We need to decide what research next.
Pyramids in 5, Warrior in 1. We need to decide what to build next in each.
I just whipped the settler so we need to decide where to settle.
I've marked some spots that look good.

1&2- Both are coastal and have a good balance of food and production. 1 will have marble in the fat cross, but has a lot of desert. 2 could hog up some space for some future to the North. They strategically in bad spot since it unlikely that PAL will try to settle there soon.
3- Gems! Flood Plains! Hills!
4- Lots of Production, little food.
5 to 9- All are strategically valuable. I don't think 5 will work (notice the PAL square.) 7&8 have little production and may seem too aggressive. I don't know why I marked 9, it doesn't look too good. 6 looks like the best option since it is the only one with decent production and food.
3 would be the best city, but I think we should go for 6 now.
@EPW: could you take of turnplayer duties now?