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Commitee of Strategic Planning

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  • Here are the build plans
    The one with Lighthouse prioritized seems more feasible as it gets us Library 5 turns later than the other way and Lighthouse 18 turns earlier.

    Important points are that:
    - we will have to use the worker building Xian-Tassa road for chopping, thus delaying that road for some 5-6 turns.
    - the worker down south will have to commence on building a watermill for maxing out Beijings' hammer output (up to +13 base)
    - we will have to switch to Literature immediately (this is true regardless of what we prioritize)

    Library prioritized:
    Turn	Build	Done	Prod.	Growth(pop)	Surplus	Whip	Remark
    0:725	Settler	73/100	+23	24/28(4)	0	3
    1:700	Settler	96/100	+12	24/28(4)	0	2
    2:675	Lighth.	0/60	+6+8	24/28(4)	+6	1
    3:650	Anarchy	-	-	16/30(5)	-	0	civics
    4:625	Lighth.	14/60	+11	16/30(5)	+4	0
    5:600	Lighth.	25/60	+7+97	20/28(4)	+5	10	whip
    6	GL	0/200	+38	25/28(4)	+7	9
    7	GL	38/200	+3	18/30(5)	+7	8
    8	GL	41/200	+3	25/30(5)	+7	7
    9	Anarchy			17/32(6)		6	Literature
    10	Library	0/350	+4+60	17/32(6)	+7	5	chop
    11	Library	64/350	+10	24/32(6)	+6	4
    12	Library	74/350	+10	30/32(6)	+6	3
    13	Library	88/350	+14+60	20/34(7)	+6	2	chop
    14	Library	162/350	+14	26/34(7)	+6	1
    15	Library	176/350	+26	32/34(7)	+1	0
    16	Library	202/350	+26	33/34(7)	+1	0
    17	Library	228/350	+26	17/36(8)	+1	0
    18	Library	252/350	+4+120	18/28(4)	+7	10	whip(4)
    19	GL	44/200	+4+26	25/28(4)	+7	9	Library done
    20	GL	74/200	+4	18/30(5)	+7	8
    21	GL	78/200	+4	25/30(5)	+7	7
    22	GL	82/200	+4	17/32(6)	+7	6
    23	GL	86/200	+4	24/32(6)	+7	5
    24	GL	90/200	+10	31/32(6)	+6	4
    25	GL	100/200	+10	21/34(7)	+6	3
    26	GL	110/200	+10	27/34(7)	+6	2
    27	GL	120/200	+22	17/36(8)	+3	1
    28	GL	142/200	+4	20/32(6)	+7	10	whip(2)
    29								GL done

    Lighthouse prioritized:*
    Turn	Build	Done	Prod.	Growth(pop)	Surplus	Whip	Remark
    0:725	Settler	73/100	+23	24/28(4)	0	3
    1:700	Settler	96/100	+12	24/28(4)	0	2
    2:675	Lighth.	0/60	+6+8	24/28(4)	+6	1
    3:650	Anarchy	-	-	16/30(5)	-	0	civics
    4:625	Lighth.	14/60	+11	16/30(5)	+4	0
    5:600	Lighth.	25/60	+7+97	20/28(4)	+5	10	whip+chop
    6:575	GL	0/200	+10+96	25/28(4)	+5	9
    7:550	GL	106/200	+10	16/30(5)	+5	8
    8:525	GL	116/200	+10	21/30(5)	+5	7
    9:500	Anarchy	-	-	26/30(5)	-	6	Yangism
    10:475	GL	126/200	+18+60	16/32(6)	+4	5	chop
    11:450	Library	0/350	+10+4	20/32(6)	+6	4	GL Done
    12	Library	14/350	+10	26/32(6)	+6	3
    13	Library	24/350	+10	17/34(7)	+6	2
    14	Library	34/350	+10	23/34(7)	+6	1
    15	Library	44/350	+22	29/34(7)	+3	0
    16	Library	66/350	+22	32/34(7)	+3	0
    17	Library	88/350	+26	18/36(8)	+1	0
    18	Library	114/350	+26	19/34(8)	+1	0
    19	Library	140/350	+26	20/34(8)	+1	0
    20	Library	166/350	+26	21/34(8)	+1	0
    21	Library	182/350	+26	22/34(8)	+1	0
    22	Library	218/350	+26	23/34(8)	+1	0
    23	Library	244/350	+4+120	24/28(4)	+7	10	whip(4)
    24				17/30(5)	+7	9	Library done
    * - this is the maximum hammers case. Hammers were maxed out for testing reasons to see whether a turn can be saved, but as it proved unsuccessful, while building Library a more food-oriented scheme should be adopted letting us have 8 pop (additional 2-0-4 tile worked) just at the expiration of whip angriness at turn 15 (in timeline).
    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


    • PJay noticed a couple of mistakes in both plans. , so here's fixed Library-first plan:

      Turn	Build	Done	Prod.	Growth(pop)	Surplus	Whip	Remark
      0:725	Settler	73/100	+23	24/28(4)	0	3
      1:700	Settler	96/100	+12	24/28(4)	0	2
      2:675	Lighth.	0/60	+6+8	24/28(4)	+6	1
      3:650	Anarchy	-	-	16/30(5)	-	0	civics
      4:625	Lighth.	14/60	+11	16/30(5)	+4	0
      5:600	Lighth.	25/60	+7+60	20/28(4)	+5	10	whip
      6	GL	0/200	+38	25/28(4)	+7	9
      7	GL	38/200	+3	18/30(5)	+7	8
      8	GL	41/200	+3	25/30(5)	+7	7
      9	Anarchy			17/32(6)		6	Literature
      10	Library	0/350	+10+60	17/32(6)	+6	5	chop
      11	Library	70/350	+10	23/32(6)	+6	4
      12	Library	90/350	+10	29/32(6)	+6	3
      13	Library	100/350	+14+60	19/34(7)	+6	2	chop
      14	Library	174/350	+14	25/34(7)	+6	1
      15	Library	188/350	+22	31/34(7)	+3	0
      16	Library	210/350	+22	17/36(8)	+3	0
      17	Library	232/350	+4+120	20/28(4)	+7	10	whip(4)
      18	GL	44/200	+4+6	26/28(4)	+6	9	Library done
      Library is 1 turn sooner and GL too with it.
      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


