a while ago Yin said I could do this so I having an hour I will
for any who post here (not very likely)
go like this
put the game: put the mistake, put "1st reasoning/example", put "2nd reasoning/example", put "3rd reasoning/example"
then firaxis will not be doomed to repeat previous errors
smac = sid meiers alpha centauri
civ 2 = civilization 2
ctp = call to power
xsmac = sid meiers alein crossfire
civ = civilization
feel free to add any others
this will also make it very easy to summarize
I'll start
smac: to easy to be aggressive in war with offense always 2 or more times the defense
smac: offensive technology is to easy to get, "I have had 13 offense while having only 3 defense", "it is very easy to get 4 offense and much harder to get 3 defense"
smac: it is stupid to have sheilds provide defense and weapons provide offense, "so all I need is a bunker and titanium armor to fight off a tank?"
ctp: stupid units, "preist", "telvision guy", "ecowarrior", "cyberninja"
ctp: no such thing as military engineers, "I want to be able to build forts and stuff in enemy land for extended campaigns"
smac: graphics look like made for some small tactical combat map, not for planetwide game, "the mountains and things take a long way for evelation changes and do it in the way of individual mountains that are continet wide, this would look extremely bad on earth"
civ: graphics look old
there that should be a start
JOn Miller
for any who post here (not very likely)
go like this
put the game: put the mistake, put "1st reasoning/example", put "2nd reasoning/example", put "3rd reasoning/example"
then firaxis will not be doomed to repeat previous errors
smac = sid meiers alpha centauri
civ 2 = civilization 2
ctp = call to power
xsmac = sid meiers alein crossfire
civ = civilization
feel free to add any others
this will also make it very easy to summarize
I'll start
smac: to easy to be aggressive in war with offense always 2 or more times the defense
smac: offensive technology is to easy to get, "I have had 13 offense while having only 3 defense", "it is very easy to get 4 offense and much harder to get 3 defense"
smac: it is stupid to have sheilds provide defense and weapons provide offense, "so all I need is a bunker and titanium armor to fight off a tank?"
ctp: stupid units, "preist", "telvision guy", "ecowarrior", "cyberninja"
ctp: no such thing as military engineers, "I want to be able to build forts and stuff in enemy land for extended campaigns"
smac: graphics look like made for some small tactical combat map, not for planetwide game, "the mountains and things take a long way for evelation changes and do it in the way of individual mountains that are continet wide, this would look extremely bad on earth"
civ: graphics look old
there that should be a start
JOn Miller