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Diplomacy: PAL

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  • Diplomacy: PAL

    We have met the PALinesian peoples.

    Last edited by EPW; June 5, 2008, 01:25.

  • #2
    What shall we communicate to the heathens?


    • #3
      Herald from the PAL!

      Hello Will of the Bananas.

      I am whiplash of PAL and I bring you greetings from the PAL nation.

      We are pleased to meet your civilization, lets rattle our brains together and come up with ways to help each other.

      PAL are inclined to work very closely with Banana in order to strengthen both our positions – Both in terms of military and technology. As both teams are non-financial, PAL have identified early technology coordination as a key objective, to minimize duplication, allow Oracle to give something worth having and to maximize infrastructure.

      But before we get into detailed discussions, I think we should set the foundations i.e. a peace treaty to allow the mutual build up of infrastructure without the risk of being attacked.

      Would Banana agree to the following terms?

      1) Under no circumstances can either team attack the other, unless explicit permission is granted for a fixed period of time (i.e to cook a general)
      2) The peace treaty will last for a period of 200 turns – turn 210
      3) Should one team seek a right of passage from the other, it must be granted (when the technology is available)
      4) Maps cannot be traded to a third party without seeking the other teams permission.

      This is obviously just a skeleton, we would be interested to hear Bananas thoughts and suggestions.

      Once we have agreement on this, we can start discussing other things such as wonders, technology research, borders, etc.

      We look forward to your response.

      Let the team work begin!

      The video may avatar is from


      • #4

        We need to find out where they are located before we agree to anything.


        • #5
          I vote to not make any deals for 15 turns so we can get a better a better idea of our surrondings.
          The video may avatar is from


          • #6
            After what happened last game, I am wary of trusting any of our neighbors.

            This thread should probably be topped


            • #7
              Thread topped.

              If no one has any objections, I'll send this in 72 hours:

              Herald from the Land of the Great Banana, whose true name shall be spoken.

              To Whiplash of the PALians:

              Our preists have been in great thought recently. They just went on a five month session of smoking banana peels to try to hear what the Great Banana, whose true name shall not be spoken, wishes. They have decided that his greatness, in all his banananess glory, does not see your people as evil and that freindly relations are possible with your great nation.

              On the matter of a treaty, the Great Banana, whose true name shall not be spoken, does not feel we are ready to agree to anything so binding. We are not throwing out the idea of a treaty outright, but we we shall wait until more of this world is revealed to us before making our decision. We shall contact you in 15-20 Banana cycles, I believe you call banana cycles "turns", with more information about our wishes.

              I hope we shall have good relations and that your people do not go the way of the evil Yang.

              From the High Temple of the Banana, Vol

              Vivu La Banano!
              USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
              The video may avatar is from


              • #8


                • #9
                  PM sent
                  USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                  The video may avatar is from


                  • #10
                    Whiplash's response:

                    Fair enough!

                    We look forward to the next Bananagram
                    USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                    The video may avatar is from


                    • #11
                      I talked to PAL in game, they want to know what we are researching so that we don't waste beakers.

                      I told them that we want bananas at all costs, by trade or force. That the Great Banana would show the path to Glory and to let the peels be with them.


                      • #12
                        PM from PAL

                        Hi Team Banana,

                        It has been some time since we heard from you guys; we were just wondering what plans you guys have and how we can help each other.

                        We are currently toying with the idea of researching alphabet directly, so if you guys could go for another technology path we could probably help each other out.

                        Are banana interested in working with PAL? We are a little concerned; if this island doesn’t work together we could fall behind the other island.


                        whiplash [PAL]

                        PS, it's better to communicate by e-mail

                        I plan to send them something along the lines of the great banana has told us stories of the great people of old who were betrayed and that we still aren't ready to commit to anything.
                        USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                        The video may avatar is from


                        • #13
                          Apparently we are on an island. I thought this was a terra map?


                          • #14
                            We got an email from PaL:

                            we want to talk about trading and peace. we got ivory we could give you for clams or something.

                            this is their email for diplo:



                            • #15
                              We got an email from PaL:

                              we want to talk about trading and peace. we got ivory we could give you for clams or something.

                              this is their email for diplo:


