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675 Bc

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  • 675 Bc

    - Switch Beijing to lighthouse
    - move troops out of Tassagrad to SE
    - move the lone chuko past the river*
    - go ahead with road building
    - move settler towards 4th city location
    - move fishing boat towards 4th city location
    - move scout further down south along the sea
    - any other stuff that comes up when turn is opened*

    * - needs to be discussed
    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

  • #2
    A quick turn discussed over in turnchat (gonna post that 2moro).

    In the news - Axe moved back from worker in hope of Banana warrior passing without detecting it or Banana settling their next city anyway, which would be followed by a lightning strike conveyed by us.

    Graphs and more elaborate stories 2moro

    Endturn attached
    Attached Files
    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


    • #3
      Don't small cities get autorazed upon capture?
      Indifference is Bliss


      • #4
        Yes, but you get some cash and a road there anyway
        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


        • #5
          It sure was an interesting turn !

          While waiting for screenies and the chat log, a small overview for those not in the chat yesterday:

          => our scout in the banana lands is now one tile away from the southern banana city. Horses are linked there up, a road is going from that city N-N-NE through the horses, towards the river. It looks like the city has barracks.

          => our attack road-building towards the bananas: due to the diplomacy message from the bananas, we changed the plan a little bit. We don't want to scare their settler away into the northpole, where we would lose a lot of time tracking and capturing it. So, we will pretend the road we were building was because we planned to build a city of our own there. However, their settler is closer, so we will move our settler to another location. We might even post a screenshot of our settler to prove it. We think however, they will never found a new city 2 tiles away of an axeman, so we moved our axe away. The worker continues the road, he's guarded enough from the barbarians by the GS and banana warriors around it. If they attack our worker, we have a valid reason to attack them too

          There were a few screenshots with this, but I don't have them here at work currently.
          no sig


          • #6
            Also, there was an agreement to build a road and bananas don't have sailing. It seems pretty reasonable to me that we would continue building the road rather than risk looking like we were trying to get out of our commitment now we have what we want.


            • #7
              Turn is with banana already and we didn't send any diplo-message.

              We should at least send them we want them to settle on B (see banana-diplomacy thread).
              no sig


              • #8
                How about just attacking them next turn?
                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                • #9
                  But will they settle on B if we don't send anything ? I think they might still runaway with their settler if we don't send anything.
                  no sig


                  • #10
                    They will run away in any case.
                    In the turnchat I miscalculated the travel times quite badly - in order to wait for them to settle we'd need to pause for one turn as they need 2 turns to settle it on spot B (1 for travel, 1 for actual settle action).

                    What Im proposing is just to forget about their cities/capturing settlers and attempting to take 3rd city with 2 units.
                    In the current situation whereas they are able to start on archers next turn at best and need minimum 2 more turns to hook up copper, we should be quick and exploit their weakness to the utmost.

                    Im hoping for their warrior to attempt using road to return to their territory, thus we'd be able to kill it and get some very valuable experience for our spearhead chuck.

                    We have all the troops needed in place and if we see that there are insufficent defenses in 3rd city to hold off chuk and ax (which is very likely to be the case), we can merrily divert the follow-up troops directly to capital, thus shortening time/resources to prepare defenses there.

                    That will also free us from telling lies.
                    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                    • #11
                      Could you please post the turnchat / screenshots in this thread bt? It would help a lot for those in our team without Skype acces (still the majority). Most of the work is taking, editing, saving the screenshots. You have already done that. I would post them, but I can't login to skype etc for the moment due to family reasons.

                      So, you propose to attack with 1 chuck and 1 axe only? Our other forces (2 chucks + axe) are coming only turn behind them I guess? Aren't they too close to decide if they can walk to the capital immediately ?
                      no sig


                      • #12
                        if there is one warrior defending
                        and both our axe and chuck die
                        well, then i quit the game


                        • #13
                          No, you should be playing those attack turns, so that our troops have maximum luck possible

                          I will post them one I get home, don't have skype @work (and don't want to ).

                          I think by analyzing the graphs we'll know enough of Banana to decide whether we need >2 units for 3rd city.

