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  • Turn Reports

    Turn 94 -525 BC

    Kill barb warrior with archer, go to 5/5. Am thinking either Drill III or formation for the promotion
    Move archer and settler onto hill.
    workers build a road
    banapolis goes from workboat to library. (we are in rep - it would be nice to get some scientists)

  • #2
    450 BC

    We put the city (Fried Bananas) SE of the gems. I pop-rushed a lib in Banapolis for 3 pop and will set 1 scientist there next turn, which will accelerate research tremendously (another 11 beakers) - once we add a 2nd scientist, Banapolis will be cooking along with an extra 22 beakers!!


    • #3
      Played 300 BC today. Looks like we missed the last 4-5 turns. Consider this a bloodless coup.

      I have switched our priorities a bit, if only to make the game interesting for myself (even if we go out with a bang. I have started to build swordsmen in two cities, am completing the Work Boat in Banapolis, and am building a galley in our northernmost city.

      I will also be initiating contact with the Rabbits to see what they can tell us about PAL troops on their front. By getting the Alphabet next turn, we should be able to start tech trade with them.

      Lowered the science rate to 70% so we didn't run out of gold. I would like to get enough gold to upgrade to warriors to spearmen. If we can get a Spear/Archer/Walls combo in each of our border cities, I think we could withstand a PAL counterattack.

      Haven't totally checked out the tech situation entirely, but would like to go after metal casting, so that we can make Workshops and build Forges (nice discount for the Chinese so let's use it!) I'd also like to chop our way into PAL's back yard, along with whipping where sensible.

      I am interested in any ideas you may have. Sorry if I stepped on any toes here, but we need to get back in the game here. Ad we may as well make it engaging while we are at it.


      • #4
        hey donovan.

        As you can tell, my interest is not so high, either...

