox's and Banana positions don't seem that good tho
                    [9:10:27 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we havnt seen voxs position...?
                    [9:10:40 AM] Weedy says: I mean it's very close to GS
                    [9:10:55 AM] Weedy says: PJay made a map retroengineering from the maps they sent to us
                    [9:11:18 AM] Weedy says: I guess Snoopy was thinking Bananas would use their starting techs to immediately get cottages (just 1 tech away) and thus start researching like crazy.
                    I sometimes do so when I'm french of egyptian
                    [9:11:23 AM] Weedy says: *or
                    [9:11:48 AM] Kataphraktoi says: you know we have 4\7s of the land map if we conquer GS?
                    [9:12:01 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i was looking at how random continets work
                    [9:12:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: the area with more players always seems to have more resources and is bigger
                    [9:12:31 AM] Weedy says: domination victory possible?
                    [9:12:45 AM] Weedy says: we have 25% pop now I think
                    [9:12:50 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i wonder if snoopy considered geopolitical effets
                    [9:13:49 AM] Weedy says: Well it certainly does seem to me that Bananas were doomed with that single cow resource. Their only path out was the mentioned early cottaging tactic, which would rocket them in research
                    [9:14:57 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we can drop the research rate to 80%(-10ish) and get currency next turn
                    [9:15:23 AM] Weedy says: yup, we definitely should
                    [9:15:36 AM] Weedy says: 1 turn of currency is worth it
                    [9:15:42 AM] Weedy says: that's +6 gold
                    [9:15:48 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ya brb
                    [9:27:03 AM] Weedy says: the top5 city screen and event log didn't show anything special?
                    [9:27:13 AM] Weedy says: like new wonders or religions or great people
                    [10:05:19 AM] Kataphraktoi says: someone has tied us for best mfg
                    [10:05:53 AM] Kataphraktoi says: this is probably a dumb question, but what is the event log i keep hearing about and where is it? :P
                    [10:06:24 AM] Weedy says: top left corner
                    [10:06:28 AM] Weedy says: a little book with pen
                    [10:06:43 AM] Weedy says: yes, we were second in mfg last turn already, I guess they must be mercs
                    [10:07:05 AM] Weedy says: but not for long (naughty)
                    [10:07:10 AM] Weedy says: 8)
                    [10:10:12 AM] Weedy says: we could roleplay that southern barb city as Bananas gone native
                    [10:10:26 AM] Kataphraktoi says: lol
                    [10:10:27 AM] Weedy says: it's in quite an appropriate place, in the middle of jungle
                    [10:10:48 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we must hunt the insurgents down and eliminate them, in the name of global piece, prosperity and umm yeah
                    [10:10:57 AM] Weedy says:
                    [10:11:29 AM] Weedy says: they are secretly growing that drug called "ba-na-na"
                    [10:16:06 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i trust them on the currency now for col later thing. its unlikely for a team to deliberatly betray someone and even more rare to do so when opportunity shows itself, ussualy betrayal is premeditated
                    [10:16:12 AM] Kataphraktoi says: maybe im too trsuting though?
                    [10:17:56 AM] Weedy says: well I don't know
                    [10:18:00 AM] Weedy says: from one side they did to us
                    [10:18:05 AM] Weedy says: giving us poly + masonry
                    [10:18:13 AM] Weedy says: so we could get Monotheism
                    [10:18:35 AM] Weedy says: So this would be a similar action
                    [10:19:21 AM] Kataphraktoi says: in a PBEM its easy to get backstabbed, for in a DG it would require several players to agree to backstab.i think most players are not prone to backstabbing, and for a whole group to do so would seem unlikely
                    [10:19:28 AM] Kataphraktoi says: but in a dg*
                    [10:20:42 AM] Weedy says: I'm kinda pro trusting.
                    I doubt that they, after so much ignoring diplomacy and now suddenly sounding so willing to trade are going to screw it. They need us and will need us even more as our research output grows (currently it's roughly equal theirs).
                    [10:21:25 AM] Weedy says: Besides, our army (the biggest) and swift defeat of Bananas should be quite convincing too.