      • And fixed Ligthouse-first plan (nothing changes though in schedule).
        Turn	Build	Done	Prod.	Growth(pop)	Surplus	Whip	Remark
        0:725	Settler	73/100	+23	24/28(4)	0	3
        1:700	Settler	96/100	+12	24/28(4)	0	2
        2:675	Lighth.	0/60	+6+8	24/28(4)	+6	1
        3:650	Anarchy	-	-	16/30(5)	-	0	civics
        4:625	Lighth.	14/60	+11	16/30(5)	+4	0
        5:600	Lighth.	25/60	+6+60	20/28(4)	+6	10	whip
        6:575	GL	0/200	+63	26/28(4)	+6	9
        7:550	GL	63/200	+8	18/30(5)	+6	8
        8:525	GL	71/200	+8	24/30(5)	+6	7
        9:500	Anarchy	-	-	15/32(6)	-	6	Yangism
        10:475	GL	79/200	+10+120	15/32(6)	+6	5	chop*2
        11:450	Library	0/350	+10+9	21/32(6)	+6	4	GL Done
        12	Library	19/350	+10	27/32(6)	+6	3
        13	Library	29/350	+10	17/34(7)	+6	2
        14	Library	39/350	+10	23/34(7)	+6	1
        15	Library	49/350	+22	29/34(7)	+3	0
        16	Library	71/350	+22	32/34(7)	+3	0
        17	Library	93/350	+26	18/36(8)	+1	0
        18	Library	119/350	+26	19/34(8)	+1	0
        19	Library	145/350	+26	20/34(8)	+1	0
        20	Library	171/350	+26	21/34(8)	+1	0
        21	Library	187/350	+26	22/34(8)	+1	0
        22	Library	213/350	+26	23/34(8)	+1	0
        23	Library	239/350	+4+120	24/28(4)	+7	10	whip(4)
        24				17/30(5)	+7	9	Library done
        EDIT: One more fix.
        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


        • I agree the lighthouse->library plan is the best.

          As a bonus when we finish the lighthouse others may believe we're not going for the library just yet and not push quite as hard.


          • It does look like the best strategy will be the Lighthouse First.
            You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
            There is a reason for everything.


            • Actually we might be able to finish Library in the Lighthouse First plan a turn sooner too, if we find 14 hammers somewhere there, I'll look into that later today.
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


              • What's wrong with the Conquer Banana First strategy?
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • You think we should focus more on military by building troops in Beijing too?
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                  • Yeah I mean is a library now more important than being sure we win the war swiftly?
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • Everyone here around is so sure about victory, that wonders come into more importance.

                      Ok, do you think both GL and Library should be postponed or only Library?
                      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                      • Okay, here's a proposal - in 5 turns we sit back at the table and check what the situation is with the Banana and evaluate whether we need to commit Beijing to military builds.

                        Meanwhile, the worker near Xian, which built road just cut down movement from Xian to Tassagrad by 1 turn.
                        I propose instead of using 5 worker turns to cut yet another half-turn off, chop a forest directly SW or S from Xian (depending on whether we can get back in time to Beijing area from there), to assist it's military production.
                        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                        • If we do the lighthouse first then we have a point when it's done that we can look into building more military units. But I think our other two cities can keep everything going just fine.


                          • As long as the nanas lack archery, I doubt we will need to build more military units in Beijing...
                            Indifference is Bliss


                            • Originally posted by binTravkin
                              Turn	Build	Done	Prod.	Growth(pop)	Surplus	Whip	Remark
                              0:725	Settler	73/100	+23	24/28(4)	0	3
                              1:700	Settler	96/100	+12	24/28(4)	0	2
                              2:675	Lighth.	0/60	+6+8	24/28(4)	+6	1
                              3:650	Anarchy	-	-	16/30(5)	-	0	civics
                              4:625	Lighth.	14/60	+11	16/30(5)	+4	0
                              5:600	Lighth.	25/60	+7+60	20/28(4)	+5	10	whip
                              6	GL	0/200	+38	25/28(4)	+7	9
                              7	GL	38/200	+3	18/30(5)	+7	8
                              8	GL	41/200	+3	25/30(5)	+7	7
                              9	Anarchy			17/32(6)		6	Literature
                              10	Library	0/350	+10+60	17/32(6)	+6	5	chop
                              11	Library	70/350	+10	23/32(6)	+6	4
                              12	Library	90/350	+10	29/32(6)	+6	3
                              13	Library	100/350	+14+60	19/34(7)	+6	2	chop
                              14	Library	174/350	+14	25/34(7)	+6	1
                              15	Library	188/350	+22	31/34(7)	+3	0
                              16	Library	210/350	+22	17/36(8)	+3	0
                              17	Library	232/350	+4+120	20/28(4)	+7	10	whip(4)
                              18	GL	44/200	+4+6	26/28(4)	+6	9	Library done
                              Are we using this plan now ?

                              There is still an error around turn 12-13 : 70+10 is not 90 That's probably the turn you shaved off of it. Anyway, there might be changes in the foodbar due to this too. I didn't really check further, but the chop turns and +hammers / +food for the first 12 turns seem correct to me.
                              no sig


                              • No, we're using the Lighthouse first plan in post #273
                                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

