I'm firmly pro-Machinery, only if something total de-rails that plan would I get Pyrimid as the consolation prize.
Getting Bananas to build it for us
The only major dis-railing things that might happen is some kind of Banana-Storm alliance against us which looks incredibly unlikly. I'm also keen on getting some tech trading going before the onset of hostilites. Bananas might gift their techs to Storm just to spite us when we attack them or bargan to keep Storm from attacking their southern city. If we trade for most of thouse techs or even do a three way trade orgy that ends up giving all the teams all the techs then Bananas have no barganing chips left.
Getting Bananas to build it for us

The only major dis-railing things that might happen is some kind of Banana-Storm alliance against us which looks incredibly unlikly. I'm also keen on getting some tech trading going before the onset of hostilites. Bananas might gift their techs to Storm just to spite us when we attack them or bargan to keep Storm from attacking their southern city. If we trade for most of thouse techs or even do a three way trade orgy that ends up giving all the teams all the techs then Bananas have no barganing chips left.