Hi all!
Just to clue you all in on some of the things brewing in the Merc forum that we'ld actually enjoy hearing from you prospective clients about:
Rental format:
Right now our rental charges are going to include 3 parts:
1: charge for the unit. This will be based off the hammer cost of the unit in question. (no exact % yet)
2: charge for support costs for unit(s) being out of Team Merc territory.
3: Rebate for all units rented that return alive.
All units will stay in Merc control in this format. And, we will execute any orders you wish during that time. Including suiciding to soften up a target. However, we plan on including the rebate to those teams who do not treat our units as fodder.
Team Mercenary Defense statement:
I'll get it all formal sounding later, and up in our proper thread that will have all the final details. But just to get it out here ASAP.
As stated in our thread, we will not be attacking anyone for our own gain. We will defend ourselves to the best of our ability however. In the event that our lands are invaded, and the attack is repelled, Team Mercenary reserves the right to seek fair compensation in terms of any in-game assets (lands, resourses, tech, gold, etc) from the offending team.
Please, let us know if you have any comments on what you think the % of cost should mean, or any changes you think should take place in the system.
Just to clue you all in on some of the things brewing in the Merc forum that we'ld actually enjoy hearing from you prospective clients about:
Rental format:
Right now our rental charges are going to include 3 parts:
1: charge for the unit. This will be based off the hammer cost of the unit in question. (no exact % yet)
2: charge for support costs for unit(s) being out of Team Merc territory.
3: Rebate for all units rented that return alive.
All units will stay in Merc control in this format. And, we will execute any orders you wish during that time. Including suiciding to soften up a target. However, we plan on including the rebate to those teams who do not treat our units as fodder.

Team Mercenary Defense statement:
I'll get it all formal sounding later, and up in our proper thread that will have all the final details. But just to get it out here ASAP.
As stated in our thread, we will not be attacking anyone for our own gain. We will defend ourselves to the best of our ability however. In the event that our lands are invaded, and the attack is repelled, Team Mercenary reserves the right to seek fair compensation in terms of any in-game assets (lands, resourses, tech, gold, etc) from the offending team.
Please, let us know if you have any comments on what you think the % of cost should mean, or any changes you think should take place in the system.