Originally posted by DeepO
Don't you think the Voxian and the Bobian war were handled very differently than the Lego war, and the Lego war was a much better one there? I know we acted from a feeling of respect towards Lego, and got the same in return. I certainly did not get the same expression from Vox.
Don't you think the Voxian and the Bobian war were handled very differently than the Lego war, and the Lego war was a much better one there? I know we acted from a feeling of respect towards Lego, and got the same in return. I certainly did not get the same expression from Vox.
There was too much, this was too smal to completely remember what you are talking about. Mind you, I'm not making judgement here: I know we probably have made the biggest mistakes, we certainly were the suckers of round one where Beta absolutely floored us with his "Vox public statements". We hadn't learned our lesson yet when the Bobian war broke out. Which is why it was such a big mess. I certainly hope we have learned by now, and this means no public loose cannons, period.