                          Just by the looks of the current situation it seems to me they are unable to have more than 2 defenders in 3rd city at the time our 2 troops arrive there and those defenders will be a warrior and an archer at best (both promotion-less I think).
                          -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                          -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                          • #14

                            [2007.06.18. 23:22:57] Weedy says: -Bananas dont have archery
                            [2007.06.18. 23:23:05] Weedy says: -GS has moved warrior 1 tile south
                            [2007.06.18. 23:24:03] Kenneth Ferland says: boy I'm begining to think they really want to be conquered
                            [2007.06.18. 23:25:22] Weedy says: GS has taken a score jump to 335
                            [2007.06.18. 23:25:29] Weedy says: Bananas doesn't have copper as of yet
                            [2007.06.18. 23:25:47] Weedy says: if their 2 workers work on it, it means they can finish in 2 turns soonest
                            [2007.06.18. 23:25:56] Kenneth Ferland says: yea theirs only one worker making that mine and theirs no road
                            [2007.06.18. 23:26:06] Weedy says: the other worker is making the road
                            [2007.06.18. 23:26:21] Weedy says: well, actually 3 turns I guess
                            [2007.06.18. 23:26:26] Kenneth Ferland says: so more like 3 more turns minimum before they get it
                            [2007.06.18. 23:26:29] Weedy says: as it seems to have only started that road last turn
                            [2007.06.18. 23:26:46] Weedy says: yes, they wont manage to build axes before we're at their 3rd if they build B
                            [2007.06.18. 23:27:08] Weedy says: and they're unlikely to have archers by that time too with their workers being tied down and not having archery as of now
                            [2007.06.18. 23:27:10] Kenneth Ferland says: and like I said we WANT them making axmen, their more expensive and pushovers for our chucks
                            [2007.06.18. 23:27:39] Kenneth Ferland says: 2 ax are roughly the same investment as 3 archers
                            [2007.06.18. 23:28:04] Weedy says: well they aint making any of them until we capture 2 first cities
                            [2007.06.18. 23:28:20] Weedy says: I doubt their cap will make much trouble with archery being this late
                            [2007.06.18. 23:28:22] Kenneth Ferland says: atwhich point no more copper so its moot
                            [2007.06.18. 23:28:35] Weedy says: if they now start building axes, they will also lose investment once we kill the source
                            [2007.06.18. 23:28:46] Weedy says: so
                            [2007.06.18. 23:28:57] Kenneth Ferland says: I though you can complete units that have been started
                            [2007.06.18. 23:29:11] Weedy says: I think not
                            [2007.06.18. 23:29:23] Kenneth Ferland says: ok well its all good either way
                            [2007.06.18. 23:29:27] Weedy says: IIRC I had one case where my unit was canceled the next turn after losing resource
                            [2007.06.18. 23:29:34] Weedy says: this sure about victory, are we closer to making decision about movements?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:30:01] |SafaN| says: what is that worker building the road supposed to do next?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:30:09] Weedy says: - scout (does it continue south into Banana 2nd?)
                            - chuk near river (continuing past it, right?)
                            - axe + worker?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:30:22] Kenneth Ferland says: scout southward, see what they got
                            [2007.06.18. 23:30:28] Weedy says: by the original plan it is supposed to build another road where GS warrior stood
                            [2007.06.18. 23:30:42] |SafaN| says: but thats gonna be a banana city?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:31:02] Weedy says: yes
                            [2007.06.18. 23:31:07] Weedy says: but as you said
                            [2007.06.18. 23:31:11] Kenneth Ferland says: GS warrior will see units we move across river wont they?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:31:54] Kenneth Ferland says: its suicidal for them to interfere though, I dont think they will do anything
                            [2007.06.18. 23:31:57] Weedy says: there are 2 cases if we back down with ax - either they build city, which is all gain for us regardless of worker being assigned to road or running with ax, or 2nd case, where we need thr worker continuing
                            [2007.06.18. 23:32:12] Weedy says: GS warrior will not see
                            [2007.06.18. 23:32:18] Weedy says: it moved straight south
                            [2007.06.18. 23:32:24] Weedy says: which is a show of ignorance btw
                            [2007.06.18. 23:32:25] Kenneth Ferland says: k
                            [2007.06.18. 23:33:30] Weedy sent file "scout.jpg" to members of this chat
                            [2007.06.18. 23:33:31] Kenneth Ferland says: hi their
                            [2007.06.18. 23:33:48] Weedy says: scout after 1st move (1 move left, where to move?)