                    [10:21:52 AM] Kataphraktoi says: and our army will be in their region after taking the barb city, should we move down towards that mountain pass afterwords?
                    [10:22:02 AM] Weedy says: yes
                    [10:22:03 AM] Weedy says: just in case
                    [10:22:05 AM] Kataphraktoi says: that would be a great line of demarcation
                    [10:22:06 AM] Weedy says: and to scout some
                    [10:23:36 AM] Weedy says: I think it will be the actual line as much as they don't want it, coz they have delayed conquering Vox for so long, they can't claim it
                    [10:27:38 AM] Weedy says: I'll be home in ~2h, we can do the turn then or most of it
                    [10:27:44 AM] Weedy says: did you fin the event log in the end
                    [10:28:03 AM] Kataphraktoi says: when you told me, yes, nothing new
                    [10:28:13 AM] Weedy says: cool
                    [10:28:15 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i found out we built forge in mhasa and added that to turn thread
                    [10:28:32 AM] Weedy says: ok
                    [10:28:49 AM] Kataphraktoi says: whoops, that was a 325
                    [10:29:08 AM] Weedy says: it was finished at the end of 235
                    [10:29:20 AM] Weedy says: *325, so it says 325
                    [10:45:51 AM] Kataphraktoi says: if you remember where the civilian units go i could play and send it on now if you want
                    [10:46:24 AM] Kataphraktoi says: that settler outside beijing-is that the planned rice city sett?
                    [10:46:54 AM] Kataphraktoi says: city should go on the plainshill afaik
                    [10:46:59 AM] Weedy says: you could play, but don't send on yet
                    [10:47:19 AM] Weedy says: yes, but settler should only be moved after the worker there has done the road
                    [10:47:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: road is done
                    [10:47:37 AM] Weedy says: ok, then move unto hill near rice
                    [10:47:54 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ya its there
                    [10:47:58 AM] Kataphraktoi says: what about all the workers
                    [10:48:00 AM] Weedy says: -the worker near Tass - chop the river-silk tile
                    [10:48:03 AM] Kataphraktoi says: k
                    [10:48:23 AM] Weedy says: -the worker near Hong Kong - chop where it stands (it should be in forest, is it?)
                    [10:48:41 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its already on it, 2 turns left
                    [10:48:54 AM] Weedy says: -the worker near Bananapolis - should be moving north by the road, to Bananapolis to some forest
                    [10:48:55 AM] Kataphraktoi says: worker north of xian on wheat tile
                    [10:48:59 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: howdy
                    [10:49:03 AM] Weedy says: hi
                    [10:49:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: near mhasa? k
                    [10:49:25 AM] Weedy says: -worker near Xian on hold
                    [10:49:32 AM] Weedy says: (needs some micromanagement)
                    [10:49:38 AM] Kataphraktoi says: -the worker near mhasa - should be moving north by the road, to Bananapolis to some forest
                    [10:49:43 AM] Weedy says: yes
                    [11:00:19 AM] Weedy says: ok, let's just have military stay where it is at the start of the turn and do all the other stuff and post midturn
                    [11:00:23 AM] Kataphraktoi says: sure
                    [11:00:47 AM] Kataphraktoi says: what are xian and hongkong to build btw?
                    [11:00:56 AM] Weedy says: hong - Lighthouse
                    [11:01:02 AM] Weedy says: Xian - Worker
                    [11:01:21 AM] Kataphraktoi says: cool i already picked those anyway
                    [11:01:25 AM] Weedy says:
                    [11:01:38 AM] Weedy says: don't forget the work boat near hong
                    [11:01:41 AM] Kataphraktoi says: you never said what to do with the worker on wheat north of xian
                    [11:01:45 AM] Weedy says: it should be moving towards fish
                    [11:02:06 AM] Kataphraktoi says: the boat is
                    [11:02:16 AM] Kataphraktoi says: it had a move to command already
                    [11:02:17 AM] Weedy says: I said to leave it untouched for now, coz I'm not sure
                    [11:02:24 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ok ill post then
                    [11:02:24 AM] Weedy says: ok
                    [11:02:33 AM] Weedy says: moved the workers?
