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350 bc

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  • 350 bc

    Nothing unexpected:

    moved two chucks towards splitsville, 8 chariots and 2 axemen. If we want we can attack?

    moved workers near hongkong and mhasa to forest to chop

    moved work boat towards island to explore.

    Tassagrad is now building missionary. Chuck wil stay to protect the homelands

    set research to 100% currency in 3 turns

    things to work out.

    -do we open attack or wait for reinforcments. All chucks have promotions so they can heal after the attack. I think we should do it. We don't risk anything. First attack has 80% possibility to win.

    -we have two free workers near bejing. One can prepare the new city site (settler is finished next turn) what will the other do?

    Noticed that we are now 2nd in mfg goods, and mercs have now a score of 400!!! they don't have a new religion or wonder so its probably pop + tech.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Its a stack of 3 cucks in a well defended forest spot is it not? Also an 80% chance fails to take into account our first strikes so its actually closer to 90% and that means were in that range ware 'take-no-damage' outcomes are likely. One attack seems reasonable and if we get by without going below 5.5 strength I'd do another. With reinforcements coming we really don't want to risk losing this stack to an all out suicide attack, though we would still win in the end the loss of experienced troops would be a real waste. If any of the troops take significant damage we should take a heal promotion.

    Another detailed screen shoot would be nice
    Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


    • #3
      attacking is much, much better for us due to the bombard damage from chucks. I don't know how many to attack with though.

      need to open the save to comment on workers, which won't happen any time soon.


      • #4
        overview of undevelopped area
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Attached Files


          • #6
            6.46 vs 6.25 and we get 76% chance to win ? I can't believe this doesn't take first strikes into account.

            I also checked in-turn, the other chucks have a 41% chance (combat 1 promotion only) and 35% chance to win (no promotions). This is very low.
            no sig


            • #7
              a melee promotion will do the trick, the third one doesn't need a promotion against a chariot


              • #8
                okay did the attack

                first chuck : 76% chance to win, gets to 3.6 h
                second chuck: after promotion 81% to win, gets to 3.8 h
                third chuck vs chariot: 89% to win without promotion, gets to 4.0h

                last one has two promotions left, so we will use it for two guerilla, or one strength and one medic?

                - moved one worker to tassagrad to chop there next, other makes road to the new city site


                • #9
                  if we promte beforwe we fight we won't have a promotion to heal with. Also the chance of success for the second one will be higher than it looks because of the bombard damage we will do with the first one. The third is unlikely to take nay damage at all.


                  • #10
                    well, the attacks are done. After the first attack, the remaining axe was not damaged, so we decided to use the shock promotion before attacking.

                    Now the only thing left to decide is which 2 promotions to give our third chuck (the only one able to receive promotions right now).
                    => 2 * guerilla : +50% extra hills defense : 4.0 strength + 125% tile defense => 9.0 strength
                    => combat + medic : +10% strength : 4.4 strength + 75% tile defense => 7.4 strength

                    The medic promotion would help our other chucks to heal a little for continuing to attack.

                    If the bananas counter-attack, they will likely waste 3 chariots on it. Add one chariot for each remaining chuck and they have only 2 chariots left which will be killed by our 2 remaining chucks.

                    [edit]oops, this didn't include the rehealing itself from adding promotions to the unit, so our actual strength will be higher in both cases. I updated here :

                    => 2 * guerilla : +50% extra hills defense : 5.5 strength + 125% tile defense => 12.3 strength
                    => combat + medic : +10% strength : 6.0 strength + 75% tile defense => 10.5 strength[/edit]
                    no sig


                    • #11
                      OK, turn basicly done except for the promotion decision. Safan will check the forum and skype for ideas tomorow morning and send on the turn afterwards:

