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Turn 111, 125BC

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  • Turn 111, 125BC

    Turn 111, 125BC


    Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Fort (EotS)

    Schumacher: 0.8/4 2/2 Exp. Promotion?
    Nash: 4/4 Move from Hub to Wines
    Neville: 4/4 2/2 Move from Hub to Wines
    Liverpool: 4/4 2/2 Exp. City Garrision I. Move from Wines towards The Voice?
    Skirmisher V: 4/4 Fort (Taz)
    Skirmisher VI: 4/4 Move from Wines towards The Voice?

    Axemen - Promote and attack The Voice
    Brashear: 1.4/5 2/2 exp.
    Domi: 3.2/5 2/2 exp.
    Redick: 3.2/5 2/2 exp.
    Laraque: 0.3/5 4/5 exp.
    McTavish: 1.5/5 2/2 exp.
    Pronger: 0.5/5 2/2 exp.
    Stevens: 4.4/5 2/2 exp.

    Pfeiffer: 2.2/5 3/2 Exp. Attack or Bombard the Voice?
    Cat VII: Move from Wines towards The Voice

    The Voice ?% cultural defence

    Spear I: 0.8/4 2/2 exp. Promote.
    Spear III: Move from Wines towards The Voice?
    Spear IV: Move from Wines towards The Voice?
    Spear V: Move from EotS towards Wines
    Spear VI: Move from Hub to Wines

    Clarke: Fort

    Worker I: Road?
    Worker II: cottage (4 turns)
    Worker III: Begin road to Taz iron or send towards The Voice?


    Science 80%

    Current (?/turn): Philosophy (124/500) (18 turns)

    Treasury 20%

    Current 42g (0 g/turn)


    Eye of the Storm (Size 6)
    WF: 1, 44, 74, 7, 78, 9 (same)
    Growth (3/turn): 9/32 (8 turns)
    Production (9/turn): Spearman (1 turns)

    Winestrom (Size 3) (poprush - 41 turns)
    WF: 2, 4, 7 (same)
    Growth (6/turn): 22/26 (1 turns)
    Production (1/turn): Catapult done, build orders (29h overflow)?
    In Queue: Obelisk (4/30), Library (3/90)

    Taz City (Size 3) (poprush - 37 turns)
    WF: 14, 1, 3 (same)
    Growth (5/turn): 22/26 (1 turns)
    Production (1/turn): Catapult (35 turns)

    In-game diplomacy

    Distant events

  • #2
    OK, we now face 5 archers:

    Here is the power graph. Even though Vox lost 8 archers last turn, their graph has not gone down!!?! They must have trained a HA in Moscow last turn.


    • #3
      The power graph is a turn delayed.

      Promote the pult with Collateral and smack the city.
      Then send the 3 strong axes in.

      Probably leave the city with an injured archer. Let the barb axe suicide on the city or on our units - they have better defense in the forest tile.

      I think promote the spear with Combat I, and one of the axes with Woody I.

      That's what I think...


      • #4
        In answer to DeepO's comments/questions (from the previous turn thread):

        1. Vox only has two cities:The Voice and Moscow.

        2. RE Poprushing at Taz. Taz (pop 4) currently has 7 (4 from crowds, 3 from whip) and 8 (1 from MP).

        However, I really don't think that we will hold The Voice (if we are lucky enough to capture it this turn) for long. Presumably there are HAs coming from Moscow, as well as the three horses we see on the screenshot, as well as 2 barb axes to contend with.

        The war is still not over, I really believe we need more troops. We are not going to get enough troops from EotS alone.

        Besides, if we poprush intelligently, the overflow can go into Skirms for MP.

        3. We can change religion in 3 turns (for a border expansion at The Voice - if we are lucky enough to capture and hold the city for that long).

        4. Spearmen do not get city garrison promotions. Combat 1 is the most useful, though city raider may be better in this situation if we need to attack the city again at even odds.


        • #5
          I agree with Blakes suggestion RE sending the cat in followed by three axes. If I hear nothing in the next hour I will play this out, post results and we can discuss from there.


          • #6
            Pfifer went in with barrage 1 and lost. Stevens, Redick and Domi all promoted to CR1 and won their battles.

            There are now two archers remaining at The Voice: a CG1 archer with 1.8/3 health and an unpromoted archer with 1.7/3 health.

            Our current troops at the Voice:


            • #7
              I propose we leave the attacking there this turn. Hope that the barb axe takes out another archer next turn.

