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Templar Illegal Move T148

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  • Templar Illegal Move T148

    Templars moved a mace into Jericho after their 16 hours had elapsed. Sullla posted a screenshot at 15 hours on the clock, and sunrise has one of Jericho with 9 hours to go.

    I suggest we lodge a protest, but allow the mace to remain as long as no further illegal moves/upgrades are made. For me, he delay and difficulty of getting the appropriate autosave reloaded outweighs the desire for absolute justice.

    Let's hear your thoughts, and try to post something in the main thread as soon as practicable.

  • #2
    We lodge a protest and force them to move one of the other two maces to where the third came from. This leaves the city defenders as they were at the 16hour mark. As a "punishment" for their illeagl move they lose the 25% fortify bonus on the mace they move away.

    They know we have lots of people logging in and checking the game all the time. Why make such an obvious illegal move?



    • #3
      If it's just one mace move then we can consider letting it slide with a warning. Did you see if they moved either of their two other stacks?


      • #4
        I agree that we should formally protest just to let them know that we are watching, but is that extra mace really worth the argument? I agree with Swiss that we should just complain and say that next time we'll demand a punishment.

        PS How soon will the turn tick over? (Should I even try staying up for it?)


        • #5
          One mace can make a difference if we have a couple of bad dice rolls. In that case we look rather stupid, allowing their illegal move and then not taking the city or not holding it because of it.
          I say, they move one mace out of the city.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Zeviz View Post
            PS How soon will the turn tick over?
            (Should I even try staying up for it?)
            7hours on the clock. I would even suggest pausing the game to resolve the illegal movement.



            • #7
              OK, post in the public disputes thread together with a quote of the relevant ruling and pause the game. I'm heading out now and can't do it.


              • #8
                Posted in the Disputes Thread.

                Game paused.
                For reference, here is the situation when Templars time was up:

                And here the one from later in the turn. Notice the new mace:

                I suggested to move one maceman back to where the offender came from (possibly Constantinople?)
                The new maceman has a combat I promo. But they will lose the 25% fortify bonus when moving the "old" mace out.
                Seems fair to me.

                We also don't want to see any new promos this turn from Templars.

                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mostly-harmless View Post
                  One mace can make a difference if we have a couple of bad dice rolls. In that case we look rather stupid, allowing their illegal move and then not taking the city or not holding it because of it.
                  I say, they move one mace out of the city.
                  I have to agree with m_h here, and would even demand a reload if not for the additional delay that causes. Besides, it's a matter of principle, and it looks a bit strange that we will sometimes let an illegal move pass, and sometimes insist on a reload. I say we should act consistently and demand at least the mace moving out.

                  If a reload occurs, we should insist on them replaying their moves exactly as this turn, sans the double move of course. Otherwise they would have gained an advantage from their illegal move, namely time to discuss (remember us imagining them panicking when they log in late?).



                  • #10
                    At first I was inclined to let this slide, believing it wasn't an intentional break of the 16 hour rule. But I agree it would look stupid if the extra mace would cause to not take Jericho.

                    I suggest we contact mr. Greenfield and tell him to move out.
                    She said 'Your nose is running honey' I said 'Sorry but it's not'


                    • #11
                      Kylearan's argument is a good one and I now agree with it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MyOtherCar View Post
                        I suggest we contact mr. Greenfield and tell him to move out.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MyOtherCar View Post
                          I suggest we contact mr. Greenfield and tell him to move out.
                          That's hilarious


                          • #14
                            @Kylearan: Notice the street he lives in..
                            She said 'Your nose is running honey' I said 'Sorry but it's not'


                            • #15
                              About Templar mace, isn't it better for us that the mace is in the city ready to suffer collateral damage from cats, instead of getting ready to counter-attack the next turn? (We might not have any good defenders left, so any Templar units capable of counter-attacking Jericho might be able to do a lot of damage.)

