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Turnplayer Thread #2.

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  • In that case it is not worth trading for Priesthood.
    Will all the excess beakers (81-4) from the second turn into Priesthood be carried over to the next tech?



    • I think so. There isn't a cap on beaker overflow is there?


      • And because Priesthood is our tech with the biggest pre-req boni, we should massage the numbers to ensure the biggest possible overflow, because the overflow will be calculated with the pre-req and other civ bonues (1.1 and 1.4) from PRIESTHOOD, not from say Monotheism.

        Similarly when going from Monotheism to Monarchy we should massage the numbers so we have the smallest possible overflow, since our boni for Monarchy are higher.

        Sullla I believe that you are correct that we do not get a 20% bonus for Masonry on Monotheism.

        I also think we need to check in WB about 1.4 for Monarchy. The tech thread I was reading that explained this was a little vague about it. You only get 1.2 for OPTIONAL pre-reqs and since only one of Priesthood and Monotheism is optional (you have to have at least ONE of them), I was not clear as to whether or not we would get 1.4 for Monarchy.

        Probably worth a WB test.


        • Even if trading for Priesthood saves us a just single turn of research, that's one turn faster we'll get all other techs.

          And another reason I suggest the trade is that a missionary would be very useful. (Our chances of getting one from Templars are pretty small.)


          • I don't mind if we do the priesthood trade or not. I agree with worker after library in capital.


            • Q: If you don't slave the settler, what turn will it be able to settle the city? Turn 88? And what if you do slave it, Turn 86?
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • So, it's that close, hmm? ;-)


                • Oh crap. Last time Krill asked us what time the settler arrived we were just on time. Still, a double whip seems excessive. If we are beaten to iron peaks, is it really a disaster? We would lose knights, right? That's annoying I agree. Crossbows? Are they any good in multiplayer Sunrise?

                  What I'm saying is that we have other nice spots we can settle if we are beaten to pink peaks.


                  • sooooo in panic mode? ;-)

                    Swordsman, Pikeman, X-Bow, Knight, Cuirassier, Cannon, Frigate, Ship of The Line, Ironclad
                    and things like Ironworks.

                    Ah, yes and the turn just finished with Imperio hitting "Enter"! I'll better go and check.

                    Last edited by mostly-harmless; November 14, 2008, 11:10.


                    • Yes - I was also wondering if there was any meta-game wondering in krill asking this, given the happenings last time.

                      Can Sharon or anyone scout the area for an in-path settler?


                      • Even if Templars do go for the Iron site, then they'll likely either settle on the desert tile next to the oasis, or on the plains tile, in order to work the rice as well (see below):

                        So Pink Peaks can still be settled as planned. Only if they are so bold to settle for cows and iron do we lose the PP chase.


                        • While we wait for Sullla to move around our units and do the whipping and scouting (one of the chariots should definitely check along Templars borders!), here is a quick update.

                          We got Islam via natural spread in Airstrip One!! Yay!
                          The northern barb suicided against the Quecha.
                          Imperio settled 4th city (We have yet to figure out where. Beaver corner seems likely)



                          • Originally posted by Swiss Pauli
                            Even if Templars do go for the Iron site, then they'll likely either settle on the desert tile next to the oasis, or on the plains tile, in order to work the rice as well (see below):
                            Unless I got you totally wrong, what you said is not possible. Keep in mind Constantinople!
                            I would not be surprised if they would settle on the Iron or 1W of it.

                            (Sorry for my constant double posting. So excited!)


                            • So is Constantinople underneath that sign? I'm unclear which desert tile you mean.

                              It looked like the ones you talked about would have iron in first ring which would mean it would be really hard to out-culture it.


                              • Nothing wrong on double posting, it's one of the finest traditions of demogames

                                The reason I'm asking is because I can't (and wouldn't) log in to any of the civs so I'm stuck looking at the pictures you post. So I don't know which tile Syme is on, don't know how many turns til he finishes the road etc, I don;t know how long it will take the settler to get there. And when I write the history up I do want to be able to use the correct turn numbers in it
                                You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

