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Gathering Storm

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  • Originally posted by alva

    You can use the GE to see what an opponent is building.

    Having said that, I'm not sure you still can, been awhile since I last played.
    Didn't know this one yet, but it makes sense. That's like using a GS to spot whether an academy has already been built ornot (although you also just look at the city in order to find it).

    But still, I thought the GAM is the only one which will move in closed borders. I don't keep GMs around for that, but if going on a trade mission I tend to pick the unknown regions first.



    • I caught the first part of these proceedings but haven't been around for the most recent stuff.

      Something that doesn't seem to have been asked yet: Do the "people wishing to join" get a vote?*

      If so, I'm in favour of a random map, no oversight - life's not fair. And I am not opposed to the Mercs.

      *Not to mention...when do we know if we've been accepted?


      • Originally posted by dejon
        *Not to mention...when do we know if we've been accepted?
        Dejon, as soon as we get our forum up, we can go about all the official stuff. But I wouldn't be too worried. Like nye said: I'm not aware of any problems anyone on the team has with any of the people waiting to enter. Normally, that should mean that for all those posted so far, we'll welcome you to our team.



        • So... how about those private forums...

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • Does anyone want a new icon for the new civgroup?

            If you do not feel that the original shield is good enough for this round, then please feel free to post candidates for a new GS icon.

            For my part, I'd be happy to use the same one.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • same here ...keep the old one
              anti steam and proud of it

              CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


              • Pick me! Pick me! I want in!
                I've never played an MP game before, but I'm interested in learning!
                I'm also really active!

                P.S. I'm applying for this team first since you've got DeepO and DeepO is godlike.


                • You've found a team that is likely to discuss the strategy a great deal. However, it is also a team that is unlikely to indulge itself with a gratuitous backstab.

                  I mention this after reading your thread, and having added you to the people who wish to join.
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • No backstabbing, eh?
                    I can live with that. How many teams are we going to have in this competition, 7, right?
                    Vox, Us, Mercs, Banana, Horde, Alphacents, Sarantium.
                    If Lying isn't part of our tactics, then what will our diplomatic stance be?
                    Remain friendly with most people, and stay neutral in wars?
                    Get a couple of close teams and stick with 'em?
                    Opportunists with greatly shifting loyalties?

                    If we remain neutral, that lets us build - but eventually someone's going to notice us, and they're gonna call in backup if they've got close loyalties. As Elite as we are, 2 on 1 aren't good odds.
                    However, if we get 1 or 2 other civs behind us, that limits our diplomatic manoevering. We can't side with a Tech Master during times of peace then switch to a War Master during times of war, so we're going to have a weakness somewhere.
                    If we go for the Opportunists route, then it's going to be difficult to prevent people from getting angry about our shifting loyalties without misinformation of some kind, which is out of the question.

                    Oh! And which Leader/Civ are we playing? Have we posted a poll?
                    I'm inclined to go with Washington.


                    • Not no backstabbing... if the situation absolutely calls for it, I doubt we'd be "above" that. It's just we won't be looking for an opportunity to do it.

                      Our diplomacy, meanwhile, well it depends on who steps up to be our diplomats. There is a certain amount of deception that I think is inherent in MP games... but most of the team that is returning from the CivIII PTWDG are not particularly good at that sort of thing. If the new blood is skilled at playing that game, however, so much the better.

                      A couple more things: I wouldn't say we're "elite." We've got a good group of players, but I don't think it's quite the same as the PTWDG, where we were targetted from the beginning as the ringers. And it's important to remember that, no matter how much talent a team has, the team's actual performance ends up depending on how active people are. MP Demogames tend to burn out team leaders and other active players, so there will inevitably be times when some of our best 'n brightest will be unavailable.

                      As for leader... let's see what the map choice is first. Washington is a solid choice, but there are other good ones... lots of 'em. A couple that spring to mind:

                      Mansu Musa

                      I'm sure there are other good options too. But again, I want to know what the map setup is gonna be first...

                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • edit:



                        • edit:

                          *cough (again)


                          • There was a petition for a Terra map.
                            It seems we'll not only start on a continent with everyone, there'll be a barb continent on the other side of the world.
                            Here are the traits, and what I think of them:
                            1. Aggressive
                            Good for early conquest. However, Players don't take lightly to early warmongering - if they see a rampaging army they might band together to stop it.
                            Not as good for late-game conquest as Organised - the trait that lets you keep more conquered cities.

                            2. Creative
                            Since Stonehenge isn't likely, this will be quite useful for the early land grab, and damn useful if we don't start close enough to any religion.
                            It's an early-game trait, but not entirely a bad one, since we'll be neck-and-neck from the start anyway.

                            3. Expansive
                            Depends on the difficulty level. Cheap Harbors and Granaries never hurt anyone, whether Slaving or Trading. +2 Health is nice, too. A Solid second trait.

                            4. Philosophical
                            Good for generating GP (d'uh), and in this game I can tell that he who has Great Prophets has Great Profits. They let you get a boost in the tech race, coin, an academy, or even an obnoxious work of art.

                            5. Financial
                            Good for Teching, good for Rushbuying, a good, flexible trait - especially if we're going to go with cottages.

                            6. Industrious
                            Cheap Forges, basically. Since we're playing against REAL people, our chances to snag a wonder drop dramatically. Even with Industrious, you need to research the tech first - and a trait that is Industrious isn't Financial or Philosophical

                            7. Organised
                            -50% Cost to everything. Since there'll be much expanding on a Terra map, not to mention the later warfare will lead to later conquests (of others, hopefully), I'd say this is a solid trait.

                            8. Spiritual
                            Needs to be greatly leveraged by swapping civics regularily, and I don't know if we'll be able to do that.
                            On a Traits basis, I'd go Organised, Financial and Philosophical as the best traits, with Expansive and Creative being okay.
                            That gives us Mao, Washington or Elizabeth
                            -But- these all give us one problem.
                            They don't have Mysticism, nor are they Creative.
                            This might present a slight problem as we have to build obelisks

                            Cathy could be a solid choice, Creative and Financial with Cossacks - and from what I've read, Cavalry is a decisive point in the game.
                            Asoka's Org/Spi with Mysticism might net us an early religion, too.


                            • If we're going early conquest, though, then matters change significantly.
                              Agressive, Spiritual and Expansive (Chop n Pop) become useful options.
                              Iron Working, Horseback Riding and Archery are the techs of choice. Mining and Hunting become useful starting techs, as does anything which gets our economy rolling.

                              Rome, Mongolia, and possibly China and Russia would work with this - as would the Incans with their lovable unique warrior.
                              Since I'm not well-versed in early conquest, I'll leave it for others - but a Praet Chop Rush or a Keshik Storm can really do some damage. China has Crossbows, brutal when they become effective, and Russia has Cavalry.

                              Add Caesar, Genghis and Capac to that list containing Cathy, Washington, Mao and Lizzie.


                              • Terran may not be the choice... some people have voiced concerns about it turning into an early rush-fest, and they may be right (in which case I agree with them that we shouldn't use Terra).

                                I think the leader question is pretty wide-open. We also should probably wait until we have our private forum before discussing our choices in-depth.

                                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