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:09] Weedy says: Safan you got it?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:13] |SafaN| says: yes
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:17] |SafaN| says: doesnt matter
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:17] Weedy says: k
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:31] Kenneth Ferland says: well lets see theirs west, southwest or south
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:46] Kenneth Ferland says: we already see the city, 1 warrior on defence
                            [2007.06.18. 23:34:50] |SafaN| says: oh right we have still right of passage
                            [2007.06.18. 23:35:01] Kenneth Ferland says: Splitsville
                            [2007.06.18. 23:35:33] Kenneth Ferland says: I'd like to see how their resorces are developed, road networks and the like
                            [2007.06.18. 23:35:39] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: SW
                            [2007.06.18. 23:35:55] |SafaN| says: yes
                            [2007.06.18. 23:36:02] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: we'll see if horses are linked up etc
                            [2007.06.18. 23:36:02] |SafaN| says: they cant attack it
                            [2007.06.18. 23:36:15] Kenneth Ferland says: west would also show that
                            [2007.06.18. 23:36:36] Kenneth Ferland says: and they we can go through horses the following turns to come next to stone
                            [2007.06.18. 23:37:10] Kenneth Ferland says: and we stay in forests for slightly better defence should they attack
                            [2007.06.18. 23:37:12] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: I don't really care
                            [2007.06.18. 23:37:27] Kenneth Ferland says: oh wait we get ejected in war, NM
                            [2007.06.18. 23:37:53] Weedy says: horses are linked
                            [2007.06.18. 23:38:00] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: I'd try to get into splitsville (for a look over the ocean) before we get hosed out
                            [2007.06.18. 23:38:02] Weedy says: there must be a road through horses up to river
                            [2007.06.18. 23:38:09] |SafaN| says: chariots are a laughter
                            [2007.06.18. 23:38:29] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: we'll probably be ejected towards our lands anyway
                            [2007.06.18. 23:39:06] Weedy says: okay, I move towards city, right?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:39:35] Simon Gall says:
                            [2007.06.18. 23:39:48] Kenneth Ferland says: yep
                            [2007.06.18. 23:39:50] Weedy says: on a side note the warrior has a city attack promotion
                            [2007.06.18. 23:39:57] Kenneth Ferland says: hahaha
                            [2007.06.18. 23:39:59] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: lol
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:15] Kenneth Ferland says: Causi Bellum!!
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:21] Kenneth Ferland says: they intended to attack us!!!
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:28] Simon Gall says: Casus Belli
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:34] Weedy says: road
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:45] Weedy says: north 2 tiles, then ne 1 tile (connecting to river
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:53] Weedy says: probably ne from city too
                            [2007.06.18. 23:40:55] Kenneth Ferland says: screen?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:41:20] Weedy says: yeah yeah I know
                            [2007.06.18. 23:41:24] |SafaN| says: :P
                            [2007.06.18. 23:41:29] Kenneth Ferland says: thx
                            [2007.06.18. 23:42:07] Weedy sent file "scout2.jpg" to members of this chat
                            [2007.06.18. 23:42:40] |SafaN| says: okay so we move worker and axe to the place where the chuk is, and tell banana they are allowed to plant on spot B, next turn, we cross the river, turn after that we declare war and enter their land, next turn we raze the city
                            [2007.06.18. 23:42:50] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: thx
                            [2007.06.18. 23:43:06] Weedy says: I'd rather continue the road with worker
                            [2007.06.18. 23:43:17] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: what did we decide about our worker+axe ? retreat or continue ? (I read the discussion, but didn't find conclusion)
                            [2007.06.18. 23:43:18] Weedy says: to be sure we have that road
                            [2007.06.18. 23:43:33] Weedy says: you are welcome to participate in conclusion
                            [2007.06.18. 23:43:45] |SafaN| says: we have no conclusion yet
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:01] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: so, it's a vote : continue or retreat... continue will probably mean we scare settler away and will have to chase it later.
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:06] Weedy says: my vote goes for risking with the worker to finish the road while moving out the warrior