                    [11:02:40 AM] Weedy says: everyone else that is and settler
                    [11:02:52 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ya
                    [11:03:00 AM] Kataphraktoi says: all but the 1 worker and military
                    [11:03:10 AM] Weedy says: ok, post as midturn then
                    [11:03:36 AM] Weedy says: meanwhile you can do some bean counting and think what would be best for that wheat sitting worker
                    [11:03:48 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Lets rename Bananopolis
                    [11:03:53 AM] Kataphraktoi says: mmm beans
                    [11:03:59 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: sugjestions
                    [11:04:14 AM] Weedy says: keeping in mind it won't need to hook up that wine for some 10 turns at least
                    [11:04:16 AM] Kataphraktoi says: pwnapolis
                    [11:04:22 AM] Weedy says:
                    [11:04:41 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: why wait we want wine NOW
                    [11:04:59 AM] Weedy says: I'm saying we don't need it asap
                    [11:05:07 AM] Weedy says: so if there's something more pushing it can wait
                    [11:05:09 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Banana + Hanoi = Bananoi
                    [11:05:27 AM] Weedy says: what's the chinese for city?
                    [11:05:31 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we dont really need wine asap that bad
                    [11:05:38 AM] Weedy says: Well, the renaming issue should be posted on the forum I think, so more members get opinions posted
                    [11:05:45 AM] Weedy says: the site is good though
                    [11:05:52 AM] Weedy says: it will give us 2-1-4
                    [11:05:56 AM] Weedy says: with winery
                    [11:06:02 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Isnt their a win within Bejings radius?
                    [11:06:07 AM] Weedy says: nope
                    [11:06:08 AM] Weedy says: in Xians
                    [11:06:29 AM] Weedy says: it is in Beijing cultural borders, but Xian's is closer and in radius
                    [11:06:37 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: and the outpu of wine would be?
                    [11:06:45 AM] Weedy says: 2-1-4
                    [11:06:54 AM] Weedy says: better than current 2-0-3
                    [11:07:03 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: thats better tne a sea tile
                    [11:07:04 AM] Weedy says: for the cottage xian works
                    [11:07:23 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Bejing can work any plot in its radius, remember
                    [11:07:43 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: any city can as long as the other city lefts its worker first
                    [11:07:55 AM] Weedy says: yes, but not that wine resource, it's out of radius
                    [11:09:44 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we could just have the two healthy chukonus head south toward barb, the medi chukonu heal itself while the jungle\hill chukonus head for mines
                    [11:09:49 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ok could you send a screen shoot
                    [11:09:56 AM] Kataphraktoi says: of what?
                    [11:10:13 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: wines
                    [11:10:25 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: and military too that would be good
                    [11:10:43 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yes let me get out my silver platters ok
                    [11:10:47 AM] Kataphraktoi says:
                    [11:10:50 AM] Weedy says:
                    [11:11:10 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: oh wait I found an old one with it, I see ware it is
                    [11:11:27 AM] Weedy says: mil screenie would be nice though
                    [11:11:42 AM] Weedy says: a bit zoomed out compared to lat
                    [11:11:44 AM] Weedy says: *last
                    [11:11:45 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yea ill put it in turn thread
                    [11:11:50 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: wine on plains for 2-1-4 production, I think we should do it and work it, Xian an grow faster
                    [11:12:59 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i dont see much else for the worker to do right now
                    [11:13:43 AM] Weedy says: I guess there aint indeed
                    [11:14:09 AM] Weedy says: well, ok, let's do the wine then
                    [11:14:14 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: whats Xians net food intake?
                    [11:14:26 AM] Weedy says: starting with road, so others can move in to help
                    [11:14:41 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: agreed road first
                    [11:14:45 AM] Weedy says: Xian food is 3+2+2 = 7 on 6 citizens = +1f/turn
                    [11:15:01 AM] Kataphraktoi says:
                    [11:15:35 AM] Weedy says: kata
                    [11:15:38 AM] Weedy says: the rear chuks
                    [11:15:51 AM] Weedy says: the least experienced one -> mine and pillage it
                    [11:15:59 AM] Weedy says: the more experienced one -> pasture and pillage it
                    [11:16:30 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: not so hot we will want more net food from another farm their
                    [11:17:11 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ware is this barb village?