                      [17:31:56] |SafaN| : turns is there
                      [17:32:00] |SafaN| : you gonna help me?
                      [17:32:37] binTravkin : can do
                      [17:32:43] binTravkin : but I don't have it open
                      [17:32:47] binTravkin : can have in 1.5h or so
                      [17:33:18] |SafaN| : oh i meant you were talking about leaving the team etc
                      [17:33:45] binTravkin : well I can help with the turn, that's it
                      [17:35:51] |SafaN| : 8 chariot and 2 axes
                      [17:39:02] binTravkin : well you can leave that for later
                      [17:39:20] binTravkin : workers near Hong Kong and Mhasa were sheduled for chops
                      [17:40:01] binTravkin : the two guys near Beijing were to go like - 1 to Tassagrad (although this should be discussed), other either to Bananaland or prepare ground for 7th city (again discussable)
                      [17:40:09] binTravkin : don't forget the work boat
                      [17:40:51] |SafaN| : we dropped to second in mfg goods
                      [17:43:27] binTravkin : omg mercs r crazy
                      [17:45:27] |SafaN| : ?
                      [17:49:33] binTravkin : with their mfg
                      [17:49:42] binTravkin : Im quite convinced it's mercs
                      [17:49:58] |SafaN| : they have a score of 400 now
                      [17:50:09] binTravkin : umm how
                      [17:50:15] binTravkin : check the window screen maybe
                      [17:50:17] binTravkin : lol
                      [17:50:20] binTravkin : the wonder screen
                      [17:50:31] binTravkin : doesn't it show anything special, or maybe the event log
                      [17:50:59] |SafaN| : event log was nothing
                      [17:52:21] |SafaN| : no new wonders, and no new religions found
                      [17:52:29] binTravkin : strange
                      [17:52:39] binTravkin : they must have gotten a lot of tech
                      [17:52:44] binTravkin : isn't Horde < 200 score?
                      [17:53:07] binTravkin : it had 240 or 220 last turn
                      [17:53:13] |SafaN| : 236 for horde
                      [17:53:26] binTravkin : hmm no real change
                      [17:53:32] binTravkin : I guess it's tech + pop then
                      [17:54:40] |SafaN| : what with our tech rate?
                      [17:54:49] |SafaN| : and the new prod in tassagrad?
                      [17:57:51] binTravkin : tassagrad-missionary
                      [17:58:02] binTravkin : tech rate - adjust so that currency is done in 3 turns
                      [17:58:51] binTravkin : no need to switch back and forth when 1 turn of that tech nets more than we lose by not being 100% effective
                      [17:59:11] binTravkin : okay, probably you should post a midturn
                      [17:59:18] binTravkin : Im now off and will be online in an hour or so
                      [17:59:23] |SafaN| : okay great
                      [17:59:32] binTravkin : cya laters
                      [17:59:50] binTravkin : I hate when people want to say something and then erase it :P
                      [20:30:39] PJayTycy : hello
                      [20:31:46] |SafaN| : hey
                      [20:42:56] PJayTycy : if we attack this turn with 2 of our chucks, I'd give the other one +25% against melee too
                      [20:43:12] |SafaN| : uhu
                      [20:45:23] |SafaN| : if we attack with 2 we can attack with 3
                      [20:45:47] |SafaN| : the third one will get a weakened axemen if one of the two first fail, or a chariot
                      [20:51:35] binTravkin : PJay : "6.46 vs 6.25 and we get 76% chance to win ? I can't believe this doesn't take first strikes into account."
                      [20:51:35] binTravkin : I'm pretty sure it doesn't
                      [20:52:42] binTravkin : if we attack, we have collateral, then promote the other chuck to shock, it should have >70% (and that's without fs), so it can win and the last can win without promotion vs a chariot who's received 2 rounds of collateral
                      [20:53:35] binTravkin : the unpromoted chuk can then be promoted 2 times to a guerilla II and withstand any counterattack
                      [21:39:55] PJayTycy : I agree with BT, except with the last guerilla II promotions
                      [21:40:12] PJayTycy : Why not a combat 1 + medic ?
                      [21:41:03] |SafaN| : guerilla would exclude all counterattacks
                      [21:41:58] PJayTycy : counterattacks yes, but our wounded chucks probably won't be able to strike again the turn after with good odds
                      [21:42:26] |SafaN| : they got experience
                      [21:42:34] |SafaN| : and against chariots ...
                      [21:42:56] PJayTycy : Against chariots the fight is basicly raw strength <=> raw strength; so it could very well be <4 for our chucks vs 4 for the chariots
                      [21:46:49] PJayTycy : Also, they have no real incentive to counter attack. When they attack us, we get a huge defense bonus (+75%), while their strength stays the same wheter they attack or we attack
                      [21:48:14] PJayTycy : Anyway, we could do the attacks and decide on promotions after we see the damage done
                      [21:48:33] |SafaN| : sounds good
                      [21:51:55] |SafaN| : okay
                      [21:52:02] |SafaN| : results are 3 wins
                      [21:53:16] PJayTycy : great !!
                      [21:53:24] PJayTycy : what's our health now ?
                      [21:54:45] |SafaN| : the two chucks with strength and melee promotion have 3.6 and 3.8
                      [21:55:11] |SafaN| : third one has 4.0 and two promotions left
                      [21:55:33] PJayTycy : ok, I did the attacks here too and got the same results
                      [21:56:02] |SafaN| : should be :P
                      [21:57:12] |SafaN| : so you think one strength and one medic would be best?
                      [21:58:15] PJayTycy : If we upgrade the third one to combat + medic, he'll have 4.4 strength, +75% from tile ==> 7.4 strength
                      [21:58:39] PJayTycy : how many chariots would be needed to kill him ?
                      [22:03:47] PJayTycy : if we do guerilla twice, he would get 4.0 strength +125% from tile => 9.0 strength
                      [22:04:24] PJayTycy : but, our unhealed chucks, would they be up to killing a chariot next turn ?
                      [22:05:59] |SafaN| : one of them has ennuf experience for a promotion
                      [22:07:35] PJayTycy : so, what do you propose ?
                      [22:08:50] |SafaN| : i would go for the medic
                      [22:10:30] |SafaN| : anyways, i'm going to sleep now and see what others answered on the forum and here, in the morning i will send the turn
                      [22:13:53] PJayTycy : good, I'll post the turnchat then on the forums too
                      no sig


                      • #12
                        btw, the island to the west itself is not very intersting, but maybe something interesting can be reached from it further to the west (although I doubt it)...

                        no sig


                        • #13
                          might have fish on the otherside I guess, but I think we'll have to take it any way if only to deny planes and boats a staging point for our capital.

                          Well done on the fight

                          I say combat->medic for the chuck. It'll be useful in the future. A guerilla promotion is useful for defending cities built on plains but not as sueful as a medic overall.


                          • #14
                            If the chuks die, no medic will help.
                            -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                            -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                            • #15
                              Can we get a tally of the remaining forces and what their strengths are now (hopefully they took a lot of collateral) We could then do some math on the viability of a counter-attack and see if the Gurrila adds significantly to our defense (It probably dose). I'd also consider getting Drill promotions, we could raise our first strikes to 3 and 1/2 which will practically slaughter any attacker fully without the possibility of retaliation. With a ratio of more then 2/1 which we will have in defense the defender needs 4 hits to kill the attacker meaning we win 75% of defensive stands with no damage (50% of the time the half strike is used, half of the other half we win first coin flip for 25% more)
                              Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