              Spearman Combat 1
              Skirm CG1 ?
              Axes ? (At least one gets either combat1 or woody1 to protect the stronger CR axes).

              Move two spears and a cat from Wines towards The Voice. If the HAs turn back to our cities, we capture The Voice next turn and there is no cultural border to hinder troop movement back to our territory. The troops at the hub (2 skirms and a spear) go to Wines and the Spearman at EotS to the Hub.

              If there are no objections I will play this in 7 or 8 hours.

              I still favour poprushing the catapult at Taz. We have 6 hammers invested so the overflow can go to a Skirm to deal with happiness. We only have 1 cat now; the sooner we wrap up this war the sooner we can develop our land (and hook up other happiness resources such as the gold at The Voice).


              • #8
                I'm not saying you can't poprush, but it is impacting our long term growth. It will take over 40 turns just to get rid of 4 unhappy... that's basically 4 less pop for 40 turns. That's a lot.

                I agree to get this war over with, though. The barbs are not that bad, but Vox might pull a huge white rabit out of their hats... I'd hate to lose e.g. Taz to them, or to deal with pillaging HAs inside our territory.



                • #9
                  Oh, and we still have 9 units, to attack 2 archers? We are going to hold the Voice, I wuoldn't worry too much about that. However we also need some troops to attack Moscow with.



                  • #10
                    Thanks for your feedback DeepO. I agree with your assessment about The Voice. I decided to poprush at Taz because we need another cat to take Moscow.

                    Next turn we will have 3 spears and 6 Skirms in our territory to defend Taz and Wines, plus another Skirm in Taz the turn after that. We won't have problems defending our cities.

                    I'll take the foot off poprushing now, except in an absolute emergency.


                    • #11
                      Turn 111, 125BC


                      Thug: 2/2, 0/2 Exp. Fort (EotS)

                      Schumacher: 2.4/4 2/2 Exp. Combat I. Fort (outside Voice).
                      Nash: 4/4 Move from Hub to Wines
                      Neville: 4/4 2/2 Move from Hub to Wines
                      Liverpool: 4/4 2/2 Exp. City Garrision I. Fort (Wines).
                      Skirmisher V: 4/4 Fort (Taz)
                      Skirmisher VI: 4/4. Fort (Wines)

                      Brashear: 3.2/5 2/2 exp. Combat 1. Fort (outside Voice)
                      Domi: 1.3/5 5/5 exp. CRI. Attack and destroy archer.
                      Redick: 3.1/5 5/5 exp. CRI. Attack and destroy archer.
                      Laraque: 0.3/5 4/5 exp. Fort (outside Voice)
                      McTavish: 3.2/5 2/2 exp. CRI. Fort (outside Voice)
                      Pronger: 2.8/5 2/2 exp. CRI. Fort (outside Voice)
                      Stevens: 2.0/5 5/5 exp. CRI. Attack and destroy archer.

                      Pfeiffer: 3.5/5 3/5 Exp. Barrage I. Attack The Voice and die.
                      Cat VII: Move from Wines towards The Voice

                      The Voice 3% cultural defence

                      Spear I: 3.2/4 2/2 exp. Combat I. Fort (outside Voice)
                      Spear III: Move from Wines towards The Voice
                      Spear IV: Move from Wines towards The Voice
                      Spear V: 3.0/4 1/2 exp. Move from EotS to Hub
                      Spear VI: Move from Hub to Wines

                      Clarke: Fort

                      Worker I: Road
                      Worker II: cottage (2 turns)
                      Worker III: Move 9-8


                      Science 80%

                      Current (?/turn): Philosophy (124/500) (19 turns)

                      Treasury 20%

                      Current 37g (-3 g/turn)


                      Eye of the Storm (Size 6)
                      WF: 1, 44, 74, 7, 78, 9 (same)
                      Growth (3/turn): 9/32 (8 turns)
                      Production (9/turn): Spearman (1 turns)

                      Winestrom (Size 3) (poprush - 41 turns)
                      WF: 2, 4, 7 (same)
                      Growth (6/turn): 22/26 (1 turns)
                      Production (1/turn): Catapult done, begin Skirmisher (1 turn)
                      In Queue: Obelisk (4/30), Library (3/90)

                      Taz City (Size 2) (poprush - 46 turns)
                      WF: 14, 2 (poprush)
                      Growth (5/turn): 14/24 (2 turns)
                      Production (1/turn): Catapult (poprush - 1 turns)

                      In-game diplomacy

                      Distant events


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          What happened to the bunch?