                    [11:17:18 AM] Weedy says: south from rice spot
                    [11:17:22 AM] Weedy says: the farmed banana rice
                    [11:17:30 AM] Kataphraktoi says: rice is in city cross
                    [11:17:36 AM] Kataphraktoi says: the city culture is level 0
                    [11:17:41 AM] Weedy says: fat cross
                    [11:18:00 AM] Weedy says: hi safan!
                    [11:18:01 AM] Kataphraktoi says: so you want the road chukonus to pillage?
                    [11:18:05 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: so its two plots south of the rice and we just see the culture edge
                    [11:18:13 AM] Kataphraktoi says: but that slows down the attack on the insurgants
                    [11:18:19 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yes
                    [11:18:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: sortof
                    [11:18:41 AM] Weedy says: yes, they can do it quickly, and it doesn't slow down, rather coming back to pillage would
                    [11:18:49 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: k got it, definatly a burn
                    [11:18:56 AM] Kataphraktoi says: it would slow the pillaging, yes
                    [11:19:17 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: pillage first then take out the barbs, perhaps even farm them a bit
                    [11:19:31 AM] Weedy says: wasn't it forbidden?
                    [11:19:36 AM] Weedy says: to farm barbs
                    [11:19:42 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: oh never mind them
                    [11:19:50 AM] Weedy says: no I just asking, don't remember
                    [11:20:02 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its forbidden to farm humans iirc
                    [11:20:13 AM] Kataphraktoi says: that is, agreed upon farm wars
                    [11:20:16 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: neither do I, better check up on that
                    [11:20:23 AM] Weedy says: Kata you doing the pillage stuff?
                    [11:20:37 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i will
                    [11:20:47 AM] Weedy says: ok, good
                    [11:20:56 AM] Weedy says: say how much gold we got then
                    [11:21:24 AM] Kataphraktoi says: pasture=8, mine=5
                    [11:21:37 AM] Weedy says: well, anything is better than nothing
                    [11:21:41 AM] Kataphraktoi says: shall i group the medic+jungle\hill chukonus
                    [11:21:43 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: not bad
                    [11:22:34 AM] Weedy says: I think we should move the jungle hil buddies unto the medic guy (without promoting it)
                    if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                    ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                    • #11
                      part 2

                      [11:22:38 AM] Weedy says: and set the medic guy to heal
                      [11:22:41 AM] Weedy says: what do you think?
                      [11:22:47 AM] Weedy says: we can decide on promotion later then
                      [11:22:49 AM] Kataphraktoi says: dont promote the medic?
                      [11:23:00 AM] Weedy says: you already did that?
                      [11:23:10 AM] Kataphraktoi says: no
                      [11:23:22 AM] Weedy says: ok, how do you like the idea?
                      [11:23:44 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its different but seems sound
                      [11:23:46 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: can we get some graph shoots too?
                      [11:24:01 AM] Kataphraktoi says: of what? :P
                      [11:24:06 AM] Kataphraktoi says: little changed
                      [11:24:16 AM] Weedy says: let's get done with turn first, but demo screen would be nice
                      [11:24:17 AM] Kataphraktoi says: banana went down since the last graphs, though
                      [11:24:25 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: we should get Drill promotions they are devistating with Chucks
                      [11:24:59 AM] Weedy says: the medic chuck should get some promotion this turn I think
                      [11:25:03 AM] Weedy says: so it heals sooner
                      [11:25:04 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: enemys are near dead befor ethey can even retaliate
                      [11:25:17 AM] Weedy says: it would go from 1.6 to 3.7 with promotion
                      [11:25:24 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ok, ill promote it and move the other two
                      [11:25:38 AM] Kataphraktoi says: then they heal there or move south to barb city and heal outside it?
                      [11:25:45 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: your doing medic II right?
