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Turn 135, AD475

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  • Turn 135, AD475

    Turn 135, AD475


    Settler: Found city Horse-6
    Great Scientist: Send to EotS and found academy.
    Battle outcomes with barbs: ?

    Science 70%

    Current (?/turn): Feudalism ?+?/1001 (5 turns)

    Treasury 30%

    Current 407g (-? g/turn)

    Civics HR-Bur-Caste-Dec-Pac
    Revolt to slavery?


    Eye of the Storm (Size 8)(at health cap)
    WF to: 1, 4, 7, 74, 78, 8, 88, 9
    Food: (5/turn into worker) 7/34 (~ turns)
    Hammers: (13/turn)
    Production: Worker (2 turns)

    Winestrom (Size 7) (at health cap, poprush - 27 turns)
    WF: 2, 7, 78, 4, 6, Sci x2 (Keep scientists or revolt to slavery?)
    Food (2/turn): 23/34 (6 turns)
    Hammers: (4/turn)
    Production: Library 57/90 (9 turns)
    GPP (12/turn): 102/100 (GSci born)

    Taz City (Size 4) (poprush - 42 turns)
    WF: 1, 14, 4, 88
    Food (4/turn): 25/28 (1 turns)
    Hammers (5/turn)
    Production: Library 78/90 (4 turns)

    The Voice (Size 3)
    WF: 1, 66, 8
    Food (4/turn): 17/26 (3 turns)
    Hammers (8/turn)
    Production: Library 62/90 (4 turns)

    Carnero Tempestas (Size 2)
    WF: 1, 8
    Food (4/turn): 17/24 (3 turns)
    Hammers (4/turn)
    Production: Granary 27/60 (10 turns)

    Horse-6 Give me a name! (Size 1)
    WF: 3
    Food (3/turn): 0/22 (8 turns)
    Hammers (1/turn)
    Production: Granary 0/60 (60 turns)

    In-game diplomacy

    Distant events

  • #2
    Caste system or slavery?

    We are now free to revolt back to slavery.

    Advantages of slavery:
    - can whip granary in Carnero next turn
    - can whip workers

    Advantages in caste system:
    - Border expansion in new city (horse-6) to grab bananas in BFC. Health is badly needed in core cities.

    Added to this is the following question: What type of GP do we want next?
    If we want another scientist (or two?) for a fast trip to Liberalism, caste is useful and we can run more scientists in Wines. If we want a prophet any time soon, then we should think about whipping two temples in Taz and hiring priests.


    • #3
      I'm not a big fan of whipping when improved tiles could be worked.

      At a minimum, keep the suburbs worked along with all high yield tiles. Whip with pop that grow beyond that. That's my view anyway.

      Along those lines, getting borders expanded for the new city could be done early, while workers work their way up there.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #4
        It might be best to hold this turn while we confirm ACen will not freak out over the new city.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          Registered. Has Blake got this message?


          • #6
            But if I talk to them about it, I wont be able to maintain the facade that I don't really know what the rest of the team is doing .

            I say we found the thing and rely on a strategy known as:
            "Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission..."

            If it makes you happier, I've hinted that we are leaning towards taking our share of those resources with a single city (not a greedy city, of course), also mentioning that it might be soon because as a triple-resource city it would be super-productive, more so than any alternative city sites. Impaler didn't protest this idea so we wont be knowingly going against AC's wishes .

            Fact is that border negotiations are always awkward... so I say we found the sucker.


            • #7
              What's the go with military on the isthmus? Is it OK to post a sentry unit some tiles north of the new city? AC seem happy enough to keep a couple of CKN's lurking in the area. Would a fortfied spear look bad? Or is it better to keep the new city reasonably defended and keep a regular eye on the power graph?


              • #8
                OK, Blake. If you think that is the way to play it. That is an approach that can work.

                Have you had any discussion with them re why we were at a zero slider, and that we increased it after the lib?
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #9
                  I did these things:

                  Turn 135, AD475


                  Settler: Found city Horse-6
                  Great Scientist: Send to EotS.
                  Battle outcomes with barbs: Redick defeats barb archer, Stevens defeats barb axe. Both 10/10 exp. Herioc Epic now opened.

                  Science 70%

                  Current (?/turn): Feudalism 467+?/1001 (5 turns)

                  Treasury 30%

                  Current 407g (-8 g/turn)

                  Civics HR-Bur-Caste-Dec-Pac


                  Eye of the Storm (Size 8)(at health cap)
                  WF to: 1, 4, 7, 74, 78, 8, 88, 9
                  Food: (5/turn into worker) 7/34 (~ turns)
                  Hammers: (13/turn)
                  Production: Worker (2 turns)

                  Winestrom (Size 7) (at health cap, poprush - 27 turns)
                  WF: 2, 7, 78, 6, Sci x3
                  Food (-2/turn): 23/34 (~ turns)
                  Hammers: (4/turn)
                  Production: Library 57/90 (9 turns)
                  GPP (12/turn): 2/200 (GSci born)

                  Taz City (Size 4) (poprush - 42 turns)
                  WF: 1, 14, 4, 88
                  Food (4/turn): 25/28 (1 turns)
                  Hammers (6/turn)
                  Production: Library 80/90 (2 turns)

                  The Voice (Size 3)
                  WF: 1, 66, 8
                  Food (4/turn): 17/26 (3 turns)
                  Hammers (8/turn)
                  Production: Library 65/90 (4 turns)

                  Carnero Tempestas (Size 2)
                  WF: 1, 8
                  Food (4/turn): 17/24 (3 turns)
                  Hammers (4/turn)
                  Production: Granary 27/60 (10 turns)

                  Horse City (Size 1)
                  WF: Artist (border expansion in 3 turns)
                  Food (0/turn): 0/22 (~ turns)
                  Hammers (1/turn)
                  Production: Granary 0/60 (60 turns)

                  In-game diplomacy

                  Distant events


                  • #10

