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Turn 122, AD150

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  • Turn 122, AD150

    Turn 122, AD150


    Stack 1. 1 sp, 2 cat, 2 axe. Move 1 going home.

    Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Fort (EotS)

    Nash: 4/4 0/2 exp. Fort (The Voice).
    Neville: 4/4 3/5 exp, DrI. Fort protecting Worker I.
    Liverpool: 4/4 2/5 exp, CGI. Fort (Wines).
    Skirmisher V: 4/4 0/2 exp. Fort (Taz)
    Skirmisher VI: 4/4 0/2 exp. Fort (Wines)
    Skirmisher VII: 4/4 0/2 exp. scout for settler
    Skirmisher VIII: 4/4 1/2 exp. Fort EotS 1.
    Skirmisher IX: 1.2+/4 0/2 exp. Healing. 4 to go

    Brashear: 5/5 2/5 exp, Com1. Move 9 scouting East Coast.
    Domi: 5/5 4/5 exp, CRI. Move 7.
    Redick: 5/5 8/10 exp, CRII. Stack 1
    Laraque: 5/5 4/5 exp, CRI. Move 7.
    Pronger: 5/5 2/5 exp, CRI. Move 9.
    Stevens: 5/5 7/10 exp, CRII. Stack 1
    Axeman VII: 5/5 2/5 exp, ComI. Kill barb warrior

    Cat VII: 5/5 0/2 exp. Move 9. Stack 1
    Cat VIII: 5/5 0/2 exp. Move 9. Stack 1

    Spear III: 4/4 0/2 exp. Stack 1
    Spear IV: 4/4 0/2 exp. scout for settler
    Spear V: 4/4 1/2 exp. Fort in The Voice.
    Spear VI: 4/4 0/2 exp. with Pronger
    Spear VII: 4/4 0/2 exp. Fort (Taz).

    Clarke: 2/2 4/5 exp, Com1. Fort watching iron S of EotS

    Worker I: Roading TV3 2 of 2, then mine gold or iron
    Worker II: Plantation on Incence (Wines44) 2 of 4
    Worker III: Plantation on Incence (Wines44) 2 of 4
    Worker IV: Mine on iron (Taz88) 2 of 4

    Settler b: Move North. Blake, where do we want to settle?

    Confucian (can revolt in 2 turns)

    Science 80%

    Current (55/turn): Philosophy (845+55/1144) (4-5 turns)

    Treasury 20%

    Current 3g (-1 g/turn)


    Eye of the Storm (Size 7)
    WF: 1, 44, 74, 7, 78, 9, 8 (same)
    Food: (4/turn) 5/34 (~ turns)
    Hammers: (9/turn)
    Production: Worker 26/60 (3 turns)
    In Queue: Skirmisher (17/25, T120)

    Winestrom (Size to 4) (poprush - 40 turns)
    WF: to 2, 3, 4, 7
    Food (7/turn): 3/26 (4 turns)
    Hammers (1/turn)
    Production: Library 33/90 (a long time)
    In Queue: Obelisk (gone), Spear (3/35, decaying)

    Taz City (Size 3) (poprush - 45 turns)
    WF: 14, 1, 3
    Food (5/turn): 23/26 (1 turns)
    Hammers (1/turn) 15 overflow
    Production: Library (24/90)
    In Queue: Spear (1/35, 2 turns till decay)

    The Voice (Size to 2)
    WF: to 4, 8
    Food (4/turn): 0/24 (6 turns)
    Hammers (4/turn)
    Production: Granary 19/60 (11 turns)

    In-game diplomacy

    Distant events

    I hope I've improved the format. It is easier for me, as a less frequent visitor, to see what is going on. Especially with the cities.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

  • #2
    Where is the settler at the moment?


    • #3
      One moment.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #4
        It is 44 of the rice, 2 of the mountain heading north.

        Sent a bitmap to the team email addy.

        I see we got a turn yesterday as well. I'll see about getting it done if I can get direction for the settler.

        Edit: I've never used Imageshack, and couldn't figure out how to when I took a brief look several days ago.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          The easy way to use Imageshack is to install the toolbar and just drag and drop the image file(s), it will then upload the image(s) and cough up the required links. Very easy. It's nearly as easy from the main page, I mean it's as easy as any other upload service (except you can't do multiple files with one action, unlike with the toolbar).

          If you sign up for an imageshack account (not essential), then it'll keep the images forever and also keep track of them (otherwise the links to the uploaded files are lost forever once you close the window, this means the images get deleted after 30 days of not being accessed, they are assumed orphaned).


          • #6
            I'm not installing any toolbars.

            Can you access the team email account?
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              I really don't understand why you can't use the imageshack mainpage, it's even easier to use than Apolyton upload.

              Incidentally, I'm someone who Does. Not. Use. Toolbars. But I use imageshack toolbar . It's freaking convenient and is worth the 16 pixels or whatever it is.


              • #8
                So I take it you can't access GMail.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #9
                  I can, but the problem is, without readily accessible screenshots ("visual information") people aren't going to bother discussing the game.

                  Okay with the settler:

                  Maybe we should just settle 7, since that'll get the ivory hooked up asap, and since the site has immediate cow, it's pretty good for building an obelisk, we could also chop it.

                  Defensively, that site is quite good, because the enemy can only approach along flat land, and are funneled.

                  An alternative would be to found one tile back on the hill, but most likely, fights will be decided on the flats... waiting to be attacked is rarely a good idea.

                  We need to finalize the border negotiations before founding further north.


                  • #10
                    I don't think we can build obelisks.

                    4 gets an immediate cow and has ivory and marble in fat cross.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #11
                      And do I make a civics change this turn?
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                      • #12
                        Good point on the Obelisks, and I did mean 4, not 7

                        We really need to be looking into getting some Missionaries, for those border pops. The cheapest way to pop a border is with a missionary, after all.

                        edit: SCRATCH THAT. We can just use caste artists! So just let the new city build a granary. Once we switch to caste, we can then pop it's borders! w00ts! In fact we should take that oppurtunity to pop the borders of Taz as well.


                        • #13
                          OK. So to be clear. Settle this turn 9 of the cow?

                          On the blue circle that gets cow, ivory and marble in city radius?
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              OK. I'm not doing a civics switch this turn. Better to be 1 turn later than prevent another to Civil Service for several turns.
                              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