                      [11:26:11 AM] Weedy says: wait
                      [11:26:14 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Drill for the other guys, medic continue to specialize
                      [11:26:22 AM] Weedy says: we need to decide on actual promotions
                      [11:26:27 AM] Kataphraktoi says: dont worry, ill hold the game minimized until descision
                      [11:26:51 AM] Weedy says: that's the last thing we need to decide if we're fine with moving them all unto the hill
                      [11:28:04 AM] Weedy says: I'm kinda reluctant to go with drill
                      [11:28:19 AM] |SafaN| says: drill is more first strikes?
                      [11:28:22 AM] Weedy says: there are quite a lot of troops that have immunity to first strike
                      [11:28:25 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: dose the healing from medic II work just as well on adjacent plots?
                      [11:28:43 AM] Weedy says: yes, but I don't know we need the adjacent spot thing now
                      [11:28:49 AM] Weedy says: drill I gives 1 first strike chance
                      [11:28:57 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: yes more first Strikes from Drill
                      [11:28:58 AM] Weedy says: note, chance, not definite fs
                      [11:29:19 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: its essentialy 1/2 a first strike
                      [11:29:22 AM] Weedy says: Kata, did you do everything else, but the promotions?
                      [11:29:23 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i just realized medic 2 only gives 10 percent in area, not 20% in base
                      [11:29:23 AM] |SafaN| says: can chucks get commando?
                      [11:29:33 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yes, just waiting on promo afaik
                      [11:29:38 AM] Weedy says: yes, after Combat IV I think
                      [11:29:45 AM] Kataphraktoi says: im still tempted to run 80% but if you insist
                      [11:29:46 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Drill II give a full First Strike so you would have 3 1/2 total for the Chuck
                      [11:29:50 AM] Weedy says: Kata, scout in Xian, where did you move it?
                      [11:30:05 AM] Kataphraktoi says: oh, thats still waiting
                      [11:30:12 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its going north?
                      [11:30:29 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i figure on the plain hill outside xian
                      [11:30:37 AM] Weedy says: it should be going to the unexplored tundra and adjacent sea, but I'm not sure which road
                      [11:30:50 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: I would think eastward then northward into the arctic areas
                      [11:30:58 AM] Weedy says: Yeah, somewhere through Tassa I guess
                      [11:31:08 AM] Weedy says: and then north to that horse resource
                      [11:31:23 AM] Weedy says: horse resource should be the checkpoint or nearby hill
                      [11:31:38 AM] Kataphraktoi says: the fastest route is direct north off the roads
                      [11:31:43 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: or to Bananopolis then hit the east coast and circle around in a westward arch
                      [11:31:47 AM] Weedy says: could we get a zoomed out map probably?
                      [11:31:59 AM] Kataphraktoi says: mmm probably
                      [11:32:02 AM] Weedy says: Impaler's idea is good too
                      [11:33:12 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: on secondt though you probably are better going directly at the arctic area from xian
                      [11:33:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i showed it on map, the fastest route
                      [11:33:29 AM] Kataphraktoi says: youll see in a sec
                      [11:33:34 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: circling around Bananolopis and coming down the east coast
                      [11:33:51 AM] Kataphraktoi says: wait you want south?
                      [11:34:07 AM] Weedy says: no, all is correct
                      [11:34:15 AM] Weedy says: just give us the screenie
                      [11:34:16 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: only after the north is explored
                      [11:34:30 AM] Weedy says: the circling idea is to move back to Beijing where a boat will be waiting to pick up and explore islands
                      [11:34:46 AM] Weedy says: the south will be taken by a scout from mhasa
                      [11:35:08 AM] Weedy says: and chuks to extent
                      [11:35:37 AM] Kataphraktoi says:
                      [11:36:29 AM] Weedy says: the furthest point we've been is that hill south of horse
                      [11:36:58 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ok then return their and push deeper in to the fog
                      [11:36:58 AM] Weedy says: so we should start from that forest east of horse
                      [11:37:09 AM] Kataphraktoi says: it can get to the hill in 3 also
                      [11:37:14 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ok
                      [11:37:29 AM] Weedy says: ok, let's go wirh Kata's route
                      [11:37:34 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: arching through the tundra/snow and seeing if we find any good resorces or barbs
                      [11:37:55 AM] Weedy says: We have all the tundra explored actually
                      [11:38:07 AM] Weedy says: we need the coast now, that is the coastal waters
                      [11:38:11 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: k so were mostly barb hunting
                      [11:38:20 AM] Kataphraktoi says: last descision rum roll: do i or do i not promote the medic chuk? :P
                      [11:38:22 AM] Weedy says: fish resource hunting I'd say
                      [11:38:24 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ah yes perhaps we can find whales
                      [11:38:40 AM] Weedy says: Kata - we want to promote it, but don't know what promotion
                      [11:38:54 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i know, ill set up a chart i a min and throw darts
                      [11:38:57 AM] Weedy says: do other chuks have promotions too?
