The way we work things in Southern Cross in the Warlords DG is someone logs into the game and posts screenshots of the units with moves, city screens, info screens etc. That person then posts their thoughts on moves, workforces, builds, tweaks, strategy etc....
Then other team members provide feedback and their thoughts via posts until we reach an agreement which scales according to the amount of time left on the clock.....
i.e. Turn timer is 48 hours, and assuming all five of us are active at that particular time.
To play turn from 1-24 hours all five members must agree.
To play turn from 24-36 hours only four members must agree.
To play turn from 36-42 hours only three members must agree.
To play turn from 42-48 hours only two members must agree.
If any important info or events occur after a move but before the next turn the person who played the turn posts additional screenshots so everyone is kept as up to date as possible....
Not sure how this system would work in a larger team, but I'd like to keep whatever system we use as open and flexible as possible to encourage everyone to be as active as they want to be.
Any other thoughts about a good system from anyone else???
Then other team members provide feedback and their thoughts via posts until we reach an agreement which scales according to the amount of time left on the clock.....
i.e. Turn timer is 48 hours, and assuming all five of us are active at that particular time.
To play turn from 1-24 hours all five members must agree.
To play turn from 24-36 hours only four members must agree.
To play turn from 36-42 hours only three members must agree.
To play turn from 42-48 hours only two members must agree.
If any important info or events occur after a move but before the next turn the person who played the turn posts additional screenshots so everyone is kept as up to date as possible....
Not sure how this system would work in a larger team, but I'd like to keep whatever system we use as open and flexible as possible to encourage everyone to be as active as they want to be.
Any other thoughts about a good system from anyone else???