Eye of the Storm, the dawn of time:
The Storm was unleashed upon the world from the darkness beyond.
The people of the Storm founded their great city, The Eye of the Storm, upon the banks of the great river. The people wondered, as all people do, about the mystery of creation.
And so the people of the Storm sent their wise men up into the hills to ponder the vagueries of the Universe. The Wise men told their people that it would likely take them many years to answer the great question of Life, The Universe and Everything. 42 years, maybe...
The years passed by, and no word came from the wise men. The people of the Storm grew worried. During this time, they had become aware of another tribe who lived downstream of their great city - a people who spoke with one Voice. Soon it became clear that this monolithic group were settled amazingly close to Eye of the Storm. Indeed, their lands could be seen from the hills of the wise men! This news was deeply unsettling to the leaders of the Storm. How could two peoples coexist in such proximity?
Then disaster struck. Word came that the people of the one Voice had discovered the answer the people of the Storm had been seeking! Messengers were sent to find the Stormian wise men, and none were to be found! The wise men had been kidnapped by scouts of the Voice, and their secrets stolen!
Ah, but the wise men of the Storm had the last laugh. For the secrets they revealed to the people of the one Voice reflected the multiplicity of voices in the Universe. A pantheon of gods created, ruled, loved and warred. It is believed that the people of the Voice are still struggling with these truths.
The leaders of the Storm demanded that Voxian scouts henceforth stay away from Stormian lands, but soon enough a group was sighted on hills overlooking Eye of the Storm. The great warrior, Spinebreaker, was ordered to arrest the interlopers, and thus began our long war with Vox Controli.
The Storm was unleashed upon the world from the darkness beyond.
The people of the Storm founded their great city, The Eye of the Storm, upon the banks of the great river. The people wondered, as all people do, about the mystery of creation.
And so the people of the Storm sent their wise men up into the hills to ponder the vagueries of the Universe. The Wise men told their people that it would likely take them many years to answer the great question of Life, The Universe and Everything. 42 years, maybe...
The years passed by, and no word came from the wise men. The people of the Storm grew worried. During this time, they had become aware of another tribe who lived downstream of their great city - a people who spoke with one Voice. Soon it became clear that this monolithic group were settled amazingly close to Eye of the Storm. Indeed, their lands could be seen from the hills of the wise men! This news was deeply unsettling to the leaders of the Storm. How could two peoples coexist in such proximity?
Then disaster struck. Word came that the people of the one Voice had discovered the answer the people of the Storm had been seeking! Messengers were sent to find the Stormian wise men, and none were to be found! The wise men had been kidnapped by scouts of the Voice, and their secrets stolen!
Ah, but the wise men of the Storm had the last laugh. For the secrets they revealed to the people of the one Voice reflected the multiplicity of voices in the Universe. A pantheon of gods created, ruled, loved and warred. It is believed that the people of the Voice are still struggling with these truths.
The leaders of the Storm demanded that Voxian scouts henceforth stay away from Stormian lands, but soon enough a group was sighted on hills overlooking Eye of the Storm. The great warrior, Spinebreaker, was ordered to arrest the interlopers, and thus began our long war with Vox Controli.