                      [11:39:01 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: I dont think the present healing sitiation requires more medic promotions
                      [11:39:10 AM] Kataphraktoi says: no, we dont need medic2
                      [11:39:30 AM] Weedy says: do other chuks have free promotions kata?
                      [11:39:38 AM] Kataphraktoi says: every chuk but one is waiting for promo
                      [11:39:38 AM] Weedy says: from those wounded
                      [11:39:42 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: so unless we want it for future actions?
                      [11:39:58 AM] Kataphraktoi says: one of the jungle chuks has not enough exp
                      [11:40:02 AM] Weedy says: ok, so there is one CombatI + Shock + a promo
                      and one Combat II + promo
                      [11:40:04 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: I really want a chuck to get up to Drill II, can any do that?
                      [11:40:25 AM] Kataphraktoi says: no
                      [11:40:35 AM] Weedy says: Impaler, you'll have to wait for one of the rear chuks to get to barb city
                      [11:40:40 AM] Kataphraktoi says: we dont have a drill 1 yet, and not that much exp for two promo
                      [11:40:49 AM] Weedy says: I think it lacks little for 2 free promotions
                      [11:41:16 AM] Kataphraktoi says: combat 1 or drill or no promo
                      [11:41:18 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: normaly yes but its devistating on Chucks
                      [11:41:33 AM] Kataphraktoi says: why is it _more_ devastating?
                      [11:41:42 AM] Weedy says: drill has a problem it doesn't always work
                      [11:41:52 AM] Weedy says: elephants for example are immune with FS iirc
                      [11:41:54 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: Drill I on its own is a bit weak I wouldnt use that if its a one promote situation
                      [11:42:02 AM] Weedy says: me too
                      [11:42:13 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ok, combat 1 or no promotion
                      [11:42:23 AM] Weedy says: wait
                      [11:42:30 AM] Weedy says: the chuck in question has CombatI already
                      [11:42:38 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: 3 and 1/2 first strikes total will kill most units dead before they can even hit the Chuck
                      [11:42:43 AM] Weedy says: so it's
                      cover, shock, march or combat II
                      [11:43:03 AM] Kataphraktoi says: right
                      [11:43:10 AM] Weedy says: Impaler, they will kill those who are not immune to first strikes
                      [11:43:40 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: like all promotions were specializeing against particular units
                      [11:43:49 AM] Weedy says: we must think of catapults, elephants, macemen, knights and musketeers
                      [11:44:00 AM] Kataphraktoi says: how about i just move the units, set it to heal and we decide later
                      [11:44:06 AM] Kataphraktoi says: plenty of time
                      [11:44:11 AM] Kataphraktoi says: to make a descision
                      [11:44:14 AM] Weedy says: it won't heal as soon
                      [11:44:31 AM] Weedy says: let's just have combat, what do you think?
                      [11:44:43 AM] Weedy says: chuks already have plenty of shock, so they dont need it
                      [11:44:48 AM] Kataphraktoi says: thats my first choice
                      [11:44:51 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: not on all of them a bit of specialization makes em stronger
                      [11:44:53 AM] Weedy says: they are unlikely to be attacked by archers
                      [11:45:03 AM] Weedy says: ok, let's make a march chuck then
                      [11:45:04 AM] |SafaN| says: what is the advantage to take a promotion now?