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:21] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: that's an option too ofcourse
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:22] Weedy says: which is the middle option
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:31] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: retreat AND continue
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:38] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: which I agree with
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:39] |SafaN| says: oh right, spot B isn't next to where our worker is atm
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:40] Weedy says: and the safest as long as GS does not dare
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:49] Weedy says: no it's 2 tiles away
                            [2007.06.18. 23:44:59] |SafaN| says: continue building road then
                            [2007.06.18. 23:45:08] |SafaN| says: and ignore the gs warrior
                            [2007.06.18. 23:45:43] |SafaN| says: if it dares, we chop his head off and send it to vox as a present
                            [2007.06.18. 23:46:09] Weedy says:
                            [2007.06.18. 23:46:26] |SafaN| says: so thats axe to the spot where the chuck is, and the worker one east and road there
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:00] |SafaN| says: message to banana: that the road was for a city race that they have won, and because of their culture they should stay at spot be
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:02] |SafaN| says: B
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:24] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: ok, I have to go now, be sure to post this (and the rest of this) log in the forums, so I can read it tomorrow
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:30] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: not much left to decide I guess ?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:39] Weedy says: well, nothing
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:43] Weedy says: turn's done
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:52] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: good
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:53] Weedy says: have not endturned yet tho
                            [2007.06.18. 23:47:55] Kenneth Ferland says: ok then were done, another lightning fast turn as usualy guys
                            [2007.06.18. 23:48:30] Weedy sent file "gathering.jpg" to members of this chat
                            [2007.06.18. 23:48:40] Weedy says: and I bring you - gathering!
                            [2007.06.18. 23:48:47] Weedy says: axechukfestr
                            [2007.06.18. 23:48:48] Kenneth Ferland says: hey can we see what faciliteies Splitsvill has, I see a barracks
                            [2007.06.18. 23:48:56] Weedy says: erm axechukenfest
                            [2007.06.18. 23:49:02] |SafaN| says: magic - the gathering? :P
                            [2007.06.18. 23:49:08] Kenneth Ferland says: do you see a granary too?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:49:54] Kenneth Ferland says: size is 3 and their probably making good hammer output their from horse and stone
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:05] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: screens from the territory / soldiers / population stats (rival min, avg, max) + top5 + scorelist after endturn would be appreciated
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:09] Kenneth Ferland says: their also probablyworking rice
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:16] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: anything in the in-game logging ?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:26] Weedy says: checking
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:47] Weedy says: no, last is stuff about work boat
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:54] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: k
                            [2007.06.18. 23:50:58] Pieter-Jan Busschaert says: good night
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:01] Kenneth Ferland says: night
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:02] |SafaN| says: hmm are u gonna leave that axe east of the river?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:08] Weedy says: night
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:13] |SafaN| says: nn
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:15] Weedy says: our religion is 14% of worlds now
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:22] Kenneth Ferland says: nice
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:23] Weedy says: buddhism is 12%
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:38] Kenneth Ferland says: so were the largest already?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:47] Weedy says: yes, strangely enough
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:53] Simon Gall says: does that figure by #of cities, by pop# or by pop points?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:51:59] Weedy says: Sarantium must've whipped something
                            [2007.06.18. 23:52:03] Weedy says: by pop points I think
                            [2007.06.18. 23:52:04] Kenneth Ferland says: must be by pop
                            [2007.06.18. 23:52:16] Weedy says: we have 6, sarantium had 6 in cap all the time and it was like 13% 13%
