Well - factions have been drawn, and we have the Chinese under Qin (Industrial & Financial), starting with Agriculture and Mining
No announcement yet.
Qin it is (Chinese)
I think we have a shot at Judaism here as state religion, but would of course, in light of our presumed andfearedbeloved leader Yang, aim for Confuciusm.
Excellent faction for gameplay.
Time for hellenic gods to move to Zhongguo.SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
We need Snowflake for a crashcourse on Chinese Mythology.
The Seven Dragons?
All teams info:Team civ tech1 tech2 UU replaces leader trait1 trait2
AC Chinese farming mining crossbow (6) Qin industrious financial
Sarantium English fishing mining rifleman (14->16) Elisabeth philosophical financial
Banana French farming the wheel musketman (9) Louis organised creative
Horde Mongols hunting the wheel horse archer (6) Kublai Khan agressive creative
Vox Russian hunting mining cavalry (15->18) Catherina creative financial
Gathering Storm Malinese the wheel mining archer (3->4) Mansa Musa spiritual financial
Mercenary German hunting mining tank (28) Frederick philosophical creative
Sarantium has our second choice, they'll probably play in the same way as we do. Mind their strong UU.
Banana will be able to buid cottages very soon, but won't be able to chop woods to accelerate the start. Their traits are both builder-traits (+culture, -upkeep).
Don't know what to think about the Horde, but they seem pretty aggressive in the public forum
Vox also has a strong UU, but don't know what would be the best-fit playstyle
GS has the same early tech-choices as we do. Their UU is very early, but not so strong.
The mercenaries are clearly the out-of-the-oridinary choice here with such a late UU.no sig
Originally posted by GeoModder
We need Snowflake for a crashcourse on Chinese Mythology.
The Seven Dragons?
Best of Both WorldsSMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
Favourite starting techs:
mining : 5
the wheel : 3
hunting : 3
farming: 2
fishing : 1
Favourite traits:
financial : 4
creative : 4
philosophical : 2
industrious : 1
organised : 1
spiritual : 1
Now I'm off to play a few practice games with Qin against these leaders on the C4DG settings...no sig
Well, one thing is sure: we won't be the only faction with loads of money. Our other strength, quick wonders, is where we will have the benefit early on. Which wonders will depend on our starting position, and neighbours of course.
There's an interesting dilemma here: most teams have choosen a civ which performs best with open borders (trade income), but OTOH nobody likes sneaking troops or, worse, those pesky missionaries wandering around. Also, with open borders newly found cities are highly susceptible to receiving foreign religions if they are not converted to the state religion ASAP.
solution: found all religions?
ok probably not feasible in a multiplayer game. I agree we need to make lots of wonders to exploit our advantage, and also agree exactly which ones we use depends on starting position.
stonehenge -> good for early culture but means we get sucky prophets in our capital. we'll have to get a religion if we go for this.
pyramids -> if we have stone it's great. if not we can't do it IMHO.
collussus+lighthouse -> obviously good if we're on the coast, bad otherwise.
oracle->great if we can manouver ourselves to a good spot on the tech tree. alternatively we could just get it first to keep it out of others greedy hands?
great prophets are not that bad
but in case there is much coast a collossus+lighthouse might be exelent. The other plus of this way we (prolly) won't have competition, cause for wonders like piramids and oracle i suspect all teams will shoot at it ...
Originally posted by Lacero
stonehenge -> good for early culture but means we get sucky prophets in our capital. we'll have to get a religion if we go for this.
Imagine this, researching towards Code of Laws and using a prophet to get Theology first. And since both of those are the first religions to come with a free missionary as well...
We have mining, why not do the chop-rush if we have opportunity?-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.