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Chronicles of Faraway

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  • #31
    (gratuitous bump, with apologies)

    I didn't want to lose my chronicles since they may be the only record of the game that we only imagined. Plus, I will soon add some progress to the story of Trin.



    • #32
      The old man came awake again with pains in his shoulders and discovered that he had slept (passed out) on his threadbare sofa as he had all too often as of late.

      He creaked open a timid eye to detect the source of disturbance that had ruined his chances of sleeping through the headaches remaining from wine and saw the movement of flaxen fibers. A little more painful light revealed his young friend and housekeeper bending over and peering at him, with her long blond hair spread over her face and freckled cheeks.

      "Wake up you stupid sod. I'm not going to keep coming here if you're going to drink yourself to death. This has been weeks since you did anything but drink wine from morning until... until you pass out."

      "Get up and show you want to live or I'll let you be so that you can die in peace if that is what you want."

      She turned away so that he couldn't see how wet her face was. It took a lot for her to confront the old fool like that. She couldn't think why she even worried about him or tried to keep his household in any kind of shape.

      "Werll Aill pryy bvetbea," was all he could croak out.

      What had happened to the time? Why did he want to feel like this. But then the memories came back and his pains and headaches drew away to a tiny bead with the recollection of the past and the stories that he held.

      "raight, err, right, then. i'll be myself in a little bit here. please just be a little more quiet and don't move so fast. i've a thought to write a little bit when the table will hold still."

      She kept her back to him and wiped her nose on her sleeve. With a sniff she raised her nose as if to sniff at thinner air.

      "Sure, that's easy coming from you after the way you've been. Show me something if you can and then I might stay."

      "Tell me about Lore - and how do you know about these people, anyway?"

      "Bah, woman!" he spat out with feeble strength. "Don't worry about details when the bigger thing suits your fancy. You're all alike, you know. I could tell you stories..."

      "Gak, I feel like a herd of rats made an outhouse out of my mouth. Help me up here... ooooh, not so very fast. I've got to keep one foot down to hold things down so they don't spin so awful bad."

      "Let's see. Trin was upset - that's right, that girl Lore with the short dark hair and skinny backside had him upset because she was entertaining that lad from the Woods. I can set this straight..."


      • #33



        • #34

          Thanks for the update...
          no sig


          • #35
            The Night of No Moon



            • #36
              Best regards,


              • #37
                2 updates so quick! (Must be bored?) Good job.
                Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321


                • #38
                  I wonder why anybody could be bored with this forum at this moment. Hmm. I'll think about it when I wake up.

                  Actually, I had been thinking out the plot line for awhile which made the writing go a little faster.

                  I hope that it entertains folks while we wait.... and wait...


                  • #39
                    Things Change



                    • #40

                      Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                      Worship the Comic here!
                      Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                      • #41
                        Thanks E_T, I was beginning to wonder if anybody read this anymore. I had the story all laid out already and have been looking forward to continuing it. The big question will be whether folks want me to wrap this up and jump into more "current affairs" storytelling or to continue the story of this little corner of Faraway... and possibly tie it into the "real" world eventuallly.



                        • #42
                          I'll read this after I get from work.

                          ...or better yet. I could read this at work.
                          Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici


                          • #43
                            Golden bear, I think it will be quite some time before current affairs are known to everybody so you can write about them.

                            I like how you write an in-depth story about a few people, then skip about 100 years, do a little wrap up (ie: the village grew, now looks like this...) and start a new in-depth story.
                            no sig


                            • #44
                              Well, a skip is coming... but the story needs to lock something in place first. Plus, I need to have a battle for Chrisius.


                              • #45
                                Just to let you know I read.

                                Go on.

                                Best regards,

