1 turn Faster - I can not over stress how much it would suck to lose Oracle by 1 turn, if were going to go for it we go FULLY COMMITTED to leave as little to chance as possible.
As there seems to be quite a chance we'll get them (the largest other Wonder built by now is Stonehenge and Vox, Banana, GS can't realistically finish Pyramids before us, don't believe Horde is even trying to), this point becomes secondary if not irrelevant.
3 - Centralized GPP, Prophet points are still points and increase the speed with which we get our second Great Person. Xian will take ages to produce a Great Person because the capitol will keep bumping up the limit faster then the Oracle points will accumulate to a Person. Theirs no way to guarantee what type of person our second is, Engineer will be the most common but Merchant will also be likely and theirs no real downside to throwing Prophet into the mix.
But there's also compelling reason why Xian - we have two things half done at Beijing - we will be delaying them quite a lot.
But all in all, I think you've got me convinced - we should attempt it at Beijing, thus centralizing our wonder and GPP effort.
It's 2 vs 2 votes now.
We need a decisive vote