                      [11:45:08 AM] Weedy says: one who can hit and run
                      [11:45:12 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: I'd get Charge for defending vs Calvalry
                      [11:45:14 AM] Kataphraktoi says: healing could save time
                      [11:45:19 AM] Weedy says: no such option now
                      [11:45:32 AM] Weedy says: Safan, yes, we need to heal it soon
                      [11:45:40 AM] Kataphraktoi says: a knight is going to kill a chukonu with or without cover
                      [11:45:47 AM] Weedy says: no
                      [11:45:47 AM] Kataphraktoi says: err shock
                      [11:45:52 AM] Weedy says: 2fs
                      [11:45:54 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: you mean charge
                      [11:45:59 AM] Weedy says: knight is not immune with it
                      [11:45:59 AM] Kataphraktoi says: err charge
                      [11:46:08 AM] Kataphraktoi says: isnt it one of the immunes?
                      [11:46:16 AM] Weedy says: humm
                      [11:46:18 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: can archers get charge?
                      [11:46:21 AM] |SafaN| says: what is our worst fear that gs can throw at us? elephants?
                      [11:46:23 AM] Weedy says: probably I missed it
                      [11:46:28 AM] Weedy says: right now ellies,yes
                      [11:46:31 AM] Weedy says: guys
                      [11:46:34 AM] Weedy says: really
                      [11:46:41 AM] Weedy says: let's decide on promo until next turn
                      [11:46:47 AM] Weedy says: it won't heal quicker than 2 turns anyway
                      [11:46:48 AM] Kataphraktoi says: when we say charge i think we mean formation
                      [11:46:50 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: and charge would be best defense would it not?
                      [11:46:52 AM] Weedy says: what do you think?
                      [11:47:03 AM] |SafaN| says: i vote for waiting
                      [11:47:03 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i like waiting
                      [11:47:12 AM] |SafaN| says: we win nothing by taking it now
                      [11:47:16 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: oh yea formation the one that give +25% vs Calvalry
                      [11:47:24 AM] Weedy says: ok, let's then just move the wounded unto the hill and put the medic on heal
                      [11:47:41 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: k
                      [11:47:51 AM] Weedy says: no more moves then, kata?
                      [11:47:57 AM] Kataphraktoi says: ok its done
                      [11:47:59 AM] Weedy says: moved the worker to wine?
                      [11:48:10 AM] Kataphraktoi says: towards it on the road, couldnt make it in one
                      [11:48:14 AM] Weedy says: ok
                      [11:48:16 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: and the scout towards the fog
                      [11:48:17 AM] Weedy says: check beijing
                      [11:48:19 AM] Weedy says: what it's working
                      [11:48:26 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i put it on road instead of grass for extra versatality if we need it
                      [11:48:31 AM] Weedy says: should be 2 sea tiles, 2 cottages, 1 rice and 1 1-3-0 mine
                      [11:48:35 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yup
                      [11:48:39 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i checked all that
                      [11:48:45 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its saved anyway
                      [11:48:46 AM] Weedy says: wait
                      [11:48:58 AM] Weedy says: again, what is Beijing working?
                      [11:49:06 AM] Kataphraktoi says: what you just said
                      [11:49:07 AM] Weedy says: it has 7 citizens
                      [11:49:10 AM] Kataphraktoi says: growth in 5 or something
                      [11:49:11 AM] Weedy says: I named 6
                      [11:49:19 AM] Kataphraktoi says: 3 on sea iirc
                      [11:49:27 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: No Engineer?
                      [11:49:27 AM] Weedy says: let's be sure
                      [11:49:29 AM] Weedy says: not yet
                      [11:49:30 AM] Kataphraktoi says: there was no better allocation
                      [11:49:39 AM] Weedy says: yes, it should be sea but is it?
                      [11:49:44 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yes it is
                      [11:49:49 AM] Weedy says: ok, cool
                      [11:49:52 AM] Weedy says: then we're done here
                      [11:50:02 AM] Kataphraktoi says: yea ill send it along
                      [11:50:11 AM] Weedy says: never work 0-4-0 mines if you have anything with food
                      [11:50:23 AM] Kataphraktoi says: mmmm if you can whip
                      [11:50:30 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: sound good, another lightning fast turn, WHOOOHOO
                      [11:50:51 AM] Weedy says: yup, congrats
                      [11:50:58 AM] Kataphraktoi says: pssh now gotta find the gamil stuff
                      [11:51:11 AM] Weedy says: Kata, didn't you change to 80% then?
