Finally, with Civ4, you have more than one answer to this question 
PBEM or PiTBoSs? There are advantages to both, or more correctly disadvantages to both...
What is PiTBoSs?
PiTBoSs, or "Persistent Turn-Based Server", is a blend between full-blown Multiplayer mode and PBEM. It is currently in Beta mode, although it is fully compatible with Civ4 1.52 (essentially, the interface is in Beta). At the moment, it functions essentially as a non-graphic Civ4 that hosts MP games, but instead of turn timers being minutes, they're hours. I have played several PiTBoSs games to completion (or obvious conclusion, anyway) in MP-style; if all players are online at the same time, it is identical to MP play.
However, if you are not all online, or if you prefer to take your time, what it does is keep running as a persistent game, as long as the program is running on the host's computer. You can join the game at any time, enter your password, and voila - it's just like you had always been there. If the game is set to simultaneous turns, then you can take your turn at any time, irrespective of other players; conceivably, if all teams logged in during the first hour, the turn would be complete by that time, and the next turn began - regardless of what order the teams were available during.
The host can be one of the players, or not - that's irrelevant. It can be hosted through GameSpy, through DirectIP connection, or through a LAN. The game can be saved and loaded again, and generates autosaves every turn (or as requested in the Civ4.ini file on the host's machine).
Stability of PiTBoSs
Pitboss is still 'beta', and more than likely will gain major enhancements in the upcoming months (we hope). However, in contrast to Civ4 (game) patches, which often render previous versions' saves unplayable, enhancements to Pitboss likely will have no effect on games currently running (although Pitboss is patched alongside any whole-game patches, so any whole-game patch that had that effect would have that on Pitboss).
That said, there are certainly some bugs in Pitboss at the current stage. I've finished a few games in it, but if DGs can do anything, it's find bugs in things. It is possible that Firaxis will have worked out the bugs in Pitboss by the start of this game, and equally possible they won't have.
So the question to the house is:
* Do we want to play PBEM or PiTBoSs?
* Do we wait for PiTBoSs to be fully debugged, possibly some additional time beyond the planned period?
* How long are we willing to wait, if we want to wait?

PBEM or PiTBoSs? There are advantages to both, or more correctly disadvantages to both...
- (more) Stable - known quantity
- More flexible turn-timers
- Doesn't require a server or GameSpy ID
- Easier to enforce rules (no reloading, etc.)
- Easier to enforce turn time limits
- Possibility of simultaneous turns
- Possibility of quicker moving game - simul turns, and allowing pre-moves during wait time even in regular mode
- Ready turn availability via server - no need for email distro list
What is PiTBoSs?
PiTBoSs, or "Persistent Turn-Based Server", is a blend between full-blown Multiplayer mode and PBEM. It is currently in Beta mode, although it is fully compatible with Civ4 1.52 (essentially, the interface is in Beta). At the moment, it functions essentially as a non-graphic Civ4 that hosts MP games, but instead of turn timers being minutes, they're hours. I have played several PiTBoSs games to completion (or obvious conclusion, anyway) in MP-style; if all players are online at the same time, it is identical to MP play.
However, if you are not all online, or if you prefer to take your time, what it does is keep running as a persistent game, as long as the program is running on the host's computer. You can join the game at any time, enter your password, and voila - it's just like you had always been there. If the game is set to simultaneous turns, then you can take your turn at any time, irrespective of other players; conceivably, if all teams logged in during the first hour, the turn would be complete by that time, and the next turn began - regardless of what order the teams were available during.
The host can be one of the players, or not - that's irrelevant. It can be hosted through GameSpy, through DirectIP connection, or through a LAN. The game can be saved and loaded again, and generates autosaves every turn (or as requested in the Civ4.ini file on the host's machine).
Stability of PiTBoSs
Pitboss is still 'beta', and more than likely will gain major enhancements in the upcoming months (we hope). However, in contrast to Civ4 (game) patches, which often render previous versions' saves unplayable, enhancements to Pitboss likely will have no effect on games currently running (although Pitboss is patched alongside any whole-game patches, so any whole-game patch that had that effect would have that on Pitboss).
That said, there are certainly some bugs in Pitboss at the current stage. I've finished a few games in it, but if DGs can do anything, it's find bugs in things. It is possible that Firaxis will have worked out the bugs in Pitboss by the start of this game, and equally possible they won't have.
So the question to the house is:
* Do we want to play PBEM or PiTBoSs?
* Do we wait for PiTBoSs to be fully debugged, possibly some additional time beyond the planned period?
* How long are we willing to wait, if we want to wait?