¡ATENTAD! BE STILL & LISTEN! The following missive is from the Disvastigoro de la Vero of the Banano KPV...
Team Banana has sought nothing but friendship and peace from all the Boneco that inhabit Nia Kontinento. We sought only friendship, co-ordination of trade, & science with the Alpha Centurians. Just before this unjust war we sent word about our pioneering settlers who sought a life full of happy on the banks of the Okcidenta Rivero. They would have founded the trade city of Yang's Gate to honor friendship.
Truth told - they were attacked, had their banana ice cream sweets confiscated, and enslaved by our no longer friends. Even after the Herezuloj - Heretics & Haters of the Fruit - the Alpha Centurians attacked our unarmed people we offered them the peace and the mercy of the Great Banana - whose name dare not be uttered. The Herezuloj spit on our diplomat and instead offered to shed the blood of our people under the blue skies. The sharp tongued liers thought funny of this and wrote poor haiku in taunting.
This "Banana Consulate for the Promulgation of Truth" (KPV) will be used to make public the continuance of humanity crimes by the Heretics and the glorious triumphs of Homoj de la Banano and Banano-a Unupartiaj Teritoriaj Trupoj (or how you say - Banana's Unilateral Territorial Troopers).
That is all,
Disvastigoro de la Vero KPV
(Disseminator of the Truth)