Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
ok, con don't want me arround.
Seriously. I understand the "religion concept" is strictly a roleplaying thing. (more's the pity)
Is there room on the team for me to roleplay a raving psychopath of a cult leader, quite possibly not recognized by the proper 'church'? (very likely going public with my ravings, damn the poll, let em ban me)
Or would you guys rather everyone on the team stick to this peace be with you bullsh*t?
ok, con don't want me arround.
Seriously. I understand the "religion concept" is strictly a roleplaying thing. (more's the pity)
Is there room on the team for me to roleplay a raving psychopath of a cult leader, quite possibly not recognized by the proper 'church'? (very likely going public with my ravings, damn the poll, let em ban me)
Or would you guys rather everyone on the team stick to this peace be with you bullsh*t?