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General Games Settings Discussion Thread

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  • General Games Settings Discussion Thread

    Please post your thoughts on which settings we should us look at when deciding the settings for this game.

    Once we know what areas of the game we want to examine in more detail we could start a thread for each issue to discuss in more detail.
    Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
    The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
    Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
    Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game

  • #2
    To get the ball rolling :

    I'd like a shuffle map, or a custom made map designed by a non-playing member of the community willing to do it. If a custom made map, I'd like it to be designed without any form of team/player input other than :

    Difficulty Level
    Team Civilization
    Map size
    Game speed
    Starting era
    Game Options
    Victory Conditions
    Multiplayer Options

    i.e. The process of making the actual geography of the map is left entirely to the map maker. Teams choose their civilization without knowing the map geography and must base their decision on their preferred style of play, not what fits the map type best......
    Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
    The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
    Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
    Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


    • #3
      Just one question right now, how many civs are we planning on using, all 18? and therefore 18 teams? Just wondering as it is quit possible that the competitive MP community could probably organize more than one team/civ.

      Global Admin/Owner
      Civilization Players Leagues steam://friends/joinchat/103582791431089902


      • #4
        I'm not fused the settings. I'll play whatever.


        • #5
          As for difficulty level, I think Monarch would be suitable? I don't know the general concensus but I'd think either that or Prince.

          Map Size depending on the number of teams; If there are 18 teams as suggested by CanuckSoldier, Huge would be a good size. If less, then Large.

          I don't care about map type. I personally play RandomScriptMap with every setting except Archipelago so I'm happy to play anything. The start locations should differ from each other to some extent but not so that someone would get a clear advantage from the get-go based on their location alone.

          I like Marathon as the game speed so my vote goes there. Either that or Epic.

          Ancient start

          No tech Brokering
          Raging Barbarians
          City Flipping After Conquest
          Choose Religions
          Random events are on
          Goody huts are on

          All victory conditions except time. It's unlikely for anyone to get a diplo win but atleast you could tinker around with the AP and later on the UN, which would be nice.

          My initial thoughts.
          "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


          • #6
            Originally posted by CanuckSoldier
            Just one question right now, how many civs are we planning on using, all 18? and therefore 18 teams? Just wondering as it is quit possible that the competitive MP community could probably organize more than one team/civ.

            There is no plan as of yet CS, we are making it as we post.......

            The only concerns shown (via PM) have been that it would be better to have fewer stronger teams with a good stock of active posters and potential turn players, rather than more weaker teams who decay into one man teams after the first couple of millennia......
            Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
            The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
            Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
            Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


            • #7
              My suggeston is that we play pangaea, so that we we get diplo moving asap. Early warfare is a possibility, sure, but as teh entire game was balanced for that possibiity, early warfare is a good idea...
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • #8
                My only concern is the number of teams -- as pointed out let's make sure we have fewer but stronger teams. The Warlords DG has 8 Poly teams (excluding teams from other sites and the staff team), which I think has clearly proven to be too much: almost all of those are one-person teams now.

                For this DG so far 6 people signed up as team leaders and I'm pretty sure the Spanish guys plan on joining us as well, that's 7 teams already. Too much, we should restrict it to at most 5 teams IMO (plus teams from other communities, if enough people sign up for them I have no problem with having multiple teams from the Ladder/MP community).
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #9
                  I'll agree with RobWorham and Locutus on this.

                  Keep the number of teams as low as possible.

                  I would suggest giving the opportunity to people, preferably (candidate) team leaders, to present their team concepts within a time frame, and then people vote for the ones they find better. Having agreed from the beginning on the total number of participating teams, the ones that will receive the less votes will be disregarded.


                  • #10
                    Been thinking about this for a bit, I like Keygen's thought. I think we should strife to have at least 10 people on each team, but of course you can't really enforce this because if people are forced into teams they don't like they'll just drop out, so some teams will inevitably be larger than others. To compensate for that we should IMO allow 1 team for every roughly 15 people that sign up for this DG by a certain deadline (let's say March 1st?) So for example if 50 people sign up we should have 4 teams, if 100 people sign up we can have 7 teams.

                    I propose that in the time between now and the team deadline the team leaders should post their team concepts (should be in a new thread so that these threads can also serve as team sign-up threads). Around the time the deadline passes we'll start voting on these: any team concept that gets at least 15 votes is accepted and will get a private forum so the team can get themselves organised. If needed we'll hold further run-off polls for the other team concepts where the least popular ones are eliminated until the team limit is reached. If we end up with very lopsided teams this way we might have to see if we can move some people from the strongest teams to the weakest ones, but that's something we can worry about when the time comes (at least we'll have the team structure set up then).

                    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                    • #11
                      i disagree with having 15+ people on a team, only 4 teams, nothing would get decided or accomplished without tremendous hassle. Plus i like more teams.

                      The problem with the Warlords DG was that is was Warlords then BTS came out, think a patch or two, then the holidays hit, not the teams themselves.

                      regardless, i will abide by whatever rules that are decided, its your decision Wouter.
                      The Wizard of AAHZ


                      • #12
                        No, it's not my decision, actually. It's up to the community to decide what the rules will be -- I'm posting here merely as an interested player, not as a Poly admin who intends to lay down the law.
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by AAHZ
                          i disagree with having 15+ people on a team, only 4 teams, nothing would get decided or accomplished without tremendous hassle. Plus i like more teams.
                          The problem is that many people are always inactive and teams will inevitably whittle down over time. You might have 20 people at the start, but even the largest C4W DG teams had no more than 4 or 5 active players by the time BtS came out (and several teams were already down to a single player) -- BtS had little to do with that. Plus, that's the whole point of a team DG, the earliest DGs had dozens of players on each team.

                          I like many teams too, but we just don't have the community to support that. The only way I can see us really having a lot of teams is if we get CFC involved (which would be fine by me, but probably means a fair bit of hassle to set up -- would pretty much make this an Intersite DG).
                          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                          • #14
                            The problem with Earlier DGs were tahat they were PBEM, so it was roughly 1 turn per week, and the lack of stuff to do lead to inactivity. If we have a turn time of 48 hours (which I think is about right) then there is no reason to be inactive because enw stuff is always happening.
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Krill
                              The problem with Earlier DGs were tahat they were PBEM, so it was roughly 1 turn per week, and the lack of stuff to do lead to inactivity. If we have a turn time of 48 hours (which I think is about right) then there is no reason to be inactive because enw stuff is always happening.

                              And the biggest problem with the Warlords DG is that it is 11 teams on a huge map. Far too much real estate for each team, not enough pressure, not enough dynamics.

                              That being said, Southern Cross are enjoying that game hugely!!!
                              Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
                              The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
                              Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
                              Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game

