Originally posted by binTravkin
PJay, do you realize there will be no trading between us and GS, neither us and Banana? That's it. We're on our own, locked out.
I don't need to blame GS/Banana, I see quite obviously GS has warned Banana quite some turns ago (see warrior running West) and they are now boosting Banana, which is a violence of our sphere of interest.
PJay, do you realize there will be no trading between us and GS, neither us and Banana? That's it. We're on our own, locked out.
I don't need to blame GS/Banana, I see quite obviously GS has warned Banana quite some turns ago (see warrior running West) and they are now boosting Banana, which is a violence of our sphere of interest.
I know there will be no trade between us and banana. The reason I posted the probabillity about a sea trade route, is to change our diplomacy message to banana. It's quite ridicuoulous to tell them we're building a road towards them if we already have a trade route by sea. They'll immediately know we're not building the road for trade, but for war.
About GS though, I agree they (should) have reasons for not being so friendly to us as in the past, but there is no in-game evidence of that. If they give archery for free to bananas next turn without sending us any answer to our diplomacy messages, that'll be in-game evidence.
Also, GS has acces to exactly the same information about us as bananas, so why do you think GS has figured out we are gearing up for war and not Banana themselves ?
If GS sends archery, we sign open borders with Vox and give them Iron Working. That'll probably mean the end of peace on our continent