                            [2007.06.18. 23:52:25] Weedy says: now it's 14% 12% so they must be down to 5
                            [2007.06.18. 23:52:31] |SafaN| says: [22:51:02] |SafaN| zegt: hmm are u gonna leave that axe east of the river?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:52:58] Kenneth Ferland says: k, so has the work boat gotten close to the island yet?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:10] Weedy says: yes
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:11] Kenneth Ferland says: think you said you found clams a bit ago?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:13] |SafaN| says: the boat is moving to city spot 4
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:21] Weedy says: it's a gamble with that axe
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:30] Weedy says: they could discover it by moving warrior appropriately
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:48] Weedy says: nevertheless we cant lose anything
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:51] |SafaN| says: they will move the warrior towards city spot 2
                            [2007.06.18. 23:53:57] Kenneth Ferland says: do you want to move ax back with the other units on the west bank ?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:54:02] Weedy says: no
                            [2007.06.18. 23:54:22] Weedy says: if it's lucky to be undiscovered, we'll have an ax-chuk lightning strike
                            [2007.06.18. 23:54:39] Weedy says: if they discover it, well, we haven't lost a thing still
                            [2007.06.18. 23:54:46] Kenneth Ferland says: ok
                            [2007.06.18. 23:54:51] |SafaN| says: okay let it be
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:06] |SafaN| says: u moved the chuck accross the river too then?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:10] Kenneth Ferland says: the west bank has chuck + ax on it right
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:13] |SafaN| says: okay
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:17] |SafaN| says: so be it
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:36] |SafaN| says: who's gonna send the diplo message?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:54] Kenneth Ferland says: do we have a write up yet?
                            [2007.06.18. 23:55:57] Weedy says: yes
                            [2007.06.18. 23:56:00] Weedy says: chuk + ax
                            [2007.06.18. 23:56:11] Weedy says: we have 1st part of the writeup and lineup for the second
                            [2007.06.18. 23:56:21] Weedy says: I'll try to compile the message sometime 2moro
                            [2007.06.18. 23:56:27] Kenneth Ferland says: lets me have a read on the message and I'll endorse it
                            [2007.06.18. 23:56:32] Weedy says: if you dont want to do it
                            [2007.06.18. 23:56:33] |SafaN| says: B. things needing to be answered in this message
                            - intent of road -> resolved, tell we wanted a city, initiate minor diplo crisis
                            - presence of axeman -> resolved
                            - agreement to their settlement with added note that we'd like it to be further from our lands rather than closer due to the fact Banana culture is expanding quicker and might push borders too much -> resolved, see the road case.
                            - mention GS being somewhat unfriendly lately which might seem as preparation for something -> resolved -> unit in no mans land
                            [2007.06.18. 23:57:27] Simon Gall says: also, we might mention that we don't want possible barb galleys from blocking trade route (is that even possible?) so we were building the road
                            [2007.06.18. 23:57:55] |SafaN| says: thats a bit far-stretched :P
                            [2007.06.18. 23:57:59] Weedy says: well, we can say we build that route to even out the trade
                            [2007.06.18. 23:58:16] Weedy says: as we haven't got any proposals for sailing up to now, we'll make a traditional route
                            [2007.06.18. 23:58:24] Weedy sent file "clam.jpg" to members of this chat
                            [2007.06.18. 23:58:27] Weedy says: clam goes here
                            [2007.06.18. 23:58:28] Kenneth Ferland says: so points are as follows 1 - road was for a city we were planning (ware by the way) 2- we would like them to avoid site A due to their culture, 3 - were not concerned about GS warrior its just exploring
                            [2007.06.18. 23:58:43] |SafaN| says: no the city race idea is good, the question is why is that worker still building a road in soon to be banana territory
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:10] Kenneth Ferland says: ok so one more turn and we should see if they island is infact an island
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:11] Weedy says: well something along the lines
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:23] |SafaN| says: anyways i'm off
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:27] |SafaN| says: nn
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:28] Kenneth Ferland says: ok
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:31] Weedy says: "we thought we've built up to this, why not finish"
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:33] Weedy says: cya