                      [11:51:18 AM] Kataphraktoi says: you said not to
                      [11:51:22 AM] Weedy says: ok
                      [11:51:27 AM] Weedy says: We finished currency, didn't we?
                      [11:51:47 AM] Weedy says: a screenie of demo graph now would be nice, if you're not too exhausted
                      [11:51:47 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: next turn wasnt it?
                      [11:51:52 AM] Kataphraktoi says: does it show? the game said the pbem was saved so i exited
                      [11:52:25 AM] Weedy says: well but it did show 1 turn before you hit it and nothing after
                      [11:52:37 AM] Kataphraktoi says: it must be
                      [11:52:43 AM] Kataphraktoi says: shrug
                      [11:52:53 AM] Weedy says: (wait)
                      [11:52:59 AM] Kataphraktoi says: who do i send to
                      [11:53:03 AM] Kataphraktoi says: horde?
                      [11:53:07 AM] Weedy says: Sarantium
                      [11:53:08 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: ok graphs then *cackles*
                      [11:53:13 AM] Kataphraktoi says: k
                      [11:53:18 AM] Weedy says: Sarantium + Aeson + Snoopy
                      [11:55:15 AM] Kataphraktoi says: i sent it to sarantium and snoopy....
                      [11:55:40 AM] Kataphraktoi says: added aeson
                      [11:56:00 AM] Weedy says: no biggie
                      [11:58:22 AM] Weedy says: demo screen? (wasntme)
                      [11:58:32 AM] Kataphraktoi says: chill its uploading now
                      [11:58:47 AM] Kenneth Ferland says: thx
                      [11:59:39 AM] Kataphraktoi says: its in the turn thread
                      [12:00:08 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: add / to that last img tag
                      [12:00:18 PM] Kataphraktoi says: chill i m already on it :P
                      [12:01:22 PM] Kataphraktoi says: the thoery is merc is the other higher mfg
                      [12:01:32 PM] |SafaN| says: this your first turn?
                      [12:01:38 PM] Kataphraktoi says: ever?
                      [12:02:06 PM] |SafaN| says: in dg?
                      [12:02:15 PM] Kataphraktoi says: afaik i never played a pbem before, only lans
                      [12:02:22 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: notice their is now no trade anyware in the world, wasnt their some in the past?
                      [12:02:31 PM] Weedy says: yes, us + Banana
                      [12:02:41 PM] |SafaN| says: ^^
                      [12:02:52 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: ah so the other continent is not yet trading
                      [12:02:56 PM] Weedy says: I guess
                      [12:03:07 PM] Weedy says: the 0/6 was mistaken for other continent while it was actually ours
                      [12:03:16 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: IC
                      [12:03:47 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: so we should see a commerce jump of atleast 6 next turn to put us at 36
                      [12:03:56 PM] Weedy says: yes
                      [12:03:57 PM] Kataphraktoi says: whad i do wrong? :P
                      [12:04:05 PM] Weedy says: actually we'll see a jump and a dip
                      [12:04:18 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: from?
                      [12:04:29 PM] Weedy says: +6 currency +5 new city -X new city
                      [12:04:38 PM] Kataphraktoi says: chatlog out of sync?
                      [12:04:46 PM] Kataphraktoi says: or just me
                      [12:04:50 PM] Weedy says: it's ok, kata
                      [12:05:04 PM] |SafaN| says: just a paintjob and my halloween costume is ready
                      [12:05:14 PM] Kenneth Ferland says: yea when we found the city, but I didnt think maintence subtracted from commerce score?

                      i had to cut some, even in 2 parts it was still too long
                      if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                      ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                      • #12
                        thanks !

                        (somehow skype didn't show me 90% of part 1)
                        no sig


                        • #13
                          Did you try 'get history' option? Me and Safan were online when you came, so you should've gotten that history from us.
                          -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                          -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