                            [2007.06.18. 23:59:55] Kenneth Ferland says: hey wats that warrior out their for north west of Iron, Barb supression?
                            [2007.06.19. 0:00:02] Weedy says: yes
                            [2007.06.19. 0:00:06] Weedy says: waiting for settler
                            [2007.06.19. 0:00:22] Kenneth Ferland says: good, I think we will eventualy want a city between clam and wine
                            [2007.06.19. 0:00:42] Kenneth Ferland says: not real soon considering maintince but eventualy
                            [2007.06.19. 0:00:46] Simon Gall says: yeah
                            [2007.06.19. 0:01:11] Weedy says: well, we can leave that to be decided later, but I'd prefer a city just south of the original plan for city in that area, which would have clam and a lot of coast
                            [2007.06.19. 0:01:34] Simon Gall says: after city 4 is built, warrior should go to one of the coastal hills to prevent any barbs spawning in our back
                            [2007.06.19. 0:01:46] Weedy says: you think so?
                            [2007.06.19. 0:01:57] Weedy says: with a rapidly growing 4th city we'll need garrison there soon
                            [2007.06.19. 0:02:16] Kenneth Ferland says: yea for unhappiness supression
                            [2007.06.19. 0:02:23] Kenneth Ferland says: warrior can do that if need be
                            [2007.06.19. 0:02:45] Weedy says: my calculation is 1 hammer off
                            [2007.06.19. 0:02:50] Simon Gall says: will have to check city 4 overlap, but we'll be swapping a coast tile with clam for a plains forest
                            [2007.06.19. 0:03:00] Weedy says: luckily that difference doesn't matter
                            [2007.06.19. 0:03:01] Simon Gall says: a great deal if you ask me
                            [2007.06.19. 0:03:27] Kenneth Ferland says: I'd say go for maximum cities one on the west and one next to clams, more trade routes and the like
                            [2007.06.19. 0:03:44] Kenneth Ferland says: more total coast utilized to max the colosus
                            [2007.06.19. 0:03:50] Weedy says: ok, we'll see that, let's continue on the current affairs for now
                            [2007.06.19. 0:04:00] Weedy says: next turn is anarchy btw
                            [2007.06.19. 0:04:08] Weedy says: that could probably be added to diplo too?
                            [2007.06.19. 0:04:21] Kenneth Ferland says: were going representation right?
                            [2007.06.19. 0:05:08] Weedy says: repre+org rel
                            [2007.06.19. 0:05:16] Kenneth Ferland says: ok
                            [2007.06.19. 0:05:24] Weedy says: btw we wont need barb suppression on the west as Xian is gonna expand in 5 turns
                            [2007.06.19. 0:05:28] Kenneth Ferland says: then later adopt religion
                            [2007.06.19. 0:05:29] Weedy says: revealing those hills
                            [2007.06.19. 0:05:47] Weedy says: leaving only 1 tile obscured
                            [2007.06.19. 0:06:03] Kenneth Ferland says: yep that shoud completly free the warrior
                            [2007.06.19. 0:06:31] Simon Gall says: we can leave it there until 4th city grows anyway :P
                            [2007.06.19. 0:06:43] Kenneth Ferland says: next turns fishing boat should go NW NW to the edge of the mysterious land
                            [2007.06.19. 0:07:35] Simon Gall says: ETA for barb galleys?
                            [2007.06.19. 0:07:51] Kenneth Ferland says: if we see the whole thing and can tell their nothing else left to see we can continue north
                            [2007.06.19. 0:09:30] Kenneth Ferland says: how are the graphs looking? anything interesting their?
                            [2007.06.19. 0:13:58] Weedy says: no changes since last turn actually
                            [2007.06.19. 0:14:09] Kenneth Ferland says: k
                            [2007.06.19. 0:14:12] Weedy says: except for the culture graph of course
                            [2007.06.19. 0:14:25] Weedy says: where we're about to overtake nanas
                            [2007.06.19. 0:14:48] Kenneth Ferland says: really, must be the libraries and religions
                            [2007.06.19. 0:14:58] Weedy says: 3 wonders
                            [2007.06.19. 0:15:04] Kenneth Ferland says: oh yea that too
                            [2007.06.19. 0:17:51] Kenneth Ferland says: ok well nice to talk with you guys again
                            [2007.06.19. 0:18:54] Weedy says:
                            [2007.06.19. 0:21:22] Weedy says: ok, me off
                            [2007.06.19. 0:21:29] Weedy says: these skype turn sessions are good
                            Copied the pictures will upload them from work.

                            [edited by Lacero, I'll explain on turnchat. Trust me ]
                            -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                            -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                            • #15
                              GS is going over, sorry. Been waiting on important input, will play midday regardless.
                              GS is deciding whether to attack our worker now, I guess..
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